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Dictionary definitions:

Word: temper
Phonetic: /ˈtɛmpə/

A tendency to be in a certain type of mood; a habitual way of thinking, behaving or reacting. Example: to have a good, bad, or calm temper
State of mind; mood.
A tendency to become angry. Example: He has quite a temper when dealing with salespeople.
Anger; a fit of anger. Example: an outburst of temper
Calmness of mind; moderation; equanimity; composure. Example: to keep one's temper; to lose one's temper; to recover one's temper
Constitution of body; the mixture or relative proportion of the four humours: blood, choler, phlegm, and melancholy.
Middle state or course; mean; medium.
The state of any compound substance which results from the mixture of various ingredients; due mixture of different qualities. Example: the temper of mortar
The heat treatment to which a metal or other material has been subjected; a material that has undergone a particular heat treatment.
The state of a metal or other substance, especially as to its hardness, produced by some process of heating or cooling. Example: the temper of iron or steel
(sugar manufacture) Milk of lime, or other substance, employed in the process formerly used to clarify sugar.
To moderate or control. Example: Temper your language around children.
To strengthen or toughen a material, especially metal, by heat treatment; anneal. Example: Tempering is a heat treatment technique applied to metals, alloys, and glass to achieve greater toughness by increasing the strength of materials and/or ductility. Tempering is performed by a controlled reheating of the work piece to a temperature below its lower eutectic critical temperature.
To sauté spices in ghee or oil to release essential oils for flavouring a dish in South Asian cuisine.
To mix clay, plaster or mortar with water to obtain the proper consistency.
To adjust, as the mathematical scale to the actual scale, or to that in actual use.
(Latinism) To govern; to manage.
To combine in due proportions; to constitute; to compose.
To mingle in due proportion; to prepare by combining; to modify, as by adding some new element; to qualify, as by an ingredient; hence, to soften; to mollify; to assuage.
To fit together; to adjust; to accommodate.

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