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Word: rue
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Sorrow; repentance; regret.
Pity; compassion.
All clues having "RUE" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for RUE below.
13 ___ Madeleine (1946 James Cagney film)
13 ___ Madeleine (1946 spy film)
And all too soon
Betty La ___ (Hoyt Axton tune)
For you theres rosemary and ___: The Winters Tale
Golden Girl McClanahan
Golden Girls actress McClanahan
Heartsease and : J. R. Lowell
I ___ the day...
Less Than Perfects Sara
The Murders in the ___ Morgue
The Murders in the ___ Morgue (Poe story)
Youll ___ the day...
Golden Girl McClanahan
-- Morgue: Poe locale
Acerb herb
Actres McClanahan
Actress McClanahan
Actress McClanahan of The Golden Girls
Actress McLanahan
Anemone type
Asian aromatic plant
Be ashamed of
Be contrite
Be contrite about
Be penitent
Be remorseful
Be sorry
Be sorry about
Be sorry for
Bea and Bettys costar
Bea/Bettys costar
Bitter herb
Bitterly regret
Blanche in The Golden Girls
Blanche portrayer on The Golden Girls
Boulevard crosser
Cherbourg street
Citrus fruits plant family
Co-star of Betty and Estelle
Co-star with Betty
Come to regret
Costar of Bea and Betty on The Golden Girls
Cry over spilled milk
Curse the day
Eat crow
Experience penitence
Express regret
Express sorrow
Feel awful about
Feel bad about
Feel bad for
Feel guilty about
Feel regret
Feel regret about
Feel regret for
Feel regret over
Feel remorse
Feel remorse about
Feel remorse for
Feel remorse over
Feel sorrow
Feel sorrow about
Feel sorrow for
Feel sorrow over
Feel sorry
Feel sorry about
Feel sorry for
Fen ___ (meadow plant)
Find regrettable
French street
French way
French way?
Fret about
Fret over
Gas plant or Hercules-club
Gas plants family
Get regretful
Golden Girl MacClanahan
Greatly regret
Hand : main :: street : ___
Have misgivings about
Have nixed emotions?
Have regret
Have regrets
Have regrets about
Have second thoughts
Have second thoughts about
Have serious misgivings about
Have some regrets
Have some remorse
Herb of contrition?
Herb of grace
Herb of regret?
Herb of sorrow?
Herb with bitter leaves
Herb you may regret buying?
Ile de la Cit street
It runs through Montral
Kick oneself for
Lemons family
Look back regretfully on
Lyons lane
McClanahan of The Golden Girls
McLanahan of The Golden Girls
Medicinal plant with yellow flowers
Montreal street
Montreal street sign word
Montreal street-sign word
Morgue in a Poe classic
Ms. McClanahan
New Orleans ___ Bourbon
Nice street
Old-fashioned medicinal plant
One of Bettys Golden Girls costars
One of Ophelias flowers
One of the Golden Girls actresses
One of the Golden Girls
Onetime medicinal herb
Paris byway
Paris street
Pariss Royale
Pariss ___ La Fayette
Pariss ___ de Rivoli
Pariss ___ de Vaugirard
Pariss ___ de la Paix
Pariss___de Rivoli
Parisian street
Parisian way
Part of Madames address
Part of a European address
Part of an Avignon address
Partner of rosemary
Plant related to fraxinella
Plant with yellow flowers
Poe title word
Poes The Murders in the ___ Morgue
Quebec City street
Quebec street
Really regret
Regard with regret
Regret a lot
Regret bitterly
Regret royally
Regret with bitterness
Regretful herb?
Repent of
Road to Rouen
Rosemarys companion
Say Mea culpa
Seek absolution
Shakespeares herb of grace
She starred with Bea and Betty
Sitcom costar of Betty and Estelle
Sitcom veteran McClanahan
Sorrowful plant?
Sorry state
St. -Etienne street
Strasbourg street
Street by the Seine
Street in New Orleans
Street in Paris
Street in Quebec
Street in St. Lo
Street of Strasbourg
Street: Fr.
Strong-scented herb
Strongly scented plant
The French way?
The road to Rouen?
The street where vous live
Think better afterward
Think better of
Utter Mea culpa
View from an outdoor French bistro
Wandas predecessor?
Want back
Want to forget
Want to take back
Want to undo
Way in Montral
Way in Qubec
Way of France
Wish away
Wish it never happened
Wish it werent so
Wish never happened
Wish nullified
Wish one could take back
Wish one could undo
Wish one hadnt
Wish otherwise
Wish things otherwise
Wish things were otherwise
Wish to forget
Wish to remedy
Wish to take back
Wish to undo
Wish undone
Wish unmade
Wish you could take it back
Wish you hadnt
With one could take back
Woody herb
Word on Parisian street signs
Word on many French Quarter street signs
Word on some New Orleans street signs
Word on some street signs in New Orleans
___ Lett (French bettors home?)
___ Morgue: Poe locale
___ anemone
___ family
___ the day
___ de la Paix.
Street: French.
Street, in France.
___ de Rivoli.
Ophelia had some.
Be repentant.
___ Royale in Paris.
Bemoan the day.
Morgue or Royale.
Bewail the day.
Any street in Paris.
The taste of regret.
Symbol of regret.
Plant Ophelia mentioned.
Strong-smelling plant.
Poetic regret.
Sorrow: Archaic.
Street of Paris.
___ Royale
Flowering plant.
Symbolic herb.
Meadow ___, plant of the crowfoot family.
European herb.
___ de Sevres.
French thoroughfare.
Street in Montmartre.
Morgue, for one.
Rouen street.
Part of Ophelia's bouquet.
Garden plant
Regret deeply
Wish you hadn't.
Wish one hadn't.
Word on a Paris map
Scented plant
Fragrant herb
Poe's Morgue
Madeleine, e.g.
One of Ophelia's herbs
Rosemary's companion
Scribe or de Rivoli
Be regretful
Muse regretfully
___ anemone (perennial plant)
Old medicinal plant
___ the day (regret)
Nought shall make us ___: Shak.
Regrettable herb?
The Murders in the ___ Morgue: Poe
Poet Housman's burden
Paris's Royale, e.g.
Tentwort or boronia
Street, in Savoie
Herb for McClanahan
Kick oneself
Gas plant's family
Bea's TV housemate
Paris's ___ La Fayette
Wish it weren't so
Ile de la Cité street
Paris's___de Rivoli
One of Ophelia's flowers
For you there's rosemary and ___: The Winter's Tale
With 12-Down, buttercup relatives
Part of Madame's address
Way in Montréal
Fret over, maybe
Partner of rosemary, in Shakespeare
Poe's The Murders in the ___ Morgue
It runs through Montréal
St.-Honoré, in Paris
Way in Québec
___ family, which includes the citrus trees
Paris's ___ de Vaugirard
Scented, medicinal plant
And all too soon, I fear, the king shall ___: Richard II
Want to take back, say
Kick oneself over
German : Strasse :: French : ___
Montréal street
Beat oneself up about
Paris's ___ de Rome
Cry over, say
Repentant feeling
Québec street
Be unsatisfied with, say
Young competitor in The Hunger Games
Paris's ___ de Rivoli
Feel some repentance for
Way through une ville
Feeling after a guilt trip
Medicinal plant
Part of a Parisian address
Regret - herb
Regret - wild shrub
Bitterly regret — plant
Bitter-tasting herb
Wish I hadn't a plant?
Plant found by the way in France
Poirots street
Feel badly about
Have remorse for
Deeply regret
Poes __ Morgue
Wish to do over, perhaps
Dwell on, maybe
Pity it's a plant
Regret expressed in the French way
Tours' way? Currency brought back
Piaf's way to feel regret
Feel repentant
Have buyers remorse, say
Street in Montréal
Feel contrite about
Be regretful about.
Cry over
Blanches portrayer
Wish you could undo
Costar of Betty, Bea, and Estelle
District 11 female tribute in the 74th Hunger Games, played by Amandla Stenberg
Poes orangutan-featuring The Murders in the ___ Morgue
Young competitor in The Hunger Games, eventually speared by Marvel
Street down in the French quarter
Costar of Bea, Betty, and Estelle
Show remorse over
Regret doing
Recall regretfully
McClanahan who played Blanche Devereaux
Youll ___ the day you crossed me, Trebek!
Youll ___ the day you crossed me!
Not as much
Small crown
The Virgin Mary
Bloodsucking spirit
Japanese martial artist
Spiny plant
Raised strip of land
Passenger ship
Begin anew
Indented area
Take a bullet for Kitty
Just in profit over repair
35's way to express regret
Regret the European way
Regret scheme to oust son
Regret extremely deficient gruel
13 ____ Madeleine
Bardots street
Weep over.
Beas costar
Blanche player
Street, in Nice
Stew over, say
Recall with guilt
Wish you could take back
Leader abandons genuine regret
Poes The Murders in the ___ Morgue (the first modern detective story)
Regret being harsh, expelling daughter
Zendayas Euphoria role
Zendayas Euphoria role
Michelin-starred chef articulated regret
Way to go, in Paris
Herb - in a street abroad?
You will __ the day!
You will __ the day!
Golden Girls pal of Bette, Bea, and Estelle
One-half of the iEuphoria/i pairing Rules
McClanahan of Maude and Mamas Family
Plant also known as herb-of-grace
Plant also called herb-of-grace
Herb – French street
___ the day (have a ton of regrets)
Feel shame about
Have thoughts that start with If only I had ...
Golden Girls pal of Bea, Betty, and Estelle
iEuphoria/i role for Zendaya
Herb – French thoroughfare
___ the day (have regrets)
Shrub with small, yellow flowers
Rhyme of 43-Across, but not a homophone of 49-Across
Regret impolite daughter being banished
Regret cavorting but disobedient at heart
Zendaya's role on "Euphoria"
Street, in Marseilles
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Surrey town known for its salt
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Sprinkled with seasoning, in Italian
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Mocking comments, maybe
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