This is a 5 letter answer

Dictionary definitions:

Word: rails
Phonetic: /ɹeɪlz/

A horizontal bar extending between supports and used for support or as a barrier; a railing.
The metal bar that makes the track for a railroad.
A railroad; a railway, as a means of transportation. Example: We travelled to the seaside by rail.
A horizontal piece of wood that serves to separate sections of a door or window.
One of the lengthwise edges of a surfboard.
A vertical section on one side of a web page. Example: We're experimenting with ads in the right-hand rail.
A large line (portion or serving of a powdery illegal drug).
To travel by railway.
To enclose with rails or a railing.
To range in a line.
To criticize severely.
Any of several birds in the family Rallidae.
To complain violently (against, about).
An item of clothing; a cloak or other garment; a dress.
Specifically, a woman's headscarf or neckerchief.
(of a liquid) To gush, flow.

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