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Dictionary definitions:

Word: tune
Word origin: late Middle English: unexplained alteration of tone. The verb is first recorded (late 15th century) in the sense ‘celebrate in music, sing’.
Phonetic: tjuːn

a melody, especially one that characterizes a particular piece of music. Example: she left the theatre humming a cheerful tune
adjust (a musical instrument) to the correct or uniform pitch. Example: he tuned the harp for me
adjust (a receiver circuit such as a radio or television) to the frequency of the required signal. Example: the radio was tuned to the BBC
adjust (an engine) or balance (mechanical parts) so that a vehicle runs smoothly and efficiently. Example: the suspension was tuned for a softer ride
adjust or adapt (something) to a particular purpose or situation. Example: the animals are finely tuned to life in the desert
tell (something) to (someone). Example: he starts tuning you stories about his youth

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