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Word: redo
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A repeated action; a doing again, refurbishment, etc.
To do again.
All clues having "REDO" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for REDO below.
I changed my mind on a computer
That was what I meant after all command
Trading Spaces activity
Alter the appearance of
Begin again
Begin once again
Bring on the decorator
Cabinet face-lift
Change completely
Change considerably
Change decor
Change decorations
Change of dcor
Change the decor
Change the decor of
Change the decorations
Change the decorations of
Change the design
Change the dcor
Change the dcor of
Change the furnishings
Change the furnishings of
Change the motif
Change the motif of
Change the style of
Change the wallpaper
Change totally
Complete again
Complete makeover
Completely change
Completely fix
Compromise after a disputed kickball call
Computer command
Decorate again
Decorate anew
Decorate differently
Decorate freshly
Decorate in a new style
Decorate over
Design anew
Design over
Draw again
Duplicate a deed
Dcor change
Edit menu command
Editors job
Editors request
Effect a makeover
Emulate the Extreme Makeover folks
Emulate the Trading Spaces folks
Emulate the Trading Spaces gang
Execute again
Fashion freshly
Fix a mistake
Fix over
Fix up
Fix up the house with new things
Fix up the place
Freshen up
Furbish anew
Furnish again
Furnish with new appliances and flooring
Get new cabinets for
Give a face lift
Give a face-lift to
Give a facelift to
Give a fresh look
Give a fresh look to
Give a makeover
Give a makeover to
Give a new look
Give a new look to
Give a whole new look to
Give an extreme makeover
Give another look to
Give it another go
Give it another shot
Give new decor
Go back to square one
Go back to square one on
Go back to the drawing board
Go over
Go over a second time
Google logo component
Hang new paper in
Have a new go at
Hire a decorator
Improve the decor
Kick over
Lay down another track
Lent preceder
Let result
Make a change in the decor
Make a room over
Make again
Make anew
Make another version
Make over
Make over.
Make revisions to
Modernize the decor
Modernize the decor of
More than patch up
Move furniture and paint walls
New version
Note on some failed tests
Pay a follow-up visit to Turn Your Head and Coif?
Perform a second time
Perform again
Perform anew
Perform once more
Play over
Provide with a new look
Put a new coat on
Put a new spin on
Rip up and start over
Scrap and start over
Second chance
Second draft
Second draft//Decorate again
Second serve
Shoot over
Solution to playground umpiring impasses
Spiff up
Spruce up
Start again
Start again from scratch
Start all over
Start from scratch
Start from square one
Start over
Start over again
Start over from scratch
Start over on
Start over with
Subject to a makeover
Take 17
Take another shot at
Take back to the drawing board
Take from square one
Take from the top
Take it from the top
Take two
Tear out and start over
Tie again
Tile over
Totally change
Try again
Try again from square one
Try anew
Try another take
Try it again
Try the play again
Update the decor
Upgrade the decor
Usual result of hitting ctl-Y on Windows
Vastly improve the decor
Windows command with the keyboard shortcut Control-Y
Word processing command
Word processor command
Work for Trading Spaces
Work over
Write over
Fix anew
Put in order again.
Accomplish again.
Take another crack at
Perform agaain.
Fix a new coiffure.
Fix again
Change décor.
Change the décor.
Repeat an act.
Part of the Stepquote
Have at, again.
Work up again.
Work over?
Change the color scheme
Furnish anew
Go over again
Doctor up
Decorator's verb
Alter the setting
Change drastically
Draft again
Change, as wallpaper
Heed the emendator
Give a face lift to
Alter the décor
Interior decorator's word
Perform a decorator's job
Change the interior
Fashion anew
Put up new wallpaper
Adjust the décor
Shoot a scene again
Make changes
Anagram for rode
Offer a new version
An anagram for rode
Change wallpaper, e.g.
Doer anagram
Editor's job.
Modernize, perhaps
Paint again
Decorator's advice
Freshen the décor
Change the style
Install new furniture
Give new appearance to
Second draft, informally
Fix, artwise
Update, maybe
Change, as the décor
Change the décor of
Second serve, for example
Mulligan, say
Make over completely
Fresh take, informally
Request after a failure, sometimes
Second version
Give a face-lift
Another attempt
Fresh styling
Control+Y on a PC or Command+Y on a Mac
Control+Y on a PC
Mulligan, in golf
Option in an Edit menu
Take a mulligan on
Another go
Second attempt, informally
Fashion again
Create again
First two notes in wrong order? Try again
Accomplish a second time
Some enquired optimistically for an action replay
Edit menu option
Produce another version of the colour of 2, with love
Second shot
Golfers mulligan, e.g.
More than fix up
Correct, in a way
Second effort
Redecorate? Yes, after taking ecstasy, cocaine and speed
What a let in tennis affords
Second attempt
Upgrade, perhaps
Make over, to modernize
Make over, as a room
Update, as upholstery
Make over, as a kitchen
Second try
Try again on
PC directive that states Actually, that IS what I wanted.
Totally change, as a kitchen
Begin again with
Command+Y, on a Mac
Go back over
Make significant changes out of boredom
Mulligan, to a golfer
Editors order
Better, one hopes
Decorators advice
Make new
Go for baroque?
Change over
Looking embarrassed by love? Have another go
Edit-menu option
Command after mistakenly pressing Ctrl+Z
Decorate in a new way
Update, say
Update, as décor
Ctrl + Y on a keyboard
Give the decor a face-lift
Give the decor a face-lift
Ctrl+Y action
Ctrl+Y action
Another shot
Take it again
Start afresh.
Make over, as a backsplash
Perform an overhaul on
Make more modern
Republican Party without energy for overhaul
Decorate a new way
Start again with
Upgrade, as decor
More than just edit
Modernize, say
Word-processor command
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