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Dictionary definitions:

Word: title
Word origin: Old English titul, reinforced by Old French title, both from Latin titulus ‘inscription, title’. The word originally denoted a placard or inscription placed on an object, giving information about it, hence a descriptive heading in a book or other composition.
Phonetic: ˈtʌɪt(ə)l

the name of a book, composition, or other artistic work. Example: the author and title of the book
a name that describes someone's position or job. Example: Leese assumed the title of director general
the position of being the champion of a major sports competition. Example: Davis won the world title for the first time in 1981
a right or claim to the ownership of property or to a rank or throne. Example: a grocery family had title to the property
(in church use) a fixed sphere of work and source of income as a condition for ordination.
give a name to (a book, composition, or other work). Example: a report titled The Lost Land

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