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This is a
4 letter
Dictionary definitions:
Word: SASE
self-addressed stamped envelope.
All clues having "SASE" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for SASE below.
A MS. might come back in it
Accompaniment for a ms.
Accompaniment for a submission to an ed.
Accompaniment for an MS
Aid in answering: Abbr.
An ed. expects one
Answering aid: Abbr.
Authors enc.
Authors encl.
Autograph collecting aid
Business letter enc.
Business letter encl.
Business-letter enc.
Business-reply encl.
Certain encl.
Common enc.
Common ms. accompaniment
Contest entry enclosure: abbr.
Convenience for an ed.
Convenient encl.
Correspondents encl
Courteous enclosure: abbr.
Courtesy for an editor: Abbr.
Cover letter accompaniment (abbr.)
Eds request
Ed.s convenience
Ed.s request
Ed.s requirement
Editors request
Editors request (abbr.)
Editors request: Abbr.
Enc. accompanying an autograph request
Enc. to an editor
Enc. with a manuscript
Enc. with a ms.
Encl. for a reply
Encl. to facilitate a response
Encl. with a manuscript
Encl. with a sweepstakes entry
Encl. with an RSVP
Encl. with an autograph request
Encl. with an autograph request letter
Enclosure inside an enclosure
Enclosure returned by the P.O.
Enclosure to an ed.
Enclosure with a MS.
Env. enclosure
Envelope encl.
Freelance crossword senders enclosure
Freelance submission encl.
Freelancers courtesy: abbr.
Freelancers enc.
Freelancers encl.
Freelancers encl. (m)
Freelancers insert
Inclusion with a MS.
Invitation encl.
It has your name on it: Abbr.
It holds your rejection slip
It may accompany a MS.
It may be used for many unhappy returns: Abbr.
It may come back to you: Abbr.
It might accompany an MS
It might contain a letter from the editor: Abbr.
It should come back to you after a while: Abbr.
Its sent with the ms.
Its used to return mail: abbr.
Item in a ms. submission
Item mailed with a ms.
Letter enc.
Letter encl.
Letter in a letter: abbr.
Letter-bottom letters
Ltr. encl.
Ltr. enclosure
MS accompanier
MS accompaniment
MS attachment
MS container
MS enclosure
MS. accompanier
MS. enc.
MS. enclosure
MS. inclusion
MS. writers encl.
Mail convenience: Abbr.
Mail courtesy
Mailing courtesy
Mailing courtesy: abbr.
Manuscript enc.
Manuscript encl.
Manuscript enclosure: Abbr.
Ms. insert
One of the things you need to mail in for a transcript of this weeks program
PO delivery
Part of an authors submission: Abbr.
Polite encl.
Postage-paid enc.
Postpaid enc.
Postpaid encl.
Prepaid encl.
Queriers encl.
Query encl.
RSVP card accompanier
RSVP courtesy
RSVP enclosure
RSVP facilitator
RSVP holder
Ready-to-mail item
Ready-to-mail item: Abbr.
Rejected MS. container
Reply courtesy
Request from an ed.
Requirement for MS. return
Response facilitator: Abbr.
Return mail requirement (abbr.)
Return mailer: Abbr.
Return-mail aid (abbr.)
Return-mail enc.
Return-mail request: abbr.
Returned MS holder
Self-addressed stamped env.
Snail mail enc.
Spec sheet requirement
Submission enc.
Submission encl.
Submission enclosure
Submission env.
Submitters enc.
Ticket order encl.
Unsolicited ms. encl.
Unsolicited ms. enclosure
Wedding invitation courtesy
Wedding invitation encl.
Writers Market abbr.
Writing submission enclosure
You might enclose one with a MS
Correspondence courtesy, for short
Return-mail acronym
Mailed encl.
Oft-required enc.
Correspondent's encl.
Correspondence courtesy: Abbr.
Correspondence courtesy inits.
Freelancer's encl.
Reply courtesy, briefly
Ed.'s request
Enclosure with a MS
Writer's Market abbr.
Freelancer's enc.
Mailing courtesy, briefly
Ed.'s convenience
Autograph collecting aid, for short
It may have a row of 28-Down, briefly
Junk mail encl., sometimes
Return mailer, for short
Slush pile item, for short
Business reply encl.
Aid for an ed.
Autograph collector's enclosure, for short
Onetime MS. accompanier
Wedding invitation courtesy, briefly
It's often included with an R.S.V.P. card
Enclosure for a slush pile, for short
Pollsters enc.
Mailer in a mailer, briefly
Encl. with postage
Postpaid envelope enclosure: Abbr.
Postpaid letter enclosure: Abbr.
Something sent to return
What encloses the four longest answers
Postpaid enclosure: Abbr.
Common RSVP enclosure
Posting facilitator, for short
Return-mail courtesy: Abbr.
Manuscript enclosure (abbr.)
Half a dozen to a lady in Timisoara
Something encl. with the request for your political donation, perhaps
RSVP convenience
What an RSVP may come back in
Letter insert, briefly
Sort of 57 Across
Incentive for a return
Return mail enclosure
Convenience for RSVPing
What should be sent with an autograph request
Enc. for a 32-Down
Enc. for a 32-Down
Whats often sent with an RSVP
Enclosure in a slush pile, for short
Postage-paid enclosure: Abbr.
Letters returned to sender?
Enclosure convenience
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Latest Clues:
Hit TV series with three spinoffs
Variable in the Schrödinger equation
Not read thoroughly
Foreign title with a tilde
Truffula forest logger in "The Lorax"
Tear with gusto
Isaac Newton or Elton John, but not Olivia Newton-John
Some epizoa
Tanners' stock
Coolly disregard
Remark from a celebrity look-alike
Classic pickup lines, familiarly
Beehive State flower
They're small and plucked
Completing a video game as fast as possible, say
Buying opportunity for select customers
Band-Aid applier, perhaps
Snack made with celery sticks, peanut butter and raisins
Network on which "Gossip Girl" aired
Film collectibles
Laundry service, e.g.
Fruit-flavored pop
Places for scheming
Not learn one's lesson?
___ Locks, connection between Lake Superior and Lake Huron
Singer Washington or Shore
Journeys of escape
They might be written off
Trade on
Knotting (up)
Upton Sinclair novel that inspired the film "There Will Be Blood"
Rock band with the 1990s hits "Fly" and "Every Morning"
Big orbiter
Where hips emdo/em lie
Question to one's best friend, maybe
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