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Dictionary definitions:

Word: lever
Phonetic: /ˈliː.vɚ/

(except in generalized senses below) A crowbar.
A rigid piece which is capable of turning about one point, or axis (the fulcrum), and in which are two or more other points where forces are applied; — used for transmitting and modifying force and motion.
A small such piece to trigger or control a mechanical device (like a button).
A bar, as a capstan bar, applied to a rotatory piece to turn it.
An arm on a rock shaft, to give motion to the shaft or to obtain motion from it.
To move with a lever. Example: With great effort and a big crowbar I managed to lever the beam off the floor.
To use, operate or move (something) like a lever (physically).
To use (something) like a lever (in an abstract sense).
To increase the share of debt in the capitalization of a business.

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