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Dictionary definitions:

Word: meridian
Phonetic: /məˈɹɪdɪən/

The south.
Midday, noon.
A great circle passing through the poles of the celestial sphere and the zenith for a particular point on the earth's surface.
An imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface, passing through the geographic poles, or that half of such a circle extending from pole to pole, all points of which have the same longitude.
The highest or most developed point of something; culmination, splendour.
A particular area or situation considered as having a specific identity or characteristic; the tastes or habits of a specific locale, group etc.
The middle period of someone's life, when they are at full strength or abilities; one's prime.
A line passing through the poles of any sphere; a notional line on the surface of a round or curved body.
A dram drunk at midday.
(acupuncture) Any of the pathways on the body along which the vital energy is thought to flow and, therefore, the acupoints are distributed.
The size of type between double great primer and canon, standardized as 44-point.
Meridional; relating to a meridian.
Relating to noon
Relating to the highest point or culmination. Example: meridian splendour

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