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Dictionary definitions:

Word: mirror
Phonetic: /ˈmɘ.ɹɘ/

A smooth surface, usually made of glass with reflective material painted on the underside, that reflects light so as to give an image of what is in front of it. Example: I had a look in the mirror to see if the blood had come off my face.
An object, person, or event that reflects or gives a picture of another. Example: His story is a mirror into the life of orphans growing up.
A disk, website or other resource that contains replicated data. Example: Although the content had been deleted from his blog, it was still found on some mirrors.
A mirror carp.
A kind of political self-help book, advising kings, princes, etc. on how to behave.
Of an event, activity, behaviour, etc, to be identical to, to be a copy of.
To create something identical to (a web site, etc.).
To reflect, as in a mirror.

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