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Dictionary definitions:

Word: presents
Phonetic: /ˈpɹɛzənts/

The current moment or period of time.
The present tense.
A gift, especially one given for birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, or any other special occasions.
The position of a soldier in presenting arms. Example: to stand at present
To bring (someone) into the presence of (a person); to introduce formally. Example: to present an envoy to the king
To nominate (a member of the clergy) for an ecclesiastical benefice; to offer to the bishop or ordinary as a candidate for institution.
To offer (a problem, complaint) to a court or other authority for consideration.
To charge (a person) with a crime or accusation; to bring before court.
To come forward, appear in a particular place or before a particular person, especially formally.
To put (something) forward in order for it to be seen; to show, exhibit.
To make clear to one's mind or intelligence; to put forward for consideration.
To put on, stage (a play etc.). Example: The theater is proud to present the Fearless Fliers.
To point (a firearm) at something, to hold (a weapon) in a position ready to fire.
To offer oneself for mental consideration; to occur to the mind. Example: Well, one idea does present itself.
To come to the attention of medical staff, especially with a specific symptom. Example: The patient presented with insomnia.
To appear (in a specific way) for delivery (of a fetus); to appear first at the mouth of the uterus during childbirth.
(with "as") To appear or represent oneself (as having a certain gender).
To act as presenter on (a radio, television programme etc.).
To give a gift or presentation to (someone). Example: She was presented with an honorary degree for her services to entertainment.
To give (a gift or presentation) to someone; to bestow.
To deliver (something abstract) as though as a gift; to offer. Example: I presented my compliments to Lady Featherstoneshaw.
To hand over (a bill etc.) to be paid.
To display one's female genitalia in a way that signals to others that one is ready for copulation. Also referred to as lordosis behaviour.
The document in which the word presents appears. Example: Know all men by these presents...

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