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Word: ump
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An umpire.
To act as an umpire.
All clues having "UMP" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for UMP below.
Infield fly caller
Kill the ___! (ball park cry)
Out! shouter
Safe cracker?
Steee-rike! caller
Yer out! shouter
A fair judge?
A.L. official
Authority at home
Authority behind home
Authority on diamonds?
Ball caller
Ballpark arbiter
Ballpark fig.
Ballpark fig.?
Ballpark figure
Ballpark figure?
Balls-and-strikes caller
Base decision maker
Base man
Baseball VIP
Baseball arbiter
Baseball caller
Baseball game honcho
Baseball official
Baseballs ref.
Blind official
Call a strike
Call balls
Call the game
Call the shots
Caller of balls and strikes
Caller of strikes and balls
Certain mask wearer
Court authority
Cricket official
Diamond arbiter
Diamond authority
Diamond chief
Diamond crew member
Diamond decider
Diamond decision maker
Diamond expert
Diamond expert?
Diamond figure
Diamond head
Diamond head?
Diamond judge
Diamond judge?
Diamond official
Diamond specialist?
Diamond worker?
Duster at home
Expert on plays
Fair judge?
Fair-or-foul decider
Fenway Pk figure
Field judge
Field official
Field worker
Figure behind the plate
First person?
Game official
Grid official
Guy at first
Guy at the plate
Guy who cries foul
He called a strike?
He calls out
He can call you out
He cleans the plate
He faces the pitcher
He keeps a clean plate
He keeps the count
He makes safe decisions
He may call a strike
He may work at home
He sits in a high chair
He works at home
Hell rule you out
Hes at home
His chest is protected at home
Home body?
Home standee
Homer signaler
Judge at home
Lacrosse official
Little League official
Maker of calls
Man at home
Man in black?
Man in blue
Masked man
Masked man at home
Masked official
Masked one at home
Object of invective
Obstruction caller
Official behind a catcher
Official in black
Official often seen crouching
Officiate at home plate
Oft-booed official
One at home in a mask
One calling strikes and balls
One making calls
One making decisions at home?
One making safe decisions
One on the diamond
One stationed at a base
One wearing black at home
One who calls strikes and balls
One who cries foul
One who cries foul?
One who decides whats fair
One who makes calls at home
One who may be found at home
One who might eject a manager
One who might get yelled at by the manager
One who wears a mask every fourth game
One who works at home?
One who works from home?
One who works in a mask
One whose chest is protected
One working at home
Person at home
Person in a mask
Person who works at home
Person with a chest pad
Pitch caller
Plate cleaner
Plate watcher
Play caller
Polo official
Ref relative
Refs buddy
Refs cohort
Refs colleague
Refs counterpart
Refs cousin
Refs diamond counterpart
Refs relative
Rich Garcia or Steve Palermo
Ruling source
Safety expert?
Shea official
Short sport judge
Shouter of this puzzles title
Sport judge
Sports arbiter
Sports off.
Stay-at-home worker?
Stereotypically blind judge
Stereotypically blind official
Strike and ball caller
Strike caller
Strike caller (abbr.)
Strike caller?
Strike zone enforcer
Tennis official
The only person with the authority to call a strike
The power behind the thrown?
Theres one at home
Third person?
Whos on first?
Worker behind the plate
Worker often seen crouching
World Series figure^UM
You could be safe with him
The catcher's shadow.
His eye is on the ball.
Masked man of decision.
Baseball judge.
Arbiter: Abbr.
Sport official: Slang.
Baseball official: Colloq.
Man of decision, come spring.
Referee: Abbr.
Crier of Play ball!
Diamond man
Relative of a ref.
VIP in sports.
Sport figure: Abbr.
Baseball figure
Baseball V.I.P.
Ref.'s relative.
Masked man: Abbr.
Diamond figure, for short
Man behind the plate
Arbiter, for short
Game caller.
Catcher's company
Man behind home plate
Diamond off.
Ref's counterpart
N.L. arbiter
Ref's cousin
Doug Harvey is one
He rules at home
Fig. behind home plate
Ref's colleague
Diamond fig.
A.L. or N.L. official
He calls K's
Strike caller, for short
Fenway Pk. arbiter
Object of invective, often
There's one at home
Expert on a 68-Across
Caller of strikes and balls, for short
See 7-Down
Whisk broom-wielding official, for short
Field authority
One behind home plate, informally
One crouching at home
Official with a whisk broom, for short
Stee-rike! caller
Official behind home plate, for short
Chest protector wearer
Person behind a strike?
One speaking out
Person who regularly cleans his plate?
Person staying near home
One working at home, for short
Official sometimes said to be blind
World Series official
Baseball boobird's target, often
Call balls and strikes, informally
Much-maligned official
Bag man?
One who might be second-guessed by instant replays
Stereotypically blind official, for short
First, second or third person
One at home, informally
Make the calls, informally
One using foul language?
Person who might call you out
A count manager
One crying Yer out!
One who brushes off a plate, informally
One working at a base
One who might err on the safe side?
Plate duster
Balls and strikes caller
Masked worker, perhaps
One verifying a tag
One verifying safe arrivals?
One making calls at home
Foul line watcher, at times
Person whose job is to make calls
One watching plays closely, for short
One calling from home?
Tennis out caller
Foul ball caller
Make calls
Ballpark authority
Baseball official, for short
Fault caller
Authority that stands around at home, briefly
Guy thats involved in deciding to call a strike
Authority on diamonds, briefly
One whose calling is making calls?
Decision maker at home
One whose business is home-based?
Make calls at home, maybe
Officiate, for short
Diamond pro
Decide whats fair
Pro who makes calls
Official with a protective vest
One who cries Yer out!
One crying foul, say
Refs kin
Guy at home?
Home ruler?
Ballpark judge
Plate cleaner?
Baseball off.
Home boy?
Ball caller, for short
Diamond expert?
Ballpark official
One calling you out, perhaps
Call maker at a baseball stadium
One who uses foul language?
One close to home
Caller of strikes
Masked caller
Masked caller
One making calls from home
Plate manager
Fair/foul caller
Early work-from-home adopter, casually?
Official calling pitch clock violations
Sport authority
One who calls people out, for short
Informal judge with money, winning cases
Home watcher
Plate leaner
Plate official
Home ruler?
One who makes fair decisions?
Mask-wearing home worker
Judger of pitches
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One in need of some direction
Good Samaritan, say
Only beauty to go through history and retain her reputation, per Will Rogers
"Don't believe me"
Standoffish, say
They help build characters
Where to get into the nitty-gritty?
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"Either way's fine with me"
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Barreled (out)
Birthplace of the writer V.S. Naipaul
"That's absolutely fine"
Birdseed alternative, at times
One always seen in a fancy fur coat
Suffered, in a way
It requires a flipper
What's got about an ounce of scents?
It might be flat but not sharp
David ___, first Black mayor of New York City
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