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All clues having "ADAM" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for ADAM below.
American Idol Lambert
American Idol runner-up Lambert
And ___ gave names to all cattle (Gen. 2:20)
And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon ___ (G
As You Like It servant
Back to the Batcave autobiographer West
Batman actor West
Batman star West
Bonanza brother
Bonanza role
Bonanza son
Cantique de Noel composer
Chicago Hope star Arkin
Fall guy
For Your Entertainment singer Lambert
Genesis name
Giralda composer
Goody Two Shoes singer Ant
Happy Gilmore actor Sandler
I dont know him from ___
In Fifty Years Well All Be Chicks author Carolla
Paradise Lost character
She shall be called Woman speaker
The Wealth of Nations author Smith
The Wealth of Nations philosopher Smith
The Wedding Singer Sandler
The Wedding Singer star Sandler
Wealth of Nations author Smith
Whataya Want from Me singer Lambert
___ 12
___ Bede (George Eliot novel)
___ Bede (George Eliots first novel)
___-12 (1968-75 police drama)
___-12: 60s-70s police drama
Bonanza brother
Laissez faire espouser Smith
___-12 (old police drama)
... and his dad
1910 Rodin sculpture at the Met
1980s home computer
1999 Pro Bowl guard Timmerman
60s cop show
A Cartwright
A Ponderosa son
A Trask in East of Eden
A racing Petty
Abels dad
Abels father
Actor Arkin
Actor Baldwin
Actor Sandler
Actor West
Alan Arkins son
An Arkin
An apple was named after him
Ant or Arkin
Ant or Sandler
Ant or West
Ant who sings
Arkin of Chicago Hope
As old as ___
Australian golfer ___ Scott
Avalanche right winger Deadmarsh
Bachelor No. 1?
Baldwin of Chuck
Baldwin on film
Baldwin or Sandler
Bandmate of Bono
Bassist Schlesinger of Fountains of Wayne
Batman West
Batman before Michael
Batman portrayer West
Beastie Boy Yauch
Bede of fiction
Bede of literature
Being number one?
Ben Cartwrights eldest
Bens oldest son on Bonanza
Biblical animal namer
Biblical evictee
Biblical namer of the animals
Biblical progenitor
Biblical rib donor
Biblical rib donor?
Bonanza boy
Book of Genesis character
Boys name
Brian Basset comic strip ___@Home
Brody of The O.C.
Brother of Hoss
Brother of Hoss and Little Joe
Brother of Little Joe
Brother on Bonanza
Burts Batman buddy
Cain raiser
Cain raiser?
Cain was his son
Cains dad
Cains father
California congressman Schiff
Capitals center Oates
Carolla of The Man Show
Childish Sandler
Classic Rodin sculpture
Colts placekicker Vinatieri
Comedian Carolla
Comedian Sandler
Comedic Sandler
Comic Sandler
Comic-opera composer Adolphe ___
Competitor Schoenfeld*
Cop-car action in 70s ___ 12 TV series
Counting Crows lead singer Duritz
Counting Crows singer Duritz
Creation on the sixth day
Creationism VIP
Creationism figure
D.A. Schiff on Law & Order
Dalgliesh the sleuth
Diarist in a Mark Twain story
Disgraced gardener
Displaced gardener
District attorney Schiff on Law & Order
Dons Reign Over Me costar
Dr. Bricker on The Love Boat
Drews 50 First Dates costar
Dunn of the Nats
Durwitz of Counting Crows
Dweller in Paradise
Early evictee
Early exile
Early forefather?
Early fruit fancier
Early fruit sampler
Early man
Early rib donor?
Economist Smith
Eden dweller
Eden evacuee
Eden evictee
Eden exile
Eden gardener
Eden patriarch
Eden resident
Eliot character
Eliots ___ Bede
Eliots -- Bede
Eliots Bede
Emilys Punch-Drunk Love costar
End of a Garden-of-Eden palindrome
Enoss grandfather
Eve lover
Eves Garden of Eden partner
Eves counterpart
Eves dude
Eves man
Eves mate
Eves partner
Eves predecessor
Evelyns guy*
Everyones ancestor
Evictee from paradise
Exile of note
Faith or Sandler
Faithful servant in As You Like It
Fall figure
Fall guy?
Fallen fellow
Famous evictee
Famous rib donor
Father of Cain and Abel
Father of Seth
Fatherless fellow
Fatherless one
Fictional Bede
Fictional inspector Dalgliesh
Fig leaves wearer
Fig-leaf wearer
Figure in a fall
Figure on the Sistine Chapel ceiling
Figure on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Fired gardener
First Edenite
First Father
First Prophet of Islam
First among men
First among men?
First bone donor
First bone donor?
First bone transplant donor?
First donor?
First fall guy?
First family father
First family man
First family member
First family member?
First family patriarch
First fellow
First garden party?
First gardener
First gardener?
First grandfather
First guy
First guy to get a ribbing?
First husband
First husband?
First in a long line?
First in the race
First in the race?
First ladys man
First ladys man?
First ladys mate?
First man
First man in the Bible
First man on the scene
First man to be ribbed
First mate
First mate?
First name
First name in the Bible
First name in the dismal science
First name of two Beastie Boys
First name of two Beastie Boys members
First name?
First of all
First of all?
First of billions
First of billions?
First of men
First of us all
First one
First one here
First parent
First person
First person to be ribbed
First person?
First place resident?
First rib donor?
First surgical patient
First to arrive?
First-family member
Former Loveline host Carolla
Founding father?
Fourth-generation car racer
Funnyman Sandler
Furniture design family
Furniture style
G. Eliot drew a Bede on him
Garden dweller
Garden figure
Garden man
Garden of Eden figure
Garden of Eden man
Garden of Eden resident
Garden of Eden tender
Garden party
Garden party?
Garden resident
Garden transplant?
Gardener number one
Genesis 2 name
Genesis 2:7 subject
Genesis character
Genesis exile
Genesis figure
Genesis gent
Genesis gentleman
Genesis man
Genesis patriarch
Genesis progenitor
George Eliot title word
George Eliots ___ Bede
Goldberg of 2 Days in Paris
Granddad of 1A
Grandfather of Enos
Guy in a garden
Half of a Loveline panel
Happy Gilmore first name
He could give a first-person account
He got here first
He got ribbed
He had no mother
He had no shame
He has an apple named after him
He once lived in a garden
He raised Cain
He was first
Hes #1!
Hes number one
Hes seen on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Horovitz or Yauch
Horovitz or Yauch of The Beastie Boys
Hoss big brother
Human #1
Inspector Dalgliesh
Jacks Anger Management costar
John Cusacks Hot Tub Time Machine role
Journalist Clymer
Keefe of the Warriors
Keefe on the court
Kicker Vinatieri
Klutzy comic Sandler
Lambert of Idol
Last word in a palindrome
Latest racing Petty
Lead singer Levine of Maroon 5
Leading man
Leading man?
Levine of The Voice
Liliths husband
Little Joes bro
Little Joes brother
Loser of a rib
Man 1?
Man before Eve
Man before men
Man before there were men
Man cast out of Eden
Man cast out of paradise
Man in Eden
Man in a garden
Man of Genesis
Man on first?
Man related to everyone
Man who was never born
Man who was subjected to a ribbing?
Man whos first in line?
Man with a mother? Yes and no! (4)
Man with a spare rib?
Man with an apple
Man with an apple named after him?
Man without a mother
Man without parents
Maroon 5 lead singer Levine
Meadows of the Indianapolis Colts
Michelangelos fresco The Creation of ___
Motherless man
Mr. Ant
NHLs Graves or Foote
Name in a palindrome
Nice woman has no limits with man in garden? (4)
Not know from ___
Not know from ___ (be unfamiliar with)
Noted bone donor
Noted exile
Noted garden denizen
Noted rib donor
Oates on ice
Oates or Graves of the N.H.L.
One cast out of paradise
One getting first view of female nude from a barrier (4)
One of TVs Cartwrights
One of the Arkins
One of the Cartwright boys
One of the Ponderosa boys
One of the Smiths
One of the first people
One there in the first place
One who raised Cain
One with a first-person account?
One with a spare rib?
One without a bellybutton
Original donor
Original fellow
Original sinner
Orlandos servant in As You Like It
P.D. Jamess detective Dalgliesh
Pacman Joness real first name
Padres pitcher Eaton
Painter Elsheimer
Palindrome guy
Paradise evictee
Part for Pernell
Party of the first part?
Pascal of Rent
Person on the Sistine Chapel ceiling
Pioneer gardener?
Place kicker Vinatieri with four Super Bowl rings
Placekicker Vinatieri
Police dispatchers A
Polish poet Mickiewicz
Ponderosa boy
Pop singer Ant
Primal man?
Primal predecessor
Prime mister
Provider of the first bone transplant?
Race starter
Race starter?
Radio host Carolla
Relief pitcher Wainwright
Rib donor
Rib donor?
Rib relinquisher
Rich of Eight Is Enough
Rock star Ant
Rocker Ant
Rodin piece
Rodin sculpture
Rodin sculpture at the Met
Rodin subject
Role for Pernell
Role in Haydns The Creation
SNL alumnus Sandler
SNL first name
Sandler formerly of S.N.L.
Sandler of 50 First Dates
Sandler of Anger Management
Sandler of Big Daddy
Sandler of Billy Madison
Sandler of Click
Sandler of Funny People
Sandler of Grown Ups
Sandler of Happy Gilmore
Sandler of Little Nicky
Sandler of SNL
Sandler of Saturday Night Live
Sandler of Spanglish
Sandler of The Longest Yard
Sandler of The Waterboy
Sandler of The Wedding Singer
Sandler of What the Hell Happened to Me?
Sandler of You Dont Mess with the Zohan
Sandler of Anger Management
Sandler of I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry
Sandler of Hollywood
Sandler of silly guitar songs
Sandler on the screen
Sandler or Arkin
Sandler or Smith
Sandler or West
Sandler who played Canteen Boy
Sandler who sang Ode to My Car
Scot Smith
Screendoms Sandler
Screwy singer Sandler
Second baseman Kennedy
Second fruit eater
Second sinner
See 93A
Seths dad
Seths father
Seths pop
Silly Sandler
Singer Lambert
Singer Levine
Singing Ant
Sistine Chapel ceiling figure
Sistine Chapel chap
Sistine Chapel depiction
Sistine Chapel figure
Sistine Chapel fresco figure
Sistine ceiling figure
Sistine fresco figure
Sixth day creation
Sixth-day creation
Sleuth Dalgliesh
Smith of note
Smith of wealth
Smith or Baldwin
Smith or Sandler
Smith who wrote The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Someone who could give a first-person account
Someone you dont know someone from
Style of furniture
TV Batman West
TVs ___ 12
TVs -- 12
Tabithas brother on Bewitched
The #1 guy?
The first prophet of God
The number one guy?
The old ___ (human tendency to sin)
The younger Arkin
Thrifty Smith
Title dad in a comic strip by Brian Basset
To whom God said You are dust
U2 bassist
U2 bassist Clayton
Unborn person?
Wagnalls of Funk & Wagnalls
Washington congressman or famed economist Smith
West of Batman
West of Batman
West of Gotham City
West of Gotham City fame
West of Gotham City?
West of Hollywood
West of the 1991 TV pilot Lookwell!
West or Ant
West or Smith
West who plays the mayor on Family Guy
West who was Batman
Yauch of the Beastie Boys
Yauch or Horovitz of the Beastie Boys
Youngest in the Petty racing legacy
Zohan portrayer Sandler
___ Clayton Powell
___ Clayton Powell Jr.
___ West (Batman man)
___ West of Batman
___ and Steve (variation on a biblical pair)
___s apple (throat projection)
est of Batman
oser of a rib
Hero of 1859 novel.
Mr. Smith, who wrote Wealth of Nations.
Furniture style, similar to Sheraton.
Man's name meaning red earth.
Lilith's spouse.
Resident of Eden.
Character in The Green Pastures.
William Dillard's role.
It's similar to Sheraton.
Madam, I'm ___.
George Eliot's carpenter hero.
Father of Mankind.
Man's name.
Famous name in furniture.
Contemporary of Chippendale.
New York's Rep. Powell.
Spouse of the first lady.
Famous name in architecture.
Classic furniture design.
Hetty Sorrel's suitor.
Not to know from ___.
The first gardener.
___ had 'em.—On the Antiquity of Microbes (world's shortest poem).
Man's name in a palindrome.
Furniture designer James or Robert.
Character in East of Eden.
___ Trask, in East of Eden.
And ___ was a gardener.
Rep. Powell of N. Y.
Period furniture.
Refugee from Eden.
One of a very famous couple.
Style of English furniture.
Father of Enoch
Orlando's faithful servant.
Biblical name
Name meaning mankind.
George Eliot's hero.
Green Pastures character.
Representative Powell.
East of Eden role
Faithful retainer in As You Like It.
Relative of Sheraton.
Grandfather of 65 Across.
In ___'s fall We sinned all.
Character in The Last Hurrah.
The Old ___
The first of his line.
Common ancestor.
Early man?
The first exile.
Character in As You Like It.
Carpenter Bede.
He lived 930 years.
Of a style of furniture.
Orlando's faithful retainer.
George Eliot hero
Classic furniture style.
Man in Paradise Lost.
The first name.
Name meaning man of red earth.
Progenitor of the human race.
Relating to a style of furniture.
Noted name in furniture.
Orlando's retainer.
Seth's father.
Orlando's servitor.
Lilith's husband.
Man of red earth.
The first of us.
Man's name meaning earth.
Eden name.
Not known from ___.
Lilith's love.
Husband of Lilith.
Mr. Bede.
He used 25 Across.
Orlando's loyal servant.
Role in As You Like It.
Role in Green Pastures.
Biblical gardener.
Role in The Green Pastures.
Man of the red earth.
A Smith.
Style of architecture.
First man?
Batman's first name.
Smith or Bede.
___'s ale (water).
Exile from Eden
First of his kind.
Human frailty (with old).
George Eliot's Bede.
Human race progenitor
Garden occupant
Personification of man
Bede or Smith
Biblican patriarch
Bede or 12
Furniture designer
Cain's father
Powell or Bede
Early sinner
___ Smith
Garden evictee
Eve's mate
See 42 Down.
Mrs. Bede's boy
First of trillions
Abel's father
London's Before ___
One of the Cartwrights
First to take a ribbing
Fugitive from Eden
First lady's man
Eliot's hero's first name
He took a ribbing
Número uno
Eden's man
Eden denizen
Jack London's Before ___
Supermoney author, ___ Smith
He was formed from dust
With 63 Across, a George Eliot title
First of the first pair
A first mate
First of multitudes
With 15 Across, Eliot hero
West from Walla Walla
Giselle composer
Original person
Start of a breed in Eden
Bede or West
Mr. Bede of fiction
English architectural style.
First rib-loser
A sixth-day creation
Eliot's Bede
Costa loser
Enos's grandfather
Genesis donor
He sounds like a bomb, kind of
G. Eliot's ___ Bede
The first lover
French composer Adolphe ___
A memorable Powell
English furniture style
Everyone's ancestor
Eden's proprietor
West of Batman fame
First person to take a ribbing
___ 12, TV oldie
An original sinner
Memorable pome taster
Number-one man
Cantique de Noël composer
French pianist-composer
First of all...
Original man
Enoch's grandfather
TV's ___-12
He was ribbed
Apple of Eve's eye?
First of all of us
See 41-Across
Resident of 63-Across
Role in Haydn's The Creation
One of TV's Cartwrights
Eve's man
21-Across of 6-Down
See 83-Across
First resident of 61-Across
Eve's predecessor
Grandfather of 16-Across
With 69-Across, caped crusader player of 1966
With 51-Across, Caped Crusader portrayer
The first prophet of God, in Islam
He's seen on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Singer Lambert, runner-up on the 2009 American Idol
63-Across's father
33-Across's partner
To whom God said You are dust, and to dust you shall return
Very early 2-Down
First of its kind
___ / Had 'em (classic two-line poem about fleas)
Economist Smith who coined the term invisible hand
Fig leaf wearer, in some art
Driver of Girls
West of the screen
Biblical partner of 47-Across
Michelangelo's The Creation of ___
Biblical figure often depicted with a fig leaf
Scott of Parks and Recreation
First in a race?
Old Testament patriarch
To whom God said For dust you are and to dust you will return
Madam, I'm ___ (palindromic introduction to Eve)
Police dispatcher's A
Man exiled from 55-Down
Name first encountered in Genesis 2
Race leader?
Schiff on the House Intelligence Committee
Noted evictee
Actor Driver of Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Partner of 34-Across
Actor Driver of The Force Awakens
Leader of a long race?
Congressman Schiff
Alternative name for He-Man
Figure in Milton's Paradise Lost
Levine of Maroon 5
Not know from ___ (be clueless about)
Driver of BlacKkKlansman
TV's ___ Ruins Everything
Early human
One with a first-person narrative?
Writer Serwer of The Atlantic
One of our common ancestors?
Biblical progenitor of human race
Eve's partner
Man on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Scottish architect, d.1792
__ Smith, author of The Wealth of Nations
Faith, for example, shown by a mother
18th Century neoclassical furniture-maker
__ Werritty, adviser whose relationship with Liam Fox led to the latter's cabinet resignation in 2011
The Creation of __, Michelangelo painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Hans-Adam, Sovereign Prince of Liechtenstein
Hardly a mummy's boy?
Male attached to one palindromic female …
First man to construct a barricade
First man to arrive makes brothel keeper lose her head
Man who fell for a woman
A mother for the first orphan?
A mother and father figure
First man to be a mother
A mother for a motherless man
A mother provided for one who lacked one
Female married the first man to appear
Man taking part had a magnificent physique
He designed a water container
Early male requires a mother
He fell out of sympathy with his partner
A girl married him
A mother for one who was motherless
Resident of Paradise Avenue's westernmost block
Credit the pair who came first?
A crazy, upwardly-mobile architect
First mother to first father
Podcaster Carolla
The Voice judge Levine
Biblical exile
Sandler of Hotel Transylvania films
67-Across exile
Patriarch from Eden
2018 Best Supporting Actor Oscar nominee Driver
Made man?
Rocks Queen + __ Lambert
NBA commissioner Silver
Savage of MythBusters
Marriage Story Oscar nominee Driver
Sistine Chapel ceiling man
Eaton of the Washington Nats
Scott of Big Little Lies
Counting Crows frontman Duritz
A mother and father to all
Male with a female parent
A crazy, upwardly mobile architect
An occupier of Eden Avenue's main block
Second person to try Apple iPad, a man's content
Economist a forger, eating bananas up
No. 1 dad?
Guy in Eden
Eden guy
Genesis 3 guy
Eves spouse
Name on the cover of The Wealth of Nations
Eden inhabitant
Dad of Cain and Abel
Father of Cain
Garden of Eden guy
Ancient exile
Famous ruer of consumption
Guy on the Sistine Chapel ceiling
First of the first family
Ultimate ancestor of Noah
Eden outcast
Primeval animal namer
The original leading man
The first man
First person in the Bible
Noah ancestor
6 Down guy
Partner of Eve
Eves husband
Spouse for Eve
First guy in the Bible
First to arrive
First arrival in 72 Across
Singer Levine or Lambert
Lambert who performed Mad World for 2020 Global Pride on Saturday
Schiff who recently called John Bolton no patriot
Dont host Scott
Neumann, former CEO of WeWork
Driver who played Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Neumann, recently ousted CEO of WeWork
Archer creator Reed
Driver on the screen
Figure in the left panel of Boschs The Garden of Earthly Delights
Driver around Hollywood
Bible man made from earth
Allah created him from clay
Sandler or Schiff
Man of Eden
Actor Driver
Man in garden determined to eradicate insect
Sandler in Uncut Gems
Outcast from Eden
Man expelled from Eden
Genesis frontman?
Stubborn soldier leaves first man (4)
Genesis guy
Subject of a famous Michelangelo fresco
Name that derives from the Hebrew word for earth
Eve. preceder
Garden guy
Source of first introduction that rhymes?
Faith, Hart-Davis or Smith?
Eldest Bonanza brother
Madam, I'm ___ (palindromic greeting)
Biblical Rodin work
Congressman Kinzinger
Ancestor to us all
Driver around a lot?
Sistine ceiling subject
Driver who was Dunhams boyfriend on Girls
Driver with lines
#1 dad?
Player about given up? Flipping nonsense!
Beef? Older relative eats duck
... of city life, whether its up or down
More learned about splitting Conservative party up
Prepare for publication
City near Paris that is the site of an elaborate royal residence built for Louis XIV
Chap with an apple
A mother and father to us all?
Nice lady stripped the first guy to come along
Fellow American getting angry when upset
Arguably the first male architect
Man born of a mother? No!
First husband exposed by topless minx
A titled woman hides bottom 24
27 seeing woman naked? Nice one!
Topless brothel-keeper expelled gardener
Chap tempted by Mahdi Army every now and again?
Article on rising enthusiastic Scottish architect
Scottish economist and philosopher whose book The Wealth of Nations advocated free trade and private enterprise
English musician born Stuart Leslie Goddard in 1954
Eden man
Eves guy
Mr. Brody
Singer Levine of Maroon 5
First name?
Raiser of Cain
Driver of box-office profits?
Early creation
Early creation
Former figure skater Rippon
Driver of film
Singer Lambert who sometimes sings with Queen
Singer Lambert who sometimes sings with Queen
Dancing with the Stars winner Rippon
Father of Abel
Name in early Genesis chapters
Dont Look Up director McKay
Driver who dated Lena Dunham on Girls
Sandler of Uncut Gems
Novel plot suppressed by a woman
Christian counterpart to the Maoris Tiki
Driver at the Oscars
Sandler or Schefter
Girls dropped when composing madrigals for first male (4)
First progenitor?
Scott of Parks & Recreation
Cardinals pitcher Wainwright
The first human?
Gopnik who wrote the article Are Spies More Trouble Than Theyre Worth?
___ Driver (star of the new black comedy White Noise, which premiered at Venice last week)
A lady with a title shortly gets a mans name
Mr. Sandler
Alpha male
Mankind, biblically
He played Howard in iUncut Gems/i
Black ___ (2022 superhero movie starring Dwayne Johnson)
Driver or Sandler
In the Old Testament, the first man, created by God
The first person
Driver in White Noise
House of Gucci actor Driver
House of Gucci actor Driver
First mans Australian, flipping furious
Maisie __ comedian
Ace mothers half of perfect couple
Severance actor Scott
Driver on a film set?
Scott of Party Down
The Orphan Masters Son Pulitzer winner Johnson
The Orphan Masters Son Pulitzer winner Johnson
He was of the dust of the ground
No. 1 figure in Christianity?
Korans First Prophet
High Drama singer Lambert
High Drama singer Lambert
34 Across guy
___ Ruins Everything (show that debunks common misconceptions)
Genesis outcast
Figure skater Rippon
Sandler or Lambert
Duettist in Haydns Creation
Subject of a first-person narrative
Scott of Severance
First man in Genesis
Driver in iFerrari/i
Driver of Hollywood
Driver, Lambert, or Levine
Frances Ha actor Driver
Ferrari actor Driver
Uncut Gems actor Sandler
Driver of many trailers
Figure tempted by the Tree of Immortality, in the Quran
Bible character who says She gave me of the tree, and I did eat
Early man found by academician on embankment?
Smith known as the Father of Capitalism
7-Down dweller
Sistine Chapel subject
Maroon 5 singer Levine
Sistine chapel image
Scott or Driver
First man to block America First
English swimmer Peaty
Novelist Johnson who won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for fiction
Notice Americans ancestor in the church
Bede, perhaps, coming in to read a manuscript
Flipping crazy to follow a man
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Porter or pilsner alternative, in brief
Arm-raising muscle, informally
Souvenir from a trip?
Sites for saltwater soaks
N.F.L. star Travis
New York pro athlete
Covered with a green growth
Word sometimes repeated after "Here ..."
Heckle loudly
Word before check or on
The word "aquarium" has one
Us and them, for two
Source of the quote "Allah doesn't task a soul beyond its capacity"
Used a certain rideshare service
Martial arts champion who co-starred in 2020's "Mulan"
Group that once included the members Babe Ruth and Harry Houdini
Defined set of points
Product of hardened lava
Devote attention to
Onetime queen of Jordan
Upholsterers' samples
Hard worker to a degree?
Skin feature … and a clue to the circled square in this row
Capability of being pulled and stretched
Tips back and forth
Former world capital that's an anagram of its country's current capital
Urban area associated with gaming
Poetic time of day … and a clue to the circled square in this row
Alma mater of Ian Fleming (as well as James Bond)
What "…" sometimes means
Something that may be drawn at night
Alternative to mushrooms, maybe
Worker in a Washington office
Word processing function … and a clue to the circled square in this row
Green-skinned Marvel hero
Cars whose logo represents the Pleiades star cluster
Word Finder for games!
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