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4 letter
Dictionary definitions:
Word: noah
Word origin: 1940s: from rhyming slang Noah's ark .
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a shark.
All clues having "NOAH" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for NOAH below.
Casino Royale villain Dr. ___
ER actor Wyle
Evan Almighty analogy
Greenberg filmmaker Baumbach
Law & Order cast member
Slate masthead surname
Take two was his motto
The Squid and the Whale director Baumbach
Two by Two role
Yachtsman of the Bible
(missing clue)
1983 French Open champ
1983 French Open winner
1983 French Open winner Yannick
1983 French Open winner Yannick ___
A webster
Actor Wyle
Adams of NPR
Ancient ark builder
Ancient ark-itect
Ancient cruise director
Ancient cruise director?
Ancient mariner
Ancient mariner?
Ararat arrival
Ararat lander
Ark architect
Ark builder
Ark captain
Ark guy
Ark man
Ark rider
Ark skipper
Ark wielder
Baumbach married to Jennifer Jason Leigh
Beery of 20s-40s films
Biblical 950-year-old
Biblical Bob Seger System album
Biblical ark maker
Biblical ark-itect
Biblical boat builder
Biblical boatbuilder
Biblical boater
Biblical boatmaker
Biblical boatman
Biblical boatwright
Biblical builder
Biblical captain
Biblical captain for 40 days and 40 nights
Biblical carpenter
Biblical character known for double takes?
Biblical flood survivor
Biblical helmsman
Biblical mariner
Biblical matchmaker
Biblical matchmaker?
Biblical patriarch righteous in this generation
Biblical patriark?
Biblical shipbuilder
Biblical skipper
Biblical woodworker
Biblical zookeeper
Big name in animal rescue
Boat builder
Boat-builder of Genesis
Boat-builder of yore
Brought couples together?
Builder of a 2x2 vessel?
Builder of a biblical boat
Bulls star Joakim
Captain for 40 days and nights
Captain of a gopher wood ship
Captain of the first couples cruise
Collector of couples
Collector of pairs
Couples cruise captain?
Couples matchmaker of Genesis?
Curser of Canaan
Daniel Websters cousin
Deluge survivor
Dove releaser of Genesis
Early animal conservationist
Early animal handler
Early animal rescue activist
Early biologist
Early boat builder
Early life preserver?
Early matchmaker
Early shipbuilder
Early skipper
Early visitor to Ararat
Early zookeeper
Essayist Webster
Famed deluge survivor
Famous ark-itect
Famous flood survivor
Father of Japheth
Father of Shem
Father of Shem and Japheth
Figure on the Sistine Chapels ceiling
First animal conservationist
First mariner
First matchmaker?
First name in Websters
First name in a dictionary
First name in dictionaries
First name in lexicography
First skipper?
First zookeeper
First zookeeper?
Firstborn Joad sibling in The Grapes of Wrath
Floater of pairs
Floating zookeeper
Flood avoider
Flood engineer?
Flood figure
Flood foiler
Flood survivor
Forest Hills champ: 1986
French tennis ace turned recording artist Yannick ___
Genesis 6-9 VIP
Genesis boat captain
Genesis boatwright
Genesis builder
Genesis character
Genesis figure
Genesis man
Genesis mariner
Genesis matchmaker?
Genesis patriarch
Genesis shipmaster
Genesis shipwright
Genesis skipper
Grandfather of Magog
Grandson of Methuselah
Great-grandfather of Nimrod
Guy whose motto was Take two?
Ham and Shems dad
Ham creator
Ham creator?
Ham raiser
Ham raiser?
Ham source?
Hams ancestor
Hams dad
Hams father
Hams father in the Bible
Hams pop
He counted by twos
He filled his boat with pairs
He gathered animals in twos
He gathered two by two
He missed the unicorn
He planned for heavy precipitation
He played John on ER
He put two and two together
He put two and two together?
He released a dove in Genesis
He saved many an animal
He should have swatted those two flies
He smelled Ararat?
He took pairs
He was the Genesis of boating
Hes featured in Genesis 5-9
Hebrew patriarch
His ark was triumphant
His boat was measured in cubits
His motto was take two
His story is in Genesis
His work with couples is legendary
Inventor of wine
Japheths father
Joakim on the Chicago Bulls
Legendary ark builder
Legendary mariner
Lexicographer Webster
Life preserver?
Life saver?
Longtime All Things Considered host Adams
Man famous for doing a double take?
Man known for double takes?
Man responsible for many mates
Man responsible for many pairs
Man with an ark
Manager of a two-party system?
Master of the double take?
Methuselah grandson
Methuselahs grandson
NPR newsman Adams
Name associated with animal rescue
Nautical zookeeper
Notable shipwright
Noted ark-itect
Noted couples protector
Noted flood survivor
Noted mariner
Noted matchmaker
Noted pair picker
Noted pairs guardian
Noted shipbuilder
Old Testament name
One famous for saving couples
One issued a flood warning
One known for saving couples
One noted for bringing couples together
One of the Beery brothers
One who brought together many couples
One with a rain check?
Original zookeeper?
Pair picker
Pair preserver
Pair traffic controller?
Pairs leader?
Pioneer in animal conservation
Pioneering pair preserver
Preparer for a flood
Pucks first name on Glee
Rainy day planner?
Rider of the lost ark
Rider of the lost ark?
Righteous boatbuilder in the Koran
Role in the musical Two By Two
Sailor who sent forth a dove
Sailor who sent forth a dove to look for land
Saver of an endangered species?
Saver of endangered species?
Saver of many endangered species?
Saver of pairs
Shems father
Shipbuilder of note
Shipbuilder who measured in cubits
Shipmate of ship mates?
Skipper of Genesis
Skipper who landed on Ararat
Son of Lamech
Spelling reformer Webster
Survivor of the Deluge
Survivor of the Flood
TV movie regular Wyle
Tennis champ Yannick
Tennis player Yannick
Tennis player Yannick whose son Joakim plays in the NBA
Transporter of pairs
Vessel maker of old
Virtuous skipper
Wallace Beerys brother
Webster of Websters dictionary
Webster of dictionaries
Webster of words
Webster who had a way with words
Webster with a way with words
Websters first
Word man Webster
Word whiz Webster
Word-loving Webster
Wordman Webster
Wordsmith Webster
Wordster Webster
Wordwise Webster
Wordy Webster
Wyle in Pirates of Silicon Valley
Wyle in White Oleander
Wyle of ER
Wyle of ER
Wyle or Beery
Wyle or Webster
Zookeeper afloat
Methuselah's grandson.
Hero of the Deluge.
Ararat his destination.
First name of famous lexicographer.
A sailor perforce.
Doyen of a famous vessel.
One of the Websters.
Character in The Green Pastures.
Character in Genesis.
Beery brother.
Biblical name
Biblical patriarch
Builder of above.
Genesis name
Pioneer shipbuilder.
Ark's master.
Bicentennial Webster.
Ham's father.
Role in Green Pastures.
First emergency craft captain.
He sent forth a dove.
Man's name meaning rest.
Biblical zoologist.
Shem's father.
Ancient seafarer.
Arkite in Genesis.
Man's name meaning comfort.
Early zoo keeper.
Famous boatsman.
Arkite leader.
One of the Beerys.
First zoo keeper, in a way.
Green Pastures role.
First ship builder.
Ancient conservationist.
See 8 Down.
Old Testament patriarch
Famous mariner
Danny Kaye role.
Biblical animal lover
Kaye role
Old boat-builder
Beery of films
B.C. shipwright
Ararat name
Two-by-two man
Early wildlife preserver
A first name in lexicography
Noted navigator.
Given name in lexicography
A Beery
French tennis star
Yannick of tennis
Beery or Webster
Famed animal handler
Beery of 20's-40's films
Japheth's father
See 29-Down
Webster of Webster's dictionary
Life saver
Patriarch who died at age 950
Patriarch who lived 950 years
Rain man?
Father of Ham
2014 biblical title role for Russell Crowe
Webster's first?
2013-'14 N.B.A. All-Star Joakim ___
One preparing for a coming flood
The Daily Show host Trevor
Title biblical character played by Russell Crowe
One releasing a dove in the Bible
Biblical patriarch-turned-sailor
He planned for a rainy day
TV host with the autobiography Born a Crime
Early vintner, in the Bible
Trevor of The Daily Show
Biblical boat captain
One famous for seeing double?
TV host with the memoir Born a Crime
Witness to the first rainbow in the Bible
Sailor who ran aground on Mount Ararat
The first Arkwright!
First collector of animals?
Biblical arkwright
He built an ark
Hebrew patriarch who survived the Flood
The first boatbuilder?
Patriarch who saved his family and all the animals from drowning
Trevor __, presenter of The Daily Show
Trevor __, South African comedian and host of The Daily Show
Trevor __, South African comedian who was 'born a crime'?
__ Emmerich, actor who plays FBI agent Stan Beeman in The Americans
Wasn't he satisfied with the flood warning?
Number of animals housed initially by flood survivor
Old boatbuilder's working up one final berth
He floated a company to avoid liquidation
His vessel had a full complement of mates
Drama involving a boatman
Old boatman on a hard trip
Drama about a biblical character
Patrirc in 1 across?
Biblical voyager
114-Across builder
Genesis voyager
The Daily Show host
Builder who lived to be 950
Builder concerned with pairs
Lack of expression of joy for animal rescuer?
Ham producer, articulate woman of wisdom
Performances in Japan around a skipper 14 cheered
Animal conservationist starting national organisation against hunting …
Drama about a zoo keeper?
Shipbuilder dropping into Bath regularly
Daily Show host
Biblical role for Crowe
Stewarts Daily Show successor
Flood VIP
Boat builder of Genesis
40-day captain
Genesis 7 guy
Biblical ark-builder
Great Flood figure
Very early boat builder
Steinbecks Joad, for one
Organizer of a couples cruise?
Biblical ark type
94 Across builder
Daily Show host after Stewart
Crowes mariner role
TV host Trevor
Legendary wildlife conservationist
TV host who was the subject of the documentary You Laugh but It's True
Trevor of Comedy Central
Charles Dickenss old man (rather dim-witted)
Magnus ___, Swedish international goalkeeper at Coventry City from 1997 to 2002
Biblical ark builder
Arkwrights evident lack of surprise
No expression of contentment from boat-builder
Animal rescuer not finishing early - thats good
Hebrew patriarch who saved himself and his family and animals by building an ark
The tenth and last of the antediluvian Patriarchs in the Old Testament
Arks captain
Ark patriarch
Trevor on late
Notable descendant of 9 Down
With 14-Across, some random 20-year-old construction worker from Kentucky who nobodys ever heard of
Schnapp who plays Will Byers on iStranger Things/i
Trevor who recently announced his forthcoming departure from The Daily Show
Born a Crime memoirist Trevor
Born a Crime memoirist Trevor
Builder of a big boat
Falling Skies actor Wyle
Falling Skies actor Wyle
Stewarts The Daily Show successor
Stewarts The Daily Show successor
Antediluvian patriarch who lived to be nearly 1000?
Lanas co-star in the iTo All the Boys/i series
Trevor __, South African comedian and former host of The Daily Show
Wyle of ER and The Librarians
Trevor who hosted the The Daily Show from 2015 to 2022
Trevor born in Johannesburg
Comedian Trevor
Man who built the 23 Across
Great flood protagonist
Onetime The Daily Show host Trevor
Clever Trevor
Ham producers Japanese production around area
Cruise director of scripture
___ Vosen, corrupt CIA operative and director of Operation Blackbriar in the Jason Bourne franchise
Great Flood witness
Book of Genesis shipbuilder
Born a Crime author Trevor
Schnapp of Stranger Things
Stewart's successor on "The Daily Show"
Trevor __, comedian born a crime?
Biblical figure said to have lived to 950
TV host Trevor with the memoir "Born a Crime"
Boat-building patriarch
Head of a noted animal rescue project
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Latest Clues:
Inhale, so to speak
Eritrea's locale in Africa
Eminem hit whose title became a neologism for "fan"
"Animal skin," in Aleut
Features of the sci-fi planet Arrakis
"Totes adorbs!"
Country represented by the Black Star of Africa
Handful on the farm
Sports great who said "If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be"
Org. with a commissioner
People always getting favorable news coverage
Ralph who wrote the novel "Juneteenth"
Pokémon tagline
Some digital assistants, informally
Target of the 1890 Sherman Act
God who wears the belt Megingjörd
Chilling, maybe
Like wetlands, typically
Freedom of expression?
Not pay as one goes
How Mario introduces himself in video games
Begin listening to a podcast, say
Tribal spiritualist
With 48-Across, cousin of sleet
Home of the Cotahuasi Canyon, which is more than two miles deep
Attire often used in filming C.G.I. scenes, informally
"Hot-diggity" or "Cool it"
"How you ___?" ("Friends" catchphrase)
Show again, as a historical event
"About damn time!"
Item that might be on a list
Many an M.B.A.'s undergrad major, informally
Item not found much in cars nowadays
"Who ___?" (informal question)
It's a short walk from home
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