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All clues having "SANTA" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for SANTA below.
Ho ho ho crier
Ho ho ho fellow
Jolly old elf of rhyme
Miracle on 34th Street character
Miracle on 34th Street role
Nick name that goes with the first names in the grids six longest entries
Ten times ten thousand years from now
The Nightmare Before Christmas hostage
The ___ Clause (Tim Allen film)
___ Baby
A fly-by-night?
A jolly good fellow
A man for one season
Ana or Barbara
Ana or Barbara start
Anita or Clara
Annual list-checker
Annual sleigh driver
Annual traveler
Annual visitor
Annual winter visitor
Bag carrier
Bag man
Barbara follows it
Barbara or Clara
Barbara or Monica
Barbara or Rosa preceder
Before Monica
Big bag carrier
Billy Bob played him badly
Blitzens boss
Chimney worker?
Christmas card character
Christmas decoration
Christmas drop-in
Christmas guy
Christmas letter recipient
Christmas list keeper
Christmas party worker
Christmas regular
Christmas visitor
Christmas vistor
Clara or Monica
Clara or Rosa
Clement Moore character
Clement Moores right jolly old elf
Client of this puzzles spin doctor?
Comet leader?
Comets guider
Comets leader
Cupids boss
Cupids driver
Cupids leader?
Cupids master
Cupids master?
Dancer director
Dancer director?
Dancers boss?
Dancers director?
Dancers driver
Dancers manager?
Dancers prompter
Dasher lasher?
December 24th visitor
December 25 visitor
December VIP
December addressee
December delivery man
December disguise
December drop-in
December list keeper
December temp
December traveler
December visitor
Elf-aware figure
Elves boss
Employer of 43A
Employer of a dozen helpers hidden in this puzzle
End of the definition
End-of-the-year fat man
Everclears ___ Monica (Watch the World Die)
Famous package delivery man
Famous package-delivery man
Father Christmas
Fe front
Fe or Ana preceder
First name in gift-giving
First word of a song Springsteen famously covered
Frequent December addressee
Gift bearer
Gift deliverer
Gift giver
Grinch disguise
He jiggled like a bowl full of jelly
He comes once a year
He delivers gifts in stockings
He gets the sack in December
He gives gifts in stockings
He has a small work force
He knows if youve been naughty or nice
He may bring you golf clubs late in the year
He visits once a year
Hes busy this month
Hes very elf-conscious
Ho-ho-ho guy
Holiday housebreaker?
Holiday traveler
Holiday visitor
Holiday visitor hidden in eight answers in this puzzle
Holiday wish list recipient
Honorific for Maria or Ynez
It can precede the first names in six puzzle answers
It may be with Monica or Clara
Jolly elf
Jolly holiday visitor
Jolly old man
Jovial philanthropist
Kiddie hero
Kriss Kringle
Large guy who can fit in narrow spaces
Legendary polar inhabitant
List recipient
Macys Day Parade V.I.P.
Macys temp
Man in a red suit
Man in a red-and-white suit
Man in a suit
Man in red
Man with a famous lap
Man with a nice laugh
Maria or Rosa preceder
Mr. Claus
Nick active at night
Nick name
Nick name?
Nick who comes at night
Nightmare Before Christmas hostage
North Pole VIP
North Pole dweller
North Pole resident
Northern star?
Noted sleigh driver
Noted toy maker
Noted workshop chief
Notion of which children must eventually be disabused
Once-a-year visitor
One making overnight deliveries
One who flies south in the winter
One who flies south in the winter?
One who laughs a lot
One who provides coal in December
One whos busy the night before opening day?
One with a pole position?
One with a small work force
One with a small work force?
Owner of eight other answers in this puzzle
Part of UCSB
Part of many California town names
Pole Dancers boss?
Pole star
Pole star?
Popular Christmas display
Popular legend of Dutch origin
Present company?
Present day hero?
Present presenter
Producer of a famous laugh
Receiver of lists
Recipient of many wish lists
Red suit wearer
Reindeer driver
Rooftop visitor
Rosa or Paula preceder
Rosas lead?
Rudolphs boss
Rudolphs master
Sack toter
Seasonal fellow
Seasonal figure
Seasonal globetrotter
Seasonal list maker
Seasonal sleigh driver
Seasonal sleigh-rider
Seasonal symbol
Seasonal temp
Seasonal temp job
Seasonal temp position
Seasonal visitor
Secret ___ (seasonal office game)
Sidewalk ___
Sledder in the sky
Sleigh driver
Sleigh driver of note
Springsteen sang about him coming to town
St. Nick
Start of a Springsteen Christmas song
Stocking stuffer
Stocking stuffer?
Subject of a famed 1897 editorial
Team manager
Thanksgiving Day parade VIP
Thanksgiving parade VIP
Tim Allen comedy The ___ Clause
Tots hero
Toys R him
Traveler who carries his own bag
Vixens master
Winter visitor
Winter wonder man
Wish list receiver
Wish-list receiver
With 61A
Word before Maria or Monica
Word that can precede the first name of each California Girl to form a city
Word with Clara
Word with each first name in this puzzles theme
Worker always seen in a suit
Workshop owner of note
Year-end list examiner
Year-end mall temp
Year-end stocking stuffer
Year-end temp
Year-end visitor
___ Ana (hot wind of Southern California)
___ Anita
___ Anita Park (California racetrack)
___ Anna (Alamo victor)
___ Barbara
___ Barbara (big boating town of California)
___ Clara
___ Claus
___ Cruz
___ Fe
___ Maria
___ Maria (Columbuss flagship)
___ Monica
___ Rosa
Kiddie's hero.
A right jolly old elf.
Today's hero.
Edmund Gwenn.
Famous sleigh ride.
Giver of gifts.
Columbus' ship, ___ Maria.
Friend of good children.
___ Rosa, California.
Symbol of Christmas
Seasonal department store job.
Reindeer driver, seasonal.
The man in the red suit.
Blitzen's driver.
The other half of 4 Down.
Hero of Clement Moore poem.
Toyland V. I. P.
Department store employee
Vixen's driver.
Clara or Anita.
Anita or Monica.
Fé or Cruz.
___ Clara, university in California.
Yule symbol.
Christmas figure
___ Lucia.
Comet's driver.
Last week's visitor.
Barbara ___
Xmas aeronaut.
Saint Nick.
___ Fé.
Seasonal saint
Driver of 17, 23, 26, 48 Across, 1, 26, 36, 37 Down.
___ Maria, Guatemala volcano.
Yule man.
December symbol.
Cruz ___
Maria or Clara.
Subject of Virginia's famous query.
December figure.
Man of distinction, for December.
Man now on leave.
Red-clad figure.
December feature.
Popular saint
___ Ana.
Jolly fellow.
Popular man about town.
The Secret of ___ Vittoria.
A Nick.
Xmas V.I.P.
A Nicholas
___ Kringle
___ Vittoria
Annual V.I.P.
Anna or Maria
Maria or Cruz
Maria or Sophia
Rosa or Anna
Xmas visitor
Jolly man?
December caller
Lucia or Maria
North Pole inhabitant
Bag man?
Name before Barbara or Clara
Nobody shoots at ___ ... (Smith)
Jolly one
Good-children's friend
Barbara or Maria
Yearly visitor
Chimney visitor
Clara or Ana
Ho, ho, ho man
Rooftop sleigher
With 2 Down, city in Brazil
Famed sleigher
His toys bring joys to girls and boys
Hero of a famous 1897 editorial
Annual department store employee
Anita, Monica or Clara
Ana or Clara
Obese bag man
Polar personage
Jolly one in a red suit
Polar resident
Famed bag man
Tot's hero
Yule visitor
Anita or Ana
Claus or Cruz
Toys man
Tots' hero
___ Lucia (Italian song)
The fat man in red
Catalina or Catarina
Fabulous stocking-stuffer
Department store's seasonal temp.
Univ. of Calif. site, with 10 Across
Seasonal store worker
Noted bag man
Rudolph's boss
Rudolph's reinsman
One of the Clauses
Dancer's guide
Rudolph's master
Cupid's master
___ Rosa, Calif.
Clement Moore's right jolly old elf
With 61-Down, a California city
With 15-Across, a California county
Vixen's master
With 59-Down, like some winds
With 40-Down, seat of Orange County, Calif.
Cupid's boss
After 66-Across, participant in a gift-giving activity
With 45-Across, largest city in California's wine country
See 3-Down
See 46-Across
Present-day personality?
Holiday attraction at a mall
Seasonal cookie eater
In verse, His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
Noted gift giver
Dancer's leader
Leader of a group of elves
Preceder of Barbara or Clara
International package deliverer
Answer to Who wears a long cap on his head?, in song
Deliverer of Christmas packages
Present bringer
A children's favourite may be followed by Barbara and Monica et al
Midwinter gift bringer
Could be Barbara, but if 20
Saint Satan troubled?
Imminent arrival primarily seen as not too athletic
Worker in Salvation Army appears as Father Christmas
Seasonal sack toter
Receiver of many letters
North Pole letter recipient
Red-and-white hat wearer
One-night-a-year flier
Nick working at night?
Gift list addressee
Reindeer reins holder
Seasonal mall temp
December mall figure
Rotund man in a bright suit
Red-and-white suit wearer
Upset when admitting social worker is annual visitor
Holy Italian who is sacked just before Christmas
Faulty satnav restricted parcel courier
With 2-Down, holiday visitor whose journey is sprinkled throughout this weeks puzzles
Iconic list double-checker
Kris Kringle
Christmas Eve visitor
Annual aviator
With 9 Across, Silicon Valley city
Canadas H0H 0H0 postal code addressee
Speaker of the cheer in question
Red-suited reindeer driver
__ Clara County (Silicon Valley locale)
Driver of flying reindeer
Ho, ho, ho! guy
Dashers driver
Recent annual visitor
December sleigh driver
Donald Duck persona in Toy Tinkers
Mrs. Claus mister
Once-a-year aviator
Air traveler in early winter
Figure that goes through the roof in December?
Quite an elf-conscious fellow
Hes supposedly tracked by NORAD
One seen during the present time?
1-Across, by another name
Late-fall mall temp
One who laughs Ho, ho, ho!
Ed Asners role in Elf
Noel notable
Seasonal delivery driver?
He's busy over Christmas
Fall mall hiree
Fall mall hiree
Once-a-year flier
___ Barbara (California resort city)
Who actually lives in Lapland, some say
Dried grape
Father Christmas (Informal)
Commercialised version of saint, note, put forward by devilish figure
It has been given National Television Award by Monica and Barbara in California?
In cahoots, Ant and Decs visitor?
Dancers master
Mommy kisser of song
Crew boss
With 27 Across, one gifted guy?
Certain list recipient
Start of three California county names
Vent infiltration pro?
Evil figure having cheers later for a more generous one
With 65-Across, seat of Californias Orange County
With 65-Across, seat of Californias Orange County
Bad ___ (2003 comedy thats #30 on the list)
Role in Elf
With 45-Down, West Coast racing venue
Recipient of many lists
With 121-Down, seat of Californias Orange County
Yearly role for some hefty older men
___ Barbara (1980s soap opera set in California)
Dancer's boss
December deliveryman?
Jolly December visitor
Seasonal employer of elves
Part of three California county names
Presumably he doesnt mind being sacked at Christmas
Figure whose Canadian postal code is H0H 0H0
Figure on the last float in the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade
Hes known in the Netherlands as Sinterklaas
___ Barbara (1980s-90s NBA soap opera)
The ___ Clauses (Disney series featuring Tim Allen)
NORAD tracking target
___ Clarita Diet (show starring 1-Across)
North Pole bigwig
__ Monica Pier
Overnight delivery specialist
Seasonal mall worker
Little old driver so lively and quick
Devils new advanced jolly personality
One with an "accept all cookies" policy?
Dancer pulls him for one frenetic night when the magic happens
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Six-pack that might be in the "Craft" section, for short
Online shorthand for "off-line"
Kickin' cardio option
Logician who hypothesized that the simplest explanation for a phenomenon is usually the best
"Surely!," in Orly
Atlanta sch. whose teams are the Panthers
Cautionary sign at a pier
1982 George Clinton hit with the refrain "Bow wow wow, yippie yo, yippie yay"
Stand onstage, perhaps
Speedway additive brand
"No lie ...," in texts
Juggling chain saws on a tightrope, for instance
Windows portal, in brief
Complements to salts and fats in the kitchen
Companion of Jason in the search for the Golden Fleece
Many a work message
___ around (football trick play)
Hits the exchange, in Wall Street lingo
What un sachet de thé is put into
Try-before-you-buy option
Things to brood over
Assume the lotus position, say
Hyundai S.U.V. named after a region in Hawaii
Month with the newest federal holiday, recognized in 2021
Last word of the last multiple-choice option, maybe
Commit a party foul, in a way … or what five answers do in this puzzle?
Farmworker organizer Chavez
Vital force in Taoism
Items for babies on board
Eye part found in the 13-Across
Tag sale disclaimer
"if u put it that way, however ..."
Possible sleeping spot for a partner who's in the doghouse
Cays, e.g.
Burning glow
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