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Word: ogre
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A type of brutish giant from folk tales that eats human flesh.
A brutish man reminiscent of the mythical ogre.
All clues having "OGRE" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for OGRE below.
Fee fi fo fum sayer
Puss in Boots beast
Puss in Boots figure
Puss in Boots villain
Revenge of the Nerds bad guy
Revenge of the Nerds bully
Revenge of the Nerds character
Revenge of the Nerds frat guy
Shrek is one
The Lord of the Rings figure
Puss in Boots villain
Animated Fiona
Appropriate anagram of Gore
Awful type
Bad guy
Baddie in Perraults tales
Barbarous one
Barbarous person
Beast from The Lord of the Rings
Beast of many a fairy tale
Beastly bloke
Beastly character
Beastly fairy tale creature
Beastly guy
Beastly sort
Bedtime story baddie
Bedtime story villain
Bete noire
Big bad boss
Big beast
Big brute
Big meanie
Brute of folklore
Brute of legend
Brutish beast
Brutish boss
Brutish man
Brutish one
Brutish sort
Certain monster type
Common enemy in Dungeons & Dragons
Cormoran or Blunderbore
Creature from The Lord of the Rings
Cruel beast
Cruel brute
Cruel character
Cruel dude
Cruel fellow
Cruel one
Cruel person
Cruel sort
Cruel storybook character
D&D enemy
Damsel distresser
Damsel intimidator
Damsel mistreater
Despotic boss
Dictatorial boss
Dreaded person
Drill sergeant
Dungeons & Dragons beast
Dungeons & Dragons character
Dungeons & Dragons creature
Dungeons & Dragons figure
Dungeons & Dragons giant
Dungeons & Dragons monster
Enchanted-forest foe
Evil beast
Evil cousin to the troll
Evil one
Fabled beast
Fabled fiend
Fabled meanie
Fabled monster
Fabled tyrant
Fairy tale antagonist
Fairy tale bad guy
Fairy tale bad man
Fairy tale baddie
Fairy tale beast
Fairy tale bogeyman
Fairy tale brute
Fairy tale cannibal
Fairy tale character
Fairy tale demon
Fairy tale denizen
Fairy tale fiend
Fairy tale frightener
Fairy tale meanie
Fairy tale meany
Fairy tale menace
Fairy tale monster
Fairy tale plugugly
Fairy tale villain
Fairy-tale baddie
Fairy-tale beast
Fairy-tale brute
Fairy-tale character
Fairy-tale creature
Fairy-tale fiend
Fairy-tale heavy
Fairy-tale horror
Fairy-tale meanie
Fairy-tale menace
Fairy-tale monster
Fairy-tale villain
Fairy___tale denizen
Fairytale monster
Fantasy fiend
Fe fi fo fum reciter
Fearsome creature
Fearsome figure
Fearsome sort
Fearsome storybook figure
Fee-faw-fum kin
Fictional fiend
Fictional villain
Fiend of dreams
Fiend of fairytales
Fiend of folklore
Fiendish fellow
Fiendish sort
Figure in Jack and the Beanstalk
Figure in Magic: The Gathering
Figure in Tom Thumb tales
Filmdoms Shrek
Flesh eater
Flesh-eating giant
Folklore baddie
Folklore beast
Folklore brute
Folklore fiend
Folklore figure
Folklore giant
Folklore meanie
Folklore meany
Folklore monster
Folklore villain
Folkloric fiend
Forest grump
Foul-tempered boss
Foul-tempered fellow
Foul-tempered one
Frat brother in Revenge of the Nerds
Frightful beast
Frightful folklore figure
Frightful giant
Giant whos not jolly
Green beast
Grendel in Beowulf
Grim Grimm character
Grim Grimm guy
Grimm bad guy
Grimm baddie
Grimm beast
Grimm beastie
Grimm character
Grimm creature
Grimm fellow
Grimm fiend
Grimm figure
Grimm guy
Grimm heavy
Grimm meanie
Grimm meany
Grimm monster
Grimm one?
Grimm villain
Grotesque beastie
Gruff guy
Grumpy boss
Grumpy guy
Gummi Bears foe
Gummi Bears foe
Hairy male in a fairy tale
Hardly a nice guy
Heros nemesis in fairy tales
Hideous beast
Hideous cannibal of folklore
Hideous creature
Hideous fellow
Hideous giant
Hideous humanoid
Hideous sort
Horrendous creature
Horrible boss
Horribly uncouth fellow
Horribly uncouth fiend
Horrifying beast
Hubby before his coffee?
Huge hideosity
Human flesh eater
Ill-tempered one
Inhuman brute
Insensitive jerk
Intimidating type
Jacks giant
Jesse Helms
Legendary meanie
Legendary monster
Made-up monster
Malignant giant
Man-eater of myth
Man-eating giant
Man-eating monster
Maneater of myth
Mean boss
Mean dude
Mean man
Mean monster of fairy tales
Mean one
Mean-tempered fellow
Meanie of fairy tales
Mike Myers creature
Mike Myers did the voice for one
Mike Myers voiced one in 2001
Monster in a fairy tale
Monster of a boss
Monster of a boss?
Monster of fiction
Monster of folk tales
Monster of folklore
Monster of legends
Monster of myth
Monster with an underbite
Monstrous creature
Monstrous meanie
Monstrous villain
Monstrously ugly one
More than a goblin
Mother Goose baddie
Mother Goose meanie
Mother Goose villain
Mulgarath of The Spiderwick Chronicles
Mythical baddie
Mythical man-eater
Mythical meanie
Mythical monster
Mythical people-eater
Mythological meanie
Mythological meany
Nasty boss
Nasty brute
Nasty guy
Nasty sort
Nasty type
Nightmare baddie
Nightmare figure
Nightmare regular
Nightmare vision
Nightmarish boss
No Mr. Nice Guy
No friendly fellow
No gentle giant
Nursery baddie
Nursery bete noir
Nursery-rhyme baddie
One may put a damsel in distress
One to avoid reporting to
One very big and so round (4)
Ornery one
Overbearing sort
Princess Fiona
Purple people eater
Real meanie
Roleplaying beast
Scary beast
Scary character
Scary creature
Scary figure
Scary monster
Scary one
Scary sort
Shrek or Fiona
Shrek was one
Snarly sort
Storybook baddie
Storybook beast
Storybook brute
Storybook character
Storybook giant
Storybook goon
Storybook heavy
Storybook meanie
Storybook monster
Storybook villain
The Grinch was one
Tough boss
Tough warden
Troll kin
Trolls cousin
Trolls kin
Trolls relative
Tyrannical boss
Tyrannical sort
Tyrannical type
Tyrannous sort
Ugly antagonist
Uncouth sort
Unpleasant one
Very mean boss
Very nasty sort
Villain in many fairy tales
Villain of Perraults childrens tales
When repeated
World of Warcraft beast
___ Battle (video game)
Gruesome giant.
Blunderbore was one.
Fe, fi, fo, fum.
A Grimm being.
Fee-faw-fum man.
Character in a fairy tale.
Mythical giant
A bogeyman.
Blunderbore, for instance.
Grumbo in Tom Thumb, for instance.
Scary character in folklore.
Folklore character.
Man with a bad temper.
Relative of a cyclops.
Fearful villain.
Golliwog's relative.
Giant of folklore.
Villain of folklore.
Folk tale villain.
Fee, fi, fo, fum.
Bad-tempered character.
Villain of Perrault's children's tales.
Folklore villian.
Villain of old tales.
Villain of many a tale.
People eater of former days.
Relative of Cyclops.
Character in folklore.
Frightful fellow.
Bugbear's relative.
Folklore creature
Folklore cannibal.
Folklore being
Grotesque one.
Imaginary being.
Fairy tale giant.
Fairytale ugly.
Bugaboo's cousin.
Jack's giant.
People eater.
Creature of folklore.
Giant of sorts.
Cyclops' cousin.
Bluebeard, for one.
Legendary creature.
Creature of legend
Someone hard to cope with.
Fearsome one.
Giant's cousin.
Folklore menace.
Mythical creature
Fairy-tale figure
Unpleasant person
Grimm bad man
Frightful one
Violent one
Dreaded figure
Ugly one.
Monstrous menace
Hop-O'-My-Thumb's foe
Menace in old tales
Blunderbore, e.g.
Forbidding one
Horrid person
Jack's giant, e.g.
Bluebeard, e.g.
Minotaur, for example
Repulsive creature
Anagram for gore
The Big Bad Wolf, e.g.
Anthropophagous giant
Dragon, for one
Example of hideosity
Dreadful person
The Minotaur, e.g.
Brutish creature
Giant in fairy tales
A fright with a bite
Monstrous one
Big, mean character
Karloff portrayal
Jack's adversary
Mammoth man-eater
Legendary villain
Loathsome one
Story-time heavy
Nursery heavy
Foe for Puss in Boots
Grendel in Beowulf, e.g.
Grimms' grim one
Grisly giant
Dungeons & Dragons beast
Snake, so to speak
Fee, fi, fo, fum caller
Shrek, for one
Shrek, e.g.
Ymir, for one
Baddie in Perrault's tales
Minotaur, e.g.
Purple people eater, e.g.
Grotesque giant
Hop-o'-My-Thumb figure
The giant in Jack and the Beanstalk, e.g.
Gruesome sort
Creature outwitted by Hop-o'-My-Thumb
Unlikely mate for a princess
Mean sort
Fairy tale figure
Major menace
Grimm (or grim?) character
People eater, perhaps
One carrying a spiked club, maybe
Hulking beast
Hop-o'-My-Thumb villain
Fantasy game role
Grotesque folklore figure
Princess Fiona, after sunset
Fantasy beast
Grim Grimm beast
Manlike monster
Menacing fairy tale figure
Horrible person
Horrid sort
Hence / Monster
Tom Thumb antagonist
Ruthless sort
Hated figure
Fearsome figure of folklore
Wicked giant
Monstrous person
Monstrous giant
Ugly giant
Man-eating monster of fairy tales
Cruel fairytale giant
Wicked and inhuman person
Cruel, fearsome person
Fierce giant
Cruel and wicked person
Giant who eats people
Nasty giant
Try reflecting about giant
Man-eating monster consequently comes back
Monster, as a result, returned
Monster consequently returned
Turn around, regarding monster
Nothing good about monster
Fairy-tale figure masticating gore
He provokes fear so on his return
There's nothing good about villain
Monster so revolting or repulsive, ultimately
Giant spilt gore
Turn back, therefore, to see giant
Giant dog reeks a bit
Monster’s rising, so ...
The game's up - the sappers have exposed a monster
No Green Party would have such a monster in it
Monster turns back therefore
Monster looking down on you, so looking up!
I got up to receive the king - a terrible person
Monster undergoing partial inversion
He may play a part in panto, great in size
Old Greek and English monster
Head of government into Scandinavian money, the beast!
Monster so elevated
One at home in a bog
Couth he is not
Kid lit monster
Puss in Boots baddie
Fantasy meanie
Fairy tale heavy
Scary fairy tale beast
Fiend of fantasy
Fantasy brute
Hideous folklore figure
Fiona or Shrek
Storybook fiend
Word derived from the underworld god Orcus
Fiona, for one
He's a monster — and so regressive!
Revolting, I must grab right brute!
Rising thus: Shrek?
Monster interrupting progress
Antagonist in the fairy tale Hop-o-My-Thumb
Puss in Boots adversary
Fire-breathing boss
One whos hardly hospitable
Scary fairy-tale character
Story time monster
Kid lit brute
Tyrannical employer
Bad-tempered boss
Hard-to-please type
No benevolent boss
Heartless hulk
Nightmare of a boss
Beast of folklore
Scary fairy-tale giant
Truculent type
Mean fellow
Grimm goon
Mike Myers, in Shrek
Testy grump
Rough figure
Villain defeated by Puss in Boots
Mulgarath, the master of the goblins in The Spiderwick Chronicles, for example
Shrek, for example
Shape-shifting monster in Puss in Boots
Monster tricked by the cat in Puss in Boots
Mythical man-eating monster
Princess Fiona, e.g.
Shrek or Fiona, e.g.
Cruel creature of fable
Scary giant of fairy tales
Figure that might give a child nightmares
Legendary monster common in fairy tales
Bully boss
Puss in Boots monster
Puss in Boots monster
Unfriendly giant
Oni, in Japanese folklore
Mean monster
Brute of a guy
Fairy tale foe
Bad-tempered person's so stuck up
Creature compared to an onion in a 2001 animated-film classic
Then going in Jack's direction, finding giant
Fairy tale behemoth
Given in to green-eyed monster?
Duloc denizen
Folk tale figure
Giants cousin
Fairy tale bully
D&D beast described as a large giant
Close shave (Informal)
Very old
Leg bone
Help called for after malfunction in space adventure
Agitated nature of non-stop music?
Dicky says our bones are here
Man and midges involved in psychological warfare?
Farmer goes around exhibiting beast
Giant blunder on field disheartened Robespierre
About to follow old German monster
A monster - it follows on the way back
Giant rock contains trace of gold
Flesh-eating monster revealed in Progress
Awful sort of revolutionary shot by soldiers
Horrible monster
Grimm brute
Fictional monster
Hideous baddie
Cruel giant
Fairy-tale giant
Fairy tale baddy
Folktale monster
Frightening figure
Fearsome employer
Giant who likes to eat humans
Scary folklore figure
Horrible boss, say
Monster often seen wielding a club
Ella Enchanted villain
Monstrous sort
Fearsome supervisor
Monster George has smashed left, right and centre
Brothers Grimm villain
Fairy-tale bad guy
Then going in Jacks direction, finding giant
Monster from bog returned (4)
Antagonist in "Hop-o'-My-Thumb"
Big, mean giant
A type of legendary monster
Creature that Donkey tries to compare to parfait, in a 2001 animated classic
Very mean person
Monsters so contrary
Right-winger in Barking breaking valuable material is monstrous type
Grimm villian
Fantasy heavy
Green giant, maybe
Bad-tempered persons so stuck up
Fairy-tale antagonist
Shrek-like monster
Ella Enchanted beast
Ella Enchanted beast
Mythical menace
Creature like Shrek
Monstrous creature, so should be retired
Man-eaters so stuck up
___-faced spider (earless arachnid)
Brutish dude
Combatant in Azogs army in The Battle of the Five Armies
World of Warcraft brute
Old King eaten by old English monster
Monster in a magic forest
Monster in a magic forest
Big club-wielding member of Azogs army in Middle-earth
Mean person
Oppressive one
Emoji with a red face and fangs
Giant given to eating humans
Cruel person, because of what has gone before, returns
Monsters therefore rampant
Fantasy foe
One considered monstrous is therefore sent back
Mythical beast
Beast in Puss in Boots
Folkloric monster
Man-eating beast of fiction
Grim Grimm villain
Fiona or Shrek, say
Fairy tale bruin
Antonym of darling
Fergus, Farkle, or Felicia from Shrek, e.g.
Fantasy baddie
Enemy of Hop-o'-My-Thumb
D&D monster
Extract from Othello - green-eyed monster
Troll's lookalike
Monster, therefore recoiling!
Giant conger eel regularly escaping
Hence turned into a nasty person
Go green, ringing fearsome individual
Terrible being so upset
Grim-sounding character therefore upset?
Grim Grimm figure
Monster akin to a Japanese oni
Ring work unit about Shrek?
Hulking brute
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