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Dictionary definitions:

Word: mat
Phonetic: /mæt/

A flat piece of coarse material used for wiping one’s feet, or as a decorative or protective floor covering. Example: Wipe your feet on the mat before coming in.
A small flat piece of material used to protect a surface from anything hot or rough; a coaster. Example: They put mats on the table during mealtimes.
A floor pad to protect athletes. Example: The high jumper cleared the bar and landed safely on the mat.
A thickly tangled mess. Example: a mat of hair
A thin layer of woven, non-woven, or knitted fiber that serves as reinforcement to a material.
A thin surface layer; superficial cover. Example: Iceland moss growing in a mat
To cover, protect or decorate with mats.
To form a thick, tangled mess; to interweave into, or like, a mat; to entangle.

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