This is a 5 letter answer

Dictionary definitions:

Word: radio
Phonetic: /ˈɹeɪdiˌəʊ/

The technology that allows for the transmission of sound or other signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves.
A device that can capture (receive) the signal sent over radio waves and render the modulated signal as sound.
On-board entertainment system in a car, usually including a radio receiver as well as the capability to play audio from recorded media.
A device that can transmit radio signals.
The continuous broadcasting of sound via the Internet in the style of traditional radio.
To use two-way radio to transmit (a message) (to another radio or other radio operator). Example: I think the boat is sinking; we'd better radio for help. / I radioed him already. / Radio the coordinates this time. / OK. I radioed them the coordinates.
To order or assist (to a location), using telecommunications.

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