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Dictionary definitions:

Word: squash
Phonetic: /skwɒʃ/

A sport played in a walled court with a soft rubber ball and bats like tennis racquets.
A soft drink made from a fruit-based concentrate diluted with water. Example: When I'm thirsty I drink squash; it tastes much nicer than plain water.
A place or a situation where people have limited space to move. Example: It's a bit of a squash in this small room.
Something soft and easily crushed; especially, an unripe pod of peas.
Something unripe or soft.
A sudden fall of a heavy, soft body; also, a shock of soft bodies.
An extremely one-sided, usually short, match.
To beat or press into pulp or a flat mass; to crush.
To compress or restrict (oneself) into a small space; to squeeze. Example: Somehow, she squashed all her books into her backpack, which was now too heavy to carry.
To suppress; to force into submission.

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