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This is a
3 letter
Dictionary definitions:
Word: tee
Word origin: early 17th century: from the pronunciation of T1.
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the letter T, or a shape like that of a capital T.
a T-shirt.
All clues having "TEE" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for TEE below.
Fore! site
Fore site
Fore site?
Must turn intersection
Time out! hand signal
Time out! signal
Time out hand signal shape
Time! signal
Fore! ground
Fore site
*What fore may precede
20th letter
3-way junction
A caddie might hold it
A driver may hit it
A driver might hit it
A golfer puts it in the ground
Area at one end of a fairway
Article of clothing sold on
Athletic supporter
Athletic supporter?
Bag peg
Ball balancer
Ball bearer
Ball elevator
Ball holder
Ball peg
Ball perch
Ball point?
Ball prop
Ball raiser
Ball stand
Ball support
Ball supporter
Ball-bearing article
Ball-bearing device
Ball-bearing device?
Ball-bearing item
Ball-bearing item?
Ball-bearing piece
Ball-bearing prop
Bart Simpsons shirt
Basic shirt
Basic top
Basketball timeout sign
Batting practice aid
Beach shirt
Beachgoers shirt
Beginning of Time?
Beginning of a hole
Bit of a snicker
Bit of gym attire
Bit of gymwear
Booters aid
Branching pipe
Buttonless shirt
CFL prop
Caddies offering
Caddys peg
Caddyshack item
Capital of Tibet?
Casual attire
Casual shirt
Casual top
Cat has one to cross
Certain intersection
Certain pipe joint
Certain shirt
Charlie Browns shirt
Collarless shirt
Collarless top
Comfortable shirt
Comfy shirt
Concert shirt
Concert souvenir
Conical support in driving
Country club buy
Country club prop
Country-club mound
Country-club prop
Couples may swing here
Couples support
Couples pedestal?
Couples starting point
Course accessory
Course area
Course need
Course requirement
Course requirement?
Course start
Course starting point
Cross it (and dot your is while youre at it)
Crossed letter
Curlers target
Curling goal
Curling target
David Duval drives from it
Device for John Daly
Divot preventer
Drive accessory
Drive setting
Drives start
Drivers aid
Drivers aid?
Drivers device
Drivers doodad
Drivers gadget
Drivers helper
Drivers helper?
Drivers need
Drivers peg
Drivers starting point
Drivers support
Drivers thingie
Driving accessory
Driving aid
Driving aid?
Driving area
Driving area?
Driving holdup?
Driving need
Driving need?
Driving peg
Driving place
Driving platform?
Driving point
Driving prop
Driving range aid
Driving range item
Driving range peg
Driving range prop
Driving tool
Driving-range prop
Duffers doodad
Duffers peg
Duvals peg
Elevator in a country club
Elevator on a golf course
Elevator on a golf course?
Elevator on the links?
Els elevator?
Els prop
Ess follower
Exact letter?
Exact point
Fairway accessory
Fairway gizmo
Fairway mound
Field prop
First stroke setting
First-stroke need
Fonzies shirt
Footbal support
Football balancer
Football holder
Football kickers aid
Football kicking tool
Football prop
Football support
Football supporter
Football supporter?
Forts place
Fourth of September?
Front end?
Funny shirt
Gadget for Calvin Peete
Gadget for young baseballers
Gadget that holds a golf ball
Game prop
George F. Grant invention
Giveaway shirt
Gizmo that balances a golf ball
Gizmo that supports a golf ball
Golden ___ Golf (bar video game)
Golf accessory
Golf bag gadget
Golf bag item
Golf bag peg
Golf ball balancer
Golf ball elevator
Golf ball holder
Golf ball peg
Golf ball prop
Golf ball raiser
Golf ball support
Golf ball supporter
Golf balls perch
Golf balls platform
Golf course area
Golf course beginning
Golf course elevator
Golf course mound
Golf course peg
Golf essential
Golf expendable
Golf gadget
Golf gadgets
Golf game gizmo
Golf gizmo
Golf hole start
Golf prop
Golf shirt?
Golf stand
Golf start
Golf support
Golf supporter
Golf-bag item
Golf-ball holder
Golf-ball platform
Golf-ball supporter
Golf-course mound
Golf-hole area
Golf-hole starter
Golf-hole starting point
Golfball prop
Golfers ___ time
Golfers accessory
Golfers aid
Golfers box
Golfers doohickey
Golfers gadget
Golfers gismo
Golfers gizmo
Golfers holder
Golfers launch pad
Golfers letter?
Golfers mound
Golfers need
Golfers peg
Golfers prop
Golfers starting point
Golfers support
Golfers thingamajig
Golfers tool
Golfers drive from it
Golfing gadget
Grass roots supporter?
Grass-roots support?
Green launching pad
Green need
Green peg
Greenkeepers find
Grid prop
Gridiron gadget
Gym shirt
Hanes product
Hees partner
Help for a driver
Hitters prop
Hole beginning
Hole opener
Hole start
Hole starter
Holes opening
Holes starting point
Hole-opening device?
Implement for Els
Improper attire at most golf clubs
Informal shirt
Informal top
Informal wear
It gets the ball off the ground
It gets things off the ground
It gives support in sport
It helps Tiger Woods drive off
It helps Woods drive
It helps you drive
It helps you start driving a round
It holds a golfers balls
It holds one of your balls
It holds your balls
It may be hit by a driver
It may get broken on a drive
It may hold a Titleist
It might be broken on a drive
It might say Who the Hell is Brendan Emmett Quigley?
It starts today
It starts tomorrow?
Itll prop your balls up
Its all about the ball bearing
Its ball-bearing
Its crossed in boats
Its crossed in time?
Its frequently broken on the links
Its needed for driving
Its no problem if your driver hits it
Its one until you cross it?
Its only one until you cross it
Its stuck in the grass
Its supportive to golfers
Its under the ball
Its used in a box
Its used when driving
Item in a golf bag
Item in a golfers bag
Item often left on a course
Item seen on the 30-yard line when the game starts
Item used in a balancing act?
Item with a concave head
Item with a concave top
Kick stand?
Kick-off need
Kick-off prop
Kick-off supporter
Kickers aid
Kickers need
Kickers prop
Kicking aid
Kicking tool
Kickoff aid
Kickoff equipment
Kickoff gadget
Kickoff need
Kickoff platform
Kickoff point
Kickoff prop
Kind of pipe fitting
Kind of shirt
Kind of shot
Kind of square
Kind of square or shirt
Kind of thing
Kind of time
Kite prop
L.P.G.A. supporter?
Leisure shirt
Leisure top
Letter next to U
Letter that appears at least once in every single answer in this puzzle
Letter that
Lil E. ___
Links aid
Links area
Links elevator?
Links gadget
Links item
Links launching point
Links letter?
Links locale
Links necessity
Links peg
Links prop
Links start
Links support
Little elevator
Little links item
Little prop
Little stake in the grass
Location for ones first drive
Mark aimed at in curling
Masters holder?
Masters piece
Masters supporter
Merch table merch
Merch table purchase
Mickelsons peg
Nice hot time
Nicklaus start
Nicklaus starts here
Nicklaus supporter
No-frills shirt
No-frills top
Normans woe?
Oft-embellished garment
On the ___ (ready to drive)
One may say Im with stupid
One of 18
PGA elevator
PGA peg
PGA prop
Palmer prop
Palmers pedestal
Palmers peg
Part of a jeans outfit
Pavins peg
Pebble Beach accessory
Pebble Beach peg
Pebble Beach prop
Pebble Beach supporter
Peg for Arnold Palmer
Peg for Bubba Watson
Peg for Meg Mallon
Peg for Nancy Lopez
Peg for Palmer
Peg for Peete
Peg for Woods
Peg for a golfer
Peg for drivers
Peg in a golf bag
Peg of Woods
Peg of the LPGA
Peg of the LPGA?
Peg of the links
Peg on a driving range
Peg on a golf course
Peg on the course
Peg on the links
Peg stuck in the ground
Peg under a dimpled ball
Peg used for driving
Peg used in golf
Peg with a concave top
Peg with a dent on top
Peg with an indentation
Piece of pipe
Pigskin holder
Pigskin prop
Pigskins perch
Pipe fitting
Pipe joint
Pitchers substitute
Place for a ball
Place for a drive
Place for a golf ball
Place for a mulligan
Place for a swing
Place to drive from
Place to drive from?
Place to find a driver
Place to practice driving
Place to start a hole
Place to start a round
Place to start driving
Place-kickers aid
Place-kickers device
Place-kickers need
Place-kickers prop
Place-kicking prop
Placekickers aid
Placekickers prop
Plain shirt
Platform for some drivers
Players peg
Plumbers fitting
Plumbers joint
Plumbers union?
Plumbing fitting
Presidential nominee handout
Price support?
Pro shop item
Pros prop
Pro-shop item
Promotional shirt
Promotional tie-in item
Prop at a C.F.L. game
Prop for Annika
Prop for Norman
Prop for Tiger
Prop for a drive
Prop for a pigskin
Prop for the course
Prop on a gridiron
Prop on the course
Prop on the links
Put on a peg
Quoits item
Quoits target
Quote part 4?
Rec room attire
Resort souvenir
Resting place on a field
Road formation
Road sign symbol
Rock concert souvenir
Rock-concert souvenir
Rugby prop
Second of a pair of letters swapped six times in this puzzles theme entries
Shape of some office desks
Shirt opening
Shirt shape
Shirt to wear with shorts
Shirt type
Shirt with a slogan
Shirt with artwork
Shot enabler
Simple shirt
Simple top
Site of the first stroke?
Slogan holder
Slogan site
Small peg
Small prop
Small stake
Small wooden peg
Snarky slogan spot
Snead need
Sold at show
Something golfers often break
Something to drive off of
Souvenir item
Souvenir shirt
Souvenir shop buy
Souvenir shop item
Souvenir shop offering
Souvenir shop purchase
Souvenir shop top
Souvenir with four holes
Split end?
Sport support
Sports item with a concave head
Sports prop
Sports supporter
Sports-store purchase
Spot for a Sunday driver?
Spot for a first shot
Spot to drive from
St. Andrews starting point
Stake in the grass?
Stand on the field?
Start a golf hole
Start a hole
Start for Ballesteros
Start for golfers
Start of a drive
Start of a giggle
Start of a golf hole
Start of a hole
Start of a long drive?
Start of some drives
Start of trouble?
Starting point for Couples
Starting point for Tiger
Starting point for a long drive?
Starting-off place
Strange gadget
Strange need
Strange prop?
Strata holder
Suit to a
Suitability letter
Suitable letter?
Summer shirt
Summer top
Summer wear
Support at the links
Support for Davis Love III
Support for Tiger Woods
Support for Tiger Woods?
Supporter stuck in the ground
Swing site
Swingers spot?
Swingers stand
Swinging place
Symbol of perfection
Target in curling
Team leader?
The beginning of time?
The end of the road
The smallest wood in the bag?
Theres one in two
Theres usually one on the 30-yard line at the start of an NFL game
Thing frequently hit by drivers
Thing to drive off of
Third of October
Third of October?
Three-way intersection
Three-way joint
Three-way joint choice
Three-way junction
Three-way pipe connection
Three-way pipe joint
Threeway junction
Tick (off)
Tie-dyed garment
Tiger Woods beginning point
Tiger Woods couldnt drive without it
Tiger Woods item
Tiger Woods tool
Tiger Woods launching pad
Tiger launcher
Tigers launch pad
Tigers gismo
Tigers holder
Tigers need
Tigers peg
Tigers platform
Tigers smallest wood
Tigers start
Tigers start?
Tigers starting point
Times lead on the links?
Timely beginning?
Tiny elevator
Tiny opening?
Tiny stake in the grass?
Titleist holder
Titleist supporter
Titleists spot
Titleists support
To a ___
To a ___ (exactly)
Tomorrows leader?
Tool for Colin Montgomerie
Top type
Top with a slogan
Top worn with shorts
Top-Flite support
TopFlite launch site
Total beginner
Tough start?
Trip souvenir
Type of shirt
Type of shirt that caused Safeco storm
Typical S.E. Hinton character
Unisex top
Vacation souvenir
Vijay Singh thing
Wearable concert memento
Weather center?
What Tiger starts with
What Tom Higgenson wears?
What many a driver shatters
What your driver may hit
Whence Tway drives
Whence to drive
Where a Titleist might sit
Where a drive might start
Where a drive starts
Where a driver is employed
Where a golf hole begins
Where a hole begins
Where drivers meet
Where drives begin
Where one might await the driver
Where some drivers are used
Where to encounter a Sunday driver
Where to start playing a round
Widget for Woods
Wood Woods uses
Wood from which Woods hits woods
Wood in a golf bag?
Wood item used by Woods
Woods launch pad
Woods prop
Woods purchase
Woods prop
Woodstock wear
Young ballplayers aid
Young batters ball supporter
Young hitters need
Zazzle purchase
___ off (see 23A)
___ party (golfers bash)
___ shirt (casual top)
___ shot
___ time
___ time (course slot)
___ time (golf course slot)
___ time (golf-course slot)
___ time (golfers starting point)
___ time (when a golfer may be driving)
___ up
Setup for Sam Snead.
Part of a golf course.
Golfer's gadget.
Mark in quoits.
Golfer's cheapest purchase.
Gadget used by Ben Hogan.
Starting point in certain games.
Where 22 Across begins.
Used by Ben Hogan.
Links place.
Where a golf game starts.
Short piece of connective pipe.
Starting place in a game.
A three-way joint for pipes.
Begin (with off).
Football formation
Weather vane at an airport.
Plastic holder for links use.
Letter of the alphabet.
Where a golf match begins.
Links site
Where a foursome foregathers.
Quoits mark.
Area on the links.
Curling mark.
Part of Burning Tree.
See 41 Across.
Shaped like a letter.
Gadget for Turnesa.
Plastic gadget.
Driver's place.
Hogan accessory.
Golf term
Precise point.
Where hooks and slices are made.
Alphabetic letter
Piece of connective pipe.
Starting point, in a game.
Golf item
Target in the game of quoits.
Golf-ball locus.
Where Jackie Burke shines.
Venturi starts here.
Where a foursome meets.
Relative of a green.
Foursome's meeting place.
Mound on the links.
Golfers' meeting place.
Appurtenance for golfers.
Golfer's peg.
Curler's mark.
Golfer's place.
Associate of a fairway.
Area near a fairway.
Tiny mound.
Pipe branching.
Pigskin holder for kickoff.
Pipe fitter's item.
Point of aim, in quoits.
Golfer's aid.
Golf word
Palmer's need.
Golfer's adjunct.
Golfing area
Pagoda ornament
Golf area
Golf place
Mark in curling
Launching pad on the links
Golfer's need
Word with total or off
Golfer's pou sto
Place for Nicklaus
Game equipment
Golf need
Trevino accessory
Half a giggle
Links feature
Golf equipment.
Golf-course area
Nicklaus aid
Links starter
Golf necessity
Starting point
Partner of hee
Neighbor of a fairway
Golfing aid
Wooden peg
Links location
Style of shirt
Golf locale
Golfer's letter
Golf adjunct
Golfing need
Pipeline connection
Small mound
Driver's area
Starting place for Tom Watson
Golf mound
Hee's forerunner
Whence Pate drives
Equipment for 37 Across
Where Nicklaus got his start
Kickoff device
Nicklaus's need
Where Wadkins begins
A mulligan is sometimes given here
Where Nicklaus starts
Starting place, sometimes
Palmer's peg
Ess chaser
Word with total
Jerry Pate's turf piercer
Start for Nicklaus
Ar, ess, ___
Quoits stake
Driver's aid
Place for a driver
Item for Weiskopf
Player's starting place
Driver's need
Symbol of precision
Sphere upholder
Gadget for Crenshaw
Triborough starter
Platform for Pate or Murphy
Gadget for Palmer
Duffer's device
Football gadget
Support for Septien
Football device
Where Wadkins starts
North begins here
Certain golf shot
Kickoff gizmo
Snead's need
Item in Palmer's pocket
Norman's Woe.
Hee's partner
Starting point for Strange
Peete prop
Pipe connection
Item for Strange
Place-kicking gadget
Where Trevino got his start
Strange purchase
Origin of a drive
___ off (start golfing)
Three before double-u
Gadget for John Daly
Snead setup
Strange device
Couples's cheapest purchase
Peg for Faldo
Elevator for Norman
Tom has one
Lil E. ___, 1992 Derby winner
Kicker's aid
Plumber's joint
___ time (golfer's starting point)
Golf ball's perch
Titleist's support
Curler's target
Golfer's ___ time
Caddie's offering
See 44-Across
Driver's helper?
Summer shirt, informally
Souvenir shop item, for short
Driver's thingie
Tick off
Ball point
Anger, with off
It's ball-bearing
Sports supporter?
Slogan holder, often
Football kicker's aid
Gadget for 58-Down
Place-kicker's aid
___ party (golfers' bash)
Summer shirt, for short
Follower of 115-Across
Plumber's fitting
One may say I'm with stupid
Get ready to start, with up
Top-Flite holder
Certain joint
Rounds begin on the first one
Buttonless shirt, informally
It may have a ring collar
Kicker's prop
Relative of a tank top
Bit of sportswear
Gift shop buy
Letter after ess
One may have a ball at the country club
Texas has a big one
Shape of a timeout signal
Capital of Texas
With 51-Across, end of the London blitz?
Shorts top?
Silkscreen target
15-Across shape
It gets swung over
Hanes purchase, informally
Timeout signal
Shorts go-with
One end of a fairway
Golf ball propper-upper
Shirt style
Plumbing joint
Shirt for a workout
Timeout sign
Top choice
Bit of apparel with a ring neck
Perch for a golf ball
Jockey purchase, informally
It's not used in miniature golf
Shirt that might say I'm with stupid
Stylized Tesla logo
Item in a golfer's bag
Buttonless garment
Prop for a golf ball
Item in a golfer's pocket
Shape of a three-way intersection
Shirt that might have a crew neck, informally
One of a group of 18
Letter after 22-Across
End of August?
It gives a driver a little height
Perch for a ball
Starting point for a hole
What's big in Texas?
Sports item often carried in a pocket
Wearable souvenir, informally
It can give drivers a lift
End of each word in 17-, 27-, 43- and 54-Across - as well as every clue (and that's a fact!)
Item in a caddie's bag
Shirt that might have a slogan on it
Football kickoff aid
Polo alternative
Plain white ___
One of 18 on a golf course
Get ready to swing, with up
Bit of clothing often worn with shorts
First of three?
Aid in driving
Tank alternative
Where a long drive often starts
Starting peg
Golfer's peg
Where one drives from
Golfer's starting point
Golfing equipment
Start of a hole in golf
Regularly stroke small member
Provider of a small raise
One of a golfers pocketful
Short shirt
One of several found in a golf cart
Center of Austria?
One in a golfers bag
Where many a drive begins
Top worn with jeans
Souvenir from a concert
Where some long drives begin
Peg for a round
Where some drives begin
Golf peg, or where its used
Graphic top
Shirt with a V-neck, perhaps
Good place for driving
Prop for Palmer
Links supporter?
Golf ball perch
Gym shorts go-with
Support for driving and kicking
Jeans go-with
Begin a hole, with up
Drive origination point
Get ready to drive, with up
Top often with an image
Golf starting point
Its driven from but never to
Gym top
Harmless cannon fodder
A standard one is two and one-eighth inches long
Item at a merch table
Where an eagle might take off from?
Casual wear
You might slice from it
Peg in a pros pocket
Where a course begins
Peg for driving
Center for sportsmen
Where golfers begin
Small wooden platform
Accessory for driving
Common sleepwear
Shirt worn with jeans
Golf platform
Rock concert purchase
Word before shirt or shot
Fun run souvenir
Outdoor elevator
Ball-bearing peg
Peak of Tibet
Prop for a course
Peg on a course
Shirt with a slogan, often
Cannon fodder you might want to get hit by
This should help you drive
Ball bearing gizmo
Device thats quite useful for ball bearings
Something often raised on the golf course
Site of your first stroke?
Something you might like to drive off of
Prop for 007s Penfold Heart golf balls
Driving course aid?
Small item on a course
Wooden whatchamacallit for Woods
Golf course prop
Something shot from a cannon nowadays
Symbol on a Junction Ahead sign
Peg for a golf ball
Item in a caddys pocket
Shirt named for its shape
Golfers wooden platform
Driving assistance
Symbol for a timeout
Drivers aid
Golf hole starter
Tornado starter?
First of ten?
Crew neck or V-neck
Souvenir shop staple
Peg used by Jon Rahm and Phil Mickelson
___ shot (drive on a golf course)
Cannon projectile that you might want to be hit by
Item in a caddies bag
___ shot (start of a golf hole)
Sporting item shaped like the first letter of this answer
Nights end
Prop for a football kickoff
Top often worn with jeans
Common garment for tie-dyeing
Kicking ___ (piece of football equipment)
Mysterious symbols
Warning device
North African country.
Kingdom ___
Finger-shaped cake
Personal opinion (Informal)
Small shelter
Spring flowers
Apply oil to
Printer ink
Come out
Swanky homes the length of the Atlantic seaboard
My grains been cropped
Ones gripped by this part of transmission
Golf peg
Supporter held up by 23
Support from unnamed youth
Article underpinning support for course to develop cutting edge
Support is there from time to time
Sweetheart holds up item that helps swingers raise their game
Golf device
It follows ess
Sneads aid
Palmers prop
20th of 26
Cotton shirt
Golfing device
Prepare to drive
Golfers device
Tin Cup device
Golf implement
Kickoff stand
Golf-ball peg
Greens prop
Caddyshack prop
Football aid
Follows ess
Links stand
Twentieth letter
Golf ball stand
___ off (anger)
Kickers stand
Trevinos prop
Kickers gadget
Golfers item
Peg for Lopez
Aid for driving
Starting spot for Collin Morikawa
Prepare to drive, with up
Prepare to drive, with up purchase
Golf driving aid
Golf driving aid
Driving stabilizer
Football kickoff support
Miff, with "off"
What a golfer puts into the ground
Golf ball-holding peg
Simple undershirt
Wooden or plastic elevator
Capital of Thailand?
____ off (make angry)
Bit of concert merch
Bit of concert merch
Look-alike and homophone of the first letter of this answer
Workout wear
It comes in handy when driving
Where certain drives begin
Time phone company showed support
LPGA peg
Workout top
Workout top
Piece of football equipment
Golfers starting place
Rat tail?
Golfing peg
Merch table buy
Merch table buy
Common concert merch
Target area of a curling rink
Word preceding itime/i that sounds like another word preceding itime/i
Stand for driving
Support for golf balls
iTop/i top
Light shirt
Rugby ball prop
Crew-necked shirt, informally
Collarless casual shirt
Concert purchase
Top typically paired with jeans
Shape of a timeout hand signal
Concert keepsake
Merch stand purchase
Bit of merch
Themed bar even places 25 to be taken from here
Wearable souvenir
It gives a driver a lift
Control center
Drivers elevator
Souvenir shop shirt
Inappropriate top for a fancy-dress party
Provider of a lift for a driver
Start to tempt?
Prop used on kickoffs
Sports booster
Stick named for its shape
Hot weather wear
Merch table item
Spot for drivers
Screen printers offering
Drive supporter
Small pedestal
Shirt that may have a V-neck
Cheap shirt
What the shaded square in this grid represents, in 18-Across
Item on a driving range mat
Support for a swing
Defeat regularly upset supporter?
Top that can be fired from a cannon
Shirt thats often sold as merch
Introduction to tradecraft?
Central casting
Top under a hoodie
Golfing prop
Ball pin
Piece of sports equipment thats rarely sold individually
Common merch table buy
Cross-shaped small thing
Short-sleeved shirt
With 112-Down, a small laugh
Bit of swag that may be screen-printed
Bit of workout apparel, informally
External links and extended information:
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Latest Clues:
Site of an ancient Greek oracle
Theatrical costume custodian
Unintentional error revealing subconscious feelings
Aid to an infant’s dental development
Preliminary part
Relating to speech sounds
US five-cent coin
Substance for use on the bows of stringed instruments
Ancient dump for domestic waste
Flying son of Daedalus
Biblical large and mighty beast
Group working together rejected Everyman, tense, hiding hint of anger
Pole performs hiphop about box
Warning from German: sadly can’t hug
Dear Director, Rugby player Will will miss opening
Finally ants all got slaughtered
Hollywood funnyman seeing Scottish mountain, increasingly serene
Book large hotel suite? Give us an address
Assemblages in humorous burlesque, cycling
15 suppressing this impulse
Opportunity to hide ore, not refined
Busy type churning feta for hearty beverage
Somewhat froufrou top I antiqued, expecting impossibly good outcome?
Workshy mended rugs – gladly?
$500 girl loans foolishly
Pine feature of guitar
Got a merger in trouble? Borrow more
Abruptly: Run for it! A biting beastie!
Of value to protect company, that’s obvious early on
Communicative, as expected
As lunch, desultorily eaten, still keeping officebound, principally?
Swanky do took in virtuous knight
Son becoming cold, most pale and most painful
One in theatre’s rushin’ to be heard
Ha! Giants fan lost in the country
See darn rowers successfully diet
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