This is a 4 letter answer

Dictionary definitions:

Word: idle
Phonetic: /ˈaɪd(ə)l/

An idle animation.
An idle game.
To spend in idleness; to waste; to consume.
To lose or spend time doing nothing, or without being employed in business.
Of an engine: to run at a slow speed, or out of gear; to tick over.
Empty, vacant.
Not being used appropriately; not occupied; (of time) with no, no important, or not much activity. Example: My computer hibernates after it has been idle for 30 minutes.
Not engaged in any occupation or employment; unemployed; inactive; doing nothing in particular. Example: idle workmen
Averse to work, labor or employment; lazy; slothful. Example: an idle fellow
Of no importance; useless; worthless; vain; trifling; thoughtless; silly. Example: an idle story;  idle talk;  idle rumor
Light-headed; foolish.

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