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All clues having "ODESSA" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for ODESSA below.
...Potemkin steps city
Battleship Potemkin city
Battleship Potemkin locale
Battleship Potemkin setting
Little ___
Potemkin locale
Potemkin mutiny site
Potemkin port
Potemkin setting
The Battleship Potemkin locale
The Battleship Potemkin port
The Battleship Potemkin setting
The ___ File
The ___ File (Forsyth bestseller)
The ___ File (Forsyth novel)
The ___ File (Forsyth thriller)
The ___ File (Frederick Forsyth bestseller)
Battleship Potemkin setting
Potemkin mutiny port
The ___ File
The ___ File
1905 revolt city
1905 revolt setting
1969 Bee Gees album named for a seaport
Battleship Potemkin mutiny setting
Birthplace of Yakov Smirnoff
Black Sea city
Black Sea locale
Black Sea naval base
Black Sea port
Black Sea port where Battleship Potemkin was set
Black Sea reosrt
Black Sea resort
Black Sea seaport
Black seaport
City E of El Paso
City called The Pearl of the Black Sea
City founded by Catherine the Great
City in Texas
City in Texas or Ukraine
City in Texas or the Ukraine
City in the Ukraine or Texas
City in western Texas
City name found in both Texas and Ukraine
City near Midland
City nicknamed Pearl of the Black Sea
City not far from the western terminus of I-20
City of western Texas
City on the Black Sea
City on the Black Sea or in west Texas
City on the Permian Basin
City southwest of Midland
City that was home to the first car in Russia
City where Pushkin lived in the 1820s
City where Russian violinist David Oistrakh was born
Classic Bee Gees album
County seat in west Texas
Fictional file name
File name?
Forsyth file
Forsyth novel org.
Forsyths The ___ File
Forsyths The -- File
Frederick Forsyths The ___ File
German victory site
Grain market on Black Sea
Home of the Potemkin Steps
Isaac Babels birthplace
Isaak Babels birthplace
Little ___ (Brighton Beach nickname)
Little ___ (nickname for the Russian neighborhood of Brighton Beach
Major Black Sea port
Major port of Ukraine
Name of a Forsyth file
Oil city of west Texas
Oksana Baiuls hometown
Old Soviet naval base site
One locale for the University of Texas
Permian Basin city
Physicist George Gamows birthplace
Port city on an arm of the Black Sea
Port of Ukraine
Port on the Black Sea
Potemkin Steps city
Potemkin Steps locale
Potemkin mutiny city
Potemkin mutiny port
Potemkin mutiny setting
Seaport of southern Ukraine
Seat of Texass Ector County
Sight from the Black Sea
Site of a historic 1905 revolt
Site of some well-known steps
Site of the Potemkin Stairs
Site of the Potemkin mutiny
Soviet seaport
Stalin named it a hero city after W.W. II
Texas city
Texas city east of El Paso
Texas city in Friday Night Lights
Texas city named by Russian immigrants
Texas city named by Russians
Texas city named by Russians?
Texas city named for a Ukrainian seaport
Texas city named for a city in Ukraine
Texas city thats the setting for the film Friday Night Lights
Texas city with an annual Shakespeare Festival
Texas college or its locale
Texas college town
Texas oil center
Texas oil city
Texas oil town
Texas or Ukraine city
Texas town
Texas town... or the Ukrainian city for which it was named
The Pearl of the Black Sea
Title city of a Forsyth thriller
Twin city of Midland
Ukraine city
Ukraine or Texas city
Ukraine port
Ukraine port city
Ukraines chief trade port
Ukrainian Black Sea port
Ukrainian bay
Ukrainian city
Ukrainian hub
Ukrainian port
Ukrainian port city
Ukrainian port whose staircase is a setting for The Battleship Potemkin
Ukrainian seaport
University of Texas locale
W Texas city
W Texas oil town
West Texas city
West Texas city named by Russians
West Texas oil town
West central Texas city
West-central Texas city
Western Texas city
Where Leon Trotsky grew up
Where Trotsky grew up
Yakov Smirnoffs birthplace
___ Steps (Battleship Potemkin location)
Chief port of the Ukraine.
Red Black Sea port.
Port on Black Sea.
Seaport near the mouth of the Dniester.
Red city on Black Sea.
Russia's vacation city.
City in Russia
West Texas oil city.
Port of the Ukraine.
Gulf of the Black Sea.
Port west of the Crimea.
Oblast in Black Sea Lowland.
City of the Ukraine.
City on Black Sea.
Port for the Potemkin
Soviet city
Potemkin's port
Main port for grain from the Ukraine
Forsyth's The ___ File
City in Texas or Russia
The ___ File: Forsyth
Russian port
City in Tex. or the U.S.S.R.
City in Ukrainian S.S.R.
City in Tex. or Ukraine
Tex. city
German victory site, October 1941
Little ___, 1994 Russian-American film drama
City in Ukraine or Texas
Seat of Ector County, Tex.
Texas city named after a Ukrainian city
Where the Potemkin Steps are
Texas city in the movie Friday Night Lights
Frederick Forsyth thriller The ___ File
Setting for Sergei Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin
Ukrainian city on the Black Sea
1941 siege target
Frederick Forsyth's The ___ File
Former Soviet naval base
The so-called Pearl of the Black Sea
Ukrainian naval base
Ukrainian port city on the Black Sea
Rum does it, and port
Port and rum does it
Bubbly does it, and port
spanBlack Sea port of the /spaniPotemkin/ispan revolt
Seaport in Ukraine
Poems appeal to location with steps
Poem by fool returning to port
Poems associated with South American port
Modest tsar removing clothes in Black Sea port
Port - it's offered after tributes
Lay with fool returning from Black Sea port
Lines going to a ship back in port
Lines up a ship in port
Port not all passed orthodoxly to the left
From this port seas do appear rough
Port in the Antipodes
Doctor doses American in Ukraine
It supports lots of lines in port
Texas city in the film Friday Night Lights
City east of El Paso
City port on the Black Sea
Port, after lid removed, passed round the wrong way
Port's excessive consumption close to binge — idiot's thrown up
Too many drugs and tablets going to South American port
Ship follows lines, reaching a port
Port some passed on the wrong way
Port amassed? Oenophile spun bottles
City lines: muggins has to go back
Port founded by Catherine the Great
Iconic Ukrainian restaurant in the East Village that closed last week after four decades in business
Baltimores Ukrainian twin city (since 75)
The ___ File (Frederick Forsyth thriller)
Texas city named for a Ukranian seaport
Texas city named for a Ukranian city
Some abodes sailors selected in port
(Clue to be added)
Lays over South American port (6)
Onetime Texas home of both Bushes
City in Ukraine and Texas
Major Ukrainian port known as the Pearl of the Black Sea
Wag seen with lag all over the papers and TV?
1971 comedy film in which Woody Allen plays Fielding Mellish
Port does badly when in recession
Revolutionary passed out drinking port
Take too much flipping dope, ecstasy and port
Port in Ukraine on the Black Sea
Home to Ukraines Potemkin Stairs
Fleece pulled up on stormy seas, port found in Ukraine
1940s home of the Bushes
City in Texas; a homophone of one in Ukraine
Rolling over, embarrassed oenophiles drunk port
Lines found on mug picked up in city once
Friday Night Lights city
Texas city named for a Ukrainian city
Rodeo circuit city
Thrown up, passed out, necking port
Texas city that inspired "Friday Night Lights"
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Hit TV series with three spinoffs
Variable in the Schrödinger equation
Not read thoroughly
Foreign title with a tilde
Truffula forest logger in "The Lorax"
Tear with gusto
Isaac Newton or Elton John, but not Olivia Newton-John
Some epizoa
Tanners' stock
Coolly disregard
Remark from a celebrity look-alike
Classic pickup lines, familiarly
Beehive State flower
They're small and plucked
Completing a video game as fast as possible, say
Buying opportunity for select customers
Band-Aid applier, perhaps
Snack made with celery sticks, peanut butter and raisins
Network on which "Gossip Girl" aired
Film collectibles
Laundry service, e.g.
Fruit-flavored pop
Places for scheming
Not learn one's lesson?
___ Locks, connection between Lake Superior and Lake Huron
Singer Washington or Shore
Journeys of escape
They might be written off
Trade on
Knotting (up)
Upton Sinclair novel that inspired the film "There Will Be Blood"
Rock band with the 1990s hits "Fly" and "Every Morning"
Big orbiter
Where hips emdo/em lie
Question to one's best friend, maybe
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