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Dictionary definitions:

Word: sweeten
Phonetic: /ˈswiːtən/

To make sweet to the taste. Example: to sweeten tea
To make (more) pleasant or to the mind or feelings. Example: to sweeten friendship
To make mild or kind; to soften. Example: to sweeten the temper
To make less painful or laborious; to relieve. Example: to sweeten the cares of life
To soften to the eye; to make delicate.
To make pure and salubrious by destroying noxious matter. Example: to sweeten rooms or apartments that have been infected
To make warm and fertile. Example: to dry and sweeten soils
To restore to purity; to free from taint. Example: to sweeten water, butter, or meat
To make more attractive; said of offers in negotiations.
To become sweet.

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