This is a 4 letter answer

Dictionary definitions:

Word: jays
Phonetic: /dʒeɪz/

Any one of the numerous species of birds belonging to several genera within the family Corvidae, including Garrulus, Cyanocitta, Aphelocoma, Perisoreus, Cyanocorax, Gymnorhinus, Cyanolyca, Ptilostomus, and Calocitta, allied to the crows, but smaller, more graceful in form, often handsomely coloured, usually having a crest, and often noisy.
Other birds of similar appearance and behaviour.
Any of various large papilionid butterflies of the genus Graphium.
A dull or ignorant person. It survives today in the term jaywalking.
Promiscuous woman; prostitute.
The name of the Latin-script letter J.
A marijuana cigarette; a joint.

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