This is a 5 letter answer

Dictionary definitions:

Word: total
Phonetic: /ˈtəʊ.təl/

An amount obtained by the addition of smaller amounts. Example: A total of £145 was raised by the bring-and-buy stall.
Sum. Example: The total of 4, 5 and 6 is 15.
To add up; to calculate the sum of. Example: When we totalled the takings, we always got a different figure.
To equal a total of; to amount to. Example: That totals seven times so far.
To demolish; to wreck completely. (from total loss) Example: Honey, I’m OK, but I’ve totaled the car.
To amount to; to add up to. Example: It totals nearly a pound.
Entire; relating to the whole of something. Example: The total book is rubbish from start to finish.  The total number of votes cast is 3,270.
(used as an intensifier) Complete; absolute. Example: He is a total failure.

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