This is a 5 letter answer

Dictionary definitions:

Word: ring
Word origin: Old English hring, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ring, German Ring, also to the noun rank1.
Phonetic: rɪŋ

a small circular band, typically of precious metal and often set with one or more gemstones, worn on a finger as an ornament or a token of marriage, engagement, or authority. Example: a diamond ring
a ring-shaped or circular object. Example: an inflatable rubber ring
an enclosed space, surrounded by seating for spectators, in which a sport, performance, or show takes place. Example: a circus ring
a group of people engaged in a shared enterprise, especially one involving illegal or unscrupulous activity. Example: the police had been investigating the drug ring
a number of atoms bonded together to form a closed loop in a molecule. Example: a benzene ring
a set of elements with two binary operations, addition and multiplication, the second being distributive over the first and associative.
surround (someone or something), especially for protection or containment. Example: the courthouse was ringed with police
put an aluminium strip round the leg of (a bird) for subsequent identification. Example: only a small proportion of warblers are caught and ringed
fraudulently change the identity of (a motor vehicle), typically by changing its registration plate. Example: there may be an organization which has ringed the stolen car to be resold
short for ringbark.

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