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All clues having "IBSEN" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for IBSEN below.
A Dolls House author
A Dolls House dramatist
A Dolls House playwright
An Enemy of the People playwright
Brand playwright
Dolls House creator
Emperor and Galilean playwright
Ghosts author
Ghosts creator
Ghosts dramatist
Ghosts playwright
Ghosts playwright Henrik
Ghosts writer
Ghosts writer Henrik
Hedda Gabler dramatist
Hedda Gabler penner
Hedda Gabler playwright
Hedda Gabler playwright Henrik
Little Eyolf playwright
Loves Comedy playwright
Peer Gynt creator
Peer Gynt dramatist
Peer Gynt playwright
Peer Gynt writer
Pillars of Society playwright
Rosmersholm author
Rosmersholm playwright
The Father of Modern Drama
The Master Builder playwright
The Master Builder playwright Henrik
The Wild Duck dramatist
The Wild Duck dramstist
The Wild Duck playwright
The Wild Duck playwright Henrik
When We Dead Awaken dramatist
When We Dead Awaken playwright
When We Dead Awaken was his last play
A Dolls House playwright Henrik
An Enemy of the People playwright
Ghosts playwright
Hedda Gabler playwright
Hedda Gabler playwright
The Master Builder playwright
The Wild Duck playwright
Author of Peer Gynt
Creator of Gabler and Gynt
Creator of Nora Helmer
Creator of Torvald and Nora Helmer
Dramatist Henrik
Gabler creator
Giant of drama
Grieg based Peer Gynt on his play
Hedda Gabler author
Hedda Gablers creator
Henrik of drama
Henrik who wrote Peer Gynt
His last drama was When We Dead Awaken
Nora Helmers creator
Norways most celebrated playwright
Norwegian dramatist
Norwegian playwright
Norwegian playwright Henrik
Peer Gynts chronicler
Peer Gynts creator
Playwright Ben is eccentric (5)
Playwright Henrik
Scandinavian playwright
Ghosts playwright
He wrote Hedda Gabler (1828–1906).
Author of Hedda Gabler.
One of the great modern dramatists.
Creator of Peer Gynt.
Creator of Rebecca West.
Creator of Hilda, Heeda and Hedwig.
His first play was Love's Comedy.
He wrote The Wild Duck.
Famous figure in drama.
Creator of Hedwig Ekdal.
Creator of Hedda and Nora.
He wrote The Master Builder.
Author of The Master Builder.
Creator of Hedda.
He wrote The Pillars of Society.
Dramatist who influenced Shaw.
He wrote When We Dead Awaken.
Creator of Anitra.
Creator of Nora and Hedda.
Henrik of Norway.
Great dramatist.
Famous Norwegian.
Great name in the theater.
Noted dramatist.
Social dramatist.
Norwegian writer.
Influential writer of 19th cen.
Norwegian name
Literary light.
Peer Gynt's creator.
Norwegian port
Father of Nora and Peer
Wild Duck author
Creator of Ase
Writer Henrik
Nora's creator
Hedda Gabler's creator
Rosmersholm dramatist
Author of Rosmersholm
Creator of master builder Solness
A Doll's House playwright
Author of A Doll's House
Creator of Hedda Gabler
Little Eyolf dramatist
Father of modern drama
Nora Helmer's creator
See 46-Across
A Doll's House dramatist
Peer Gynt playwright
His last play was When We Dead Awaken
Henrik ___, Hedda Gabler playwright
A Doll's House playwright Henrik
Norwegian dramatist, Henrik
Doll's House dramatist
Norwegian dramatist and poet
Norwegian dramatist, d. 1906
Dramatist, author of Peer Gynt
Norwegian playwright, d. 1906
Author of The Master Builder, d. 1906
Broken nibs surrounding eastern dramatist
Ben is mistaken for a dramatist
Children's author almost upset dramatist
Playwright at home having caught disease
Norwegian with complaint: menu lacking cover
Ad-libs entrance, getting around playwright
Henrik __, Norwegian playwright
Henrik __, Norwegian playwright whose works include A Doll's House
Playwright in the same place makes a lot of sense
Serious issue with stock stolen by popular author
Children's author nearly stood up dramatist
From the same source, money makes the writer
Animal disease caught by extreme Italian dramatist
He wrote plays to be linked with sin, perhaps
Playwright is Ben in disguise
More than one ghost writer
Children's writer almost turns playwright
Playwright with drug - ditch posh professor and put in saint
Memsahib's entering with playwright
Author of 17 and
Timeless children's author upset by playwright
Gablers creator
Peer Gynt playwright Henrik
Sibs enjoy pinching playfellow
Author elected to keep a tragedy in stock?
He wrote about British Isles in French
Writer's book is out around second half of the month
Revolutionary children's writer having no time for dramatist
Complaint with space for writer
Playmaker with affliction in hip
Intestinal problem purging insides of Estonian dramatist
Strindberg contemporary
His last play was When We Dead Awaken, appropriately
Norwegian playwright, who wrote all his plays in Danish, d. 1906
Ad-lib sentence enthralling dramatist
Distressing condition initially explored by northern writer
Part of a sentence
___ Wash
Place of refuge of youth leader in a bad area
Reportedly catch simple marine creature
Comediennes lines collected by being husband-free
Dodging a positive answer to “Do you spend?” after reflection
Wordy newspaper reversed rule on use to wipe bottoms
Female horses
Large mug-like vessel
Extract from scenes bitterly repelled playwright
He wrote Mad Cow Disease in Indiana
Glib sentimentality stifles a writer
Writer elected to cover mad cow disease
Cattle ailment covered by popular writer
Playwright who, with time after retiring, could become a childrens author!
Writer and others cycling round Spain
Playwright sees nurse following bowel disorder
Playwright that is hosting book society (Norway)
Henrik ___, Norwegian dramatist and poet whose plays include A Dolls House and Hedda Gabler
Henrik __, author of A Doll's House
Author Edith briefly backed Norwegian one
Dramatist, current Scottish eminence, entertaining society
Henrik __, author of A Dolls House
Playwright called The Father of Realism
Playwright called The Father of Realism
Henrik whose last play was When We Dead Awaken
Scandinavian inspiration for Shaw
Childrens author almost upset dramatist
Dramatist recalled in Verlaines biography
Author of Peer Gynt, d. 1906
Playmakers chronic complaint over Evertons wingers
Playwright lives around top of Scottish mountain
Whom Ingmar Bergman adapted for the play Nora
iPeer Gynt /ispanwriter/span
Identifier of books switching focus, collecting European playwright
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Big gala
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Puts the game away, so to speak
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Unfortunate trait for an aspiring composer
Give something that extra oomph
Poolside garb
Fateful day in ancient Rome
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Secure, as a onesie fastener
Article of headgear, informally
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Common eye ailment
Winds its way (through)
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Toy train, e.g.
Country whose flag has two green stars in the middle
Coxswain's nightmare
"That really stinks!"
Place to sift crime evidence, for short
Credit for a hockey player
Big acronym in insurance
Berg stuff
Shifters choice
Ballgame drink
Rheas character
The Bards black
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