This is a 4 letter answer

Dictionary definitions:

Word: seen
Phonetic: /ˈsiːn/

(stative) To perceive or detect with the eyes, or as if by sight.
To form a mental picture of.
(social) To meet, to visit.
To be the setting or time of. Example: 1999 saw the release of many great films.
(by extension) To ensure that something happens, especially while witnessing it. Example: I'll see you hang for this!  I saw that they didn't make any more trouble.
To wait upon; attend, escort. Example: I saw the old lady safely across the road.
To respond to another player's bet with a bet of equal value. Example: I'll see your twenty dollars and raise you ten.
To determine by trial or experiment; to find out (if or whether). Example: I'll come over later and see if I can fix your computer.
(used in the imperative) To reference or to study for further details. Example: For a complete proof of the Poincaré conjecture, see Appendix C.
To examine something closely, or to utilize something, often as a temporary alternative. Example: Can I see that lighter for a second? Mine just quit working.
To include as one of something's experiences. Example: The equipment has not seen usage outside of our projects.

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