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Dictionary definitions:

Word: trim
Phonetic: /tɹɪm/

Decoration; especially, decoration placed along edges or borders. Example: Paint the house white with blue trim.
A haircut, especially a moderate one to touch up an existing style. Example: I went to the hairdresser for a trim but came back nearly bald.
Dress; gear; ornaments.
The manner in which something is equipped or adorned; order; disposition. Example: The car comes in three different trims.
Sexual intercourse.
The fore-and-aft angle of the vessel to the water, with reference to the cargo and ballast; the manner in which a vessel floats on the water, whether on an even keel or down by the head or stern.
The arrangement of the sails with reference to the wind.
To reduce slightly; to cut; especially, to remove excess. Example: A ranch steak is usually trimmed of all excess fat.
To decorate or adorn; especially of a Christmas tree. Example: They traditionally trim the tree on Christmas Eve.
(of an aircraft) To adjust pitch using trim tabs.
(of a vessel) To modify the angle relative to the water by shifting cargo or ballast; to adjust for sailing; to assume, or cause to assume a certain position, or trim, in the water.
(of a vessel's sails) To modify the angle (of the sails) relative to the wind, especially to set them at the most advantageous angle.
To balance; to fluctuate between parties, so as to appear to favour each.
To make trim; to put in due order for any purpose; to make right, neat, or pleasing; to adjust.
(of timber) To dress; to make smooth.
To rebuke; to reprove.
To beat or thrash.
Physically fit. Example: He goes jogging every day to keep in trim.
Slender, lean. Example: a trim figure
Neat or smart in appearance. Example: a trim lawn
In good order; properly managed or maintained.
With sails well trimmed.

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