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Word: reset
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To set back to the initial state.
To set to zero.
To adjust; to set or position differently.
All clues having "RESET" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for RESET below.
Spring forward
Start over button
Action after an alarm
Adjust a clock
Adjust a stopped clock
Adjust a trip odometer
Adjust afresh
Adjust after a time change
Adjust the alarm
Adjust the alarm clock
Adjust the chronograph
Adjust the chronometer
Adjust the clock
Adjust the time of
Alarm-clock change
Alley button
Alley control
Alley-clearing button
Alter the timer
Appliance button
Arrange again
Arranged anew
At zero
Back to zero
Back-to-zero button
Bowlers button
Bowlers start-over button
Bowling alley button
Bowling button
Bowling lane button
Bowling-alley button
Bowling-lane button
Button at a bowling alley
Button for Earl Anthony
Button for bowlers
Button for pins
Button for starting over
Button in a bowling alley
Button in an alley
Button on a clock radio
Button on a disposal
Button on an alarm clock
Button rockers want to press after career err
Button that replaces pins
Button that starts things over
Button to hit when frozen
Button you might have to poke with a paper clip
CTRL-ALT-DEL alternative
Calibrate again
Calibrate anew
Change a timepiece
Change a timer
Change an alarm
Change hands
Change ones alarm
Change the alarm
Change the font of
Change the reading of
Change the time
Change the timer
Change to 000
Change to zeros
Clear the counter
Clock button
Compaq button
Computer button
Contact-restoring device
Copier button
Correct a clock
Dash button
Dashboard button
Disposal button
Do a printers job
Electric clock feature
Electronic clock feature
Falsify an odometer
Fix a broken leg
Fix a fracture
Fix a watch
Fix an odometer
Fix the alarm
Fix the blinking 12:00
Format again
Furnace button
GameCube button
Go back to the default settings
Initialize anew
It may be pushed before starting
Its pressed at alleys
Keglers button
Kind of button
Like a VCR after a power outage
Like ad rates after sweeps
Like most clocks in April and October
Like tripmeters
Make another time?
Make ready to use again
Make zero
Microwave button
Modem button
Mongol conqueror
Monitor button
Much-used button
MuteMath EP
NES button
Odometer button
Old-school Nintendo button
Order to a typographer
Pedometer button
PlayStation button
Popular button
Press and hold the Play/Pause and Menu buttons on an iPod
Put a counter to zero
Put at 000
Put back
Put back at zero
Put back on the lane
Put back some of Louvres etchings (5)
Put back to 0
Put back to 0-0
Put back to 000
Put back to 0000
Put back to 000000
Put back to square one
Put back to zero
Put the counter on zero
Put time back on the clock
Put to zero
Ready for another play
Ready for use again
Ready to be used again
Recorder button
Respond to a buzzing alarm
Return to 000
Return to an original state
Return to defaults
Revert to 12:00
Roll back
Roll back to zero
Router button
Scheduled anew
Spring ahead or fall back
Stand up on an alley
Start a stopwatch from 0
Start over
Start-over button
Stopwatch button
Tamper with an odometer
Tamper with
Tape deck button
Tend to a breaker
Timer button
Treat a broken hone
Trip counter button
Trip odometer button
Trip odometer feature
Trip switch
Trip-odometer button
Tripmeter button
Tripmeter feature
Troubleshooters button
Turn back the clock?
Turn back to 0
Turn back to zero
Turn counter back to zero
Turn forward or back
Turn the tripmeter to 000
Turn to 000
Turned back
VCR button
Video-game button
Washer button
Watch feature
What one does to clocks at the end of Daylight Savings Time
Wii button
Zero out
Zero the tripometer
Zeroing button
Linotyped again.
Adjust again
Put into type again.
Replant: Hort.
Fixed again
Plant that is planted again.
Put in type again.
Fix anew
Restyle one's hair.
Fix again
Put back in position.
Adjust, as a clock.
Put in new type.
Put into new type.
Direction to a printer.
Place again.
Fix the clock.
Plant again
Printer's term.
Do a jeweler's job.
Put in another spot.
Job for a jeweler.
Put in place again.
Groom hair again.
Adjust once more
Fix over
Put in a new place.
Do a printing chore.
Changed the alarm
Perm. job
Find a new place for
Bowling term
Repeat a printing job
Gel again
Do a printing job
Adjust, as a watch
Do over, as a type job
Change the mounting
Schedule again
Replace pied type
Correct a dial
Position again
Adjusted the clock
Replace a ring gem
Put back in place.
Freshly adjusted
Change the type
Do a composing room job
Adjust, as a meter
Changed the clock
Button for a bowler
Start-again switch
Button on an alley
Cycling button
Change a stone's position
Adjust anew
Place tableware in a different way
Adjust an alarm clock
Bowler's button
Righted the tenpins
Washing machine button
Change to E.S.T.
Fix one's watch, in a way
Change type
Change the thermostat
Change from E.S.T. to D.S.T.
Button in a laundry
Correct a watch
Adjust a wristwatch
Button on a lane
Treat a broken bone
Adjusted a clock
Adjust a timepiece
Revision of 20 Across
Fix the clock for D.S.T.
Switch button
Turn back an odometer
Fix the clocks again
Changed clock time
Terse anagram
Adjust a timer
Adjust one's watch
Change, as a clock
Back to zero, perhaps
Right, in a way
Turn forward or back, say
Roll back, say
Turned back, say
Make zero, maybe
Put back to zero, say
Roll back, perhaps
Transplanted, as a plant
Tamper with, as an odometer
Put back to 0000, say
Back to zero, say
Start over, in a way
Change, as an alarm
Change, as a watch
Fix, as ribs?
Put back to zero, as a tripmeter
Ready for another round
Put back to the beginning
Button putting everything back to zero
Change, as a password
Like an alarm clock, night after night
Put back to 0, say
Change to all zeros, say
Complete policy overhaul, in D.C.-speak
Adjust, as an alarm clock
Zero, in a way
Put back to level one, say
Undo button
Put together again
Restore to zero
Restore to the initial readings
Reconfigured base conserving energy
Regularly defective drier's best turned off and on again
Go back to square one when New Street's not finished
Note the party is to be corrected
Fix again part of state servant's retirement
Restore state of sapper on location of shooting
Adjust, as a chronometer
Trip odometer control
Go back to zero
Trip odometer function
Game console button
Steer incorrectly and course must be this
Place again on TV
Place again on the box
Put back to factory settings
Went back to the beginning
Option after a freeze-up
With a new password
Update, as a clock
Return to zero, maybe
Ready to use again
Put back to zero, as a stopwatch
Zero the milometer, say
Dial back to zero
Turn back the clock, say
Go back to 0
Troubleshooting step that might be soft or hard
Bring back to zero, as a counter
Change hands, in a way?
Brought it back to zero, finally one among others (5)
Another adjustment on TV
A large buggy to go round very touristy area
Break around heel of the boot again
Again adjust support around base
PlayStation button discontinued since the original
Adjust, as a timer
Make a new start, gaining energy in time off
Adjust back to zero
Change, as with a password
Go from 60 to 0, say
Start anew
Regularly defective driers best turned off and on again
Finally, after five failures, we get to start again from scratch
Turn back time?
Change back to zero
Note group having to adjust again
Fresh start?
15 seen regularly in ornets nests
Scripture group at school put back to square one
Support adopting end to futile return to first principles
Groundhog Day segment
Button on a game console
Tech support suggestion
15 seen regularly in ornets nests (5)
Change back to 000
Put back prop holding base
Go back to zero button
Turn back
Button on the back of many appliances
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Latest Clues:
1950s nonconformist
One farmers locale
Years long past
____ as a board
Jazz or Gala?
Done only in the mind
More intimate – Julia Roberts film
Poison-pen ____
Facility or usefulness
Most humble, least in value
Takes temporarily
Runner-up, e.g.
Ruptured and aerated maize
Freewheel – shore
Place frequented by holidaymakers – organise again?
Features of many songs and poems
Dispenser of medicaments
Fight – shed – remnant
Tourist’s caboodle
Devoid of significance
Sundry – miscellaneous – motley
Short, cheese or last?
Shower substance – Julie Christie film
Culinary directions
Site of an ancient Greek oracle
Theatrical costume custodian
Unintentional error revealing subconscious feelings
Aid to an infant’s dental development
Preliminary part
Relating to speech sounds
US five-cent coin
Substance for use on the bows of stringed instruments
Ancient dump for domestic waste
Flying son of Daedalus
Biblical large and mighty beast
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