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Dictionary definitions:

Word: rather
Phonetic: /ˈɹɑːðə/

To prefer; to prefer to.
Prior; earlier; former.
More quickly; sooner, earlier.
Used to specify a choice or preference; preferably, in preference to. (Now usually followed by than) Example: I'd like this one rather than the other one.
Used to introduce a contradiction; on the contrary. Example: It wasn't supposed to be popular; rather, it was supposed to get the job done.
Introducing a qualification or clarification; more precisely. (Now usually preceded by or.) Example: I didn't want to leave. Or rather I did, just not alone.
(degree) Somewhat, fairly. Example: This melon is rather tasteless, especially compared to the one we had last time.
An enthusiastic affirmation. Example: "Would you like some?" -- "Rather!"

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