This is a 6 letter answer

Dictionary definitions:

Word: staple
Phonetic: /ˈsteɪ.pəl/

A town containing merchants who have exclusive right, under royal authority, to purchase or produce certain goods for export; also, the body of such merchants seen as a group.
(by extension) Place of supply; source.
The principal commodity produced in a town or region.
A basic or essential supply. Example: Rice is a staple in the diet of many cultures.
A recurring topic or character.
Short fiber, as of cotton, sheep’s wool, or the like, which can be spun into yarn or thread.
Unmanufactured material; raw material.
To sort according to its staple. Example: to staple cotton
Relating to, or being market of staple for, commodities. Example: a staple town
Established in commerce; occupying the markets; settled. Example: a staple trade
Fit to be sold; marketable.
Regularly produced or manufactured in large quantities; belonging to wholesale traffic; principal; chief.

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