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Aladdin character
Aladdin character played by Gilbert Godfried
Aladdin parrot
Aladdin parrot voiced by Gilbert Gottfried
Aladdin villain named for a Shakespeare character
And whats he then that says I play the villain? speaker
And whats he then
But men are men; the best sometimes forget speaker
Demand me nothing: what you know
Green-eyed monster speaker
His Moorships ensign
I am not what I am speaker
I hate the Moor speaker
I lack iniquity speaker
O! beware
Otello baritone
Othello antagonist
Othello bad guy
Othello baddie
Othello baritone
Othello character
Othello character who says Who steals my purse steals trash
Othello conniver
Othello conspirator
Othello evildoer
Othello fellow
Othello heavy
Othello home wrecker
Othello plotter
Othello provocateur
Othello role
Othello schemer
Othello traitor
Othello villain
Othello villian
So will I... make the net / That shall enmesh them all speaker
Some busy and insinuating rogue
The Merchant of Venice villain
Thus do I ever make my fool my purse speaker
We cannot all be masters
Were I the Moor
Who steals my purse steals trash speaker
Aladdin parrot
An old black ram is tupping your white ewe speaker
Honest ___
I hate the Moor speaker
Otello baritone
Othello antagonist
Othello baddie
Othello ensign
Othello foe
Othello heavy
Othello role
Othello villain
1943 Jose Ferrer portrayal
1995 Branagh role
1995 Kenneth Branagh role
1995 role for Branagh
1995 role for Kenneth Branagh
A Spartan dog
A role for J. Ferrer
Animated parrot of film whose voice is the same as that of the Aflac duck
Bad fellow in Othello
Bad fellow of Othello
Baddie in Othello
Baddie of The Bard
Bard bad guy
Bard baddie
Bard villain
Bards schemer
Bardic baddie
Betrayer of the Moor
Bitter ancient of Shakespeare
Broadway role for Christopher Plummer
Cassios adversary
Cassios framer
Cassios rival
Character in Othello
Character in Othello
Character in all but two Othello scenes
Character who asks And did you see the handkerchief?
Classic villain
Desdemonas enemy
Did one of the agitators start out?
Disney parrot
Emilias conniving husband
Emilias husband
Emilias slayer in Othello
Enemy of the Moor
Ensign of iniquity
Envious Othello character
Envious Shakespeare character
False friend of theater
Fictional ensign
Foe of Othello
Gilbert Gottfrieds Aladdin role
Gilbert Gottfrieds parrot in Aladdin
Globe Theatre baddie
Globe Theatre villain
Globe plotter
Globe villain
He brought down Othello
He did Moor good
He did a Moor good
He framed Cassio and Desdemona
He has more lines than the title character
He impugned Desdemona
He made trouble for Cassio
He told Othello
He warned O
Husband of Shakespeares Emilia
Ken Branaghs Othello role
Kenneth Branagh role of 1995
Kenneth Branaghs role in Othello
Literary character who says O
Literary character whose first word is Sblood
Literary plotter
Lodovico calls him a Spartan dog
Moor betrayer
Moors betrayer
Obnoxious parrot in Disneys Aladdin
One into hanky panky onstage?
One of Wills villains
Othello adversary
Othello baiter
Othello foe
Othellos adversary
Othellos ancient
Othellos antagonist
Othellos bane
Othellos betrayer
Othellos confidant
Othellos deceiver
Othellos enemy
Othellos ensign
Othellos evil advisor
Othellos false friend
Othellos foe
Othellos inducer
Othellos lieutenant
Othellos nemesis
Othellos persecutor
Othellos thorn in the side
Othellos tormentor
Othellos undoer
Othellos untrustworthy advisor
Othellos villainous aide
Othellos villanous friend
Parrot in Aladdin
Play plotter
Plotter in a play
Plum role for Plummer
Plummer portrayal
Plummer role
Praised Plummer role
Rival of Cassio
Roderigos killer in Othello
Role for Jose Ferrer
Schemer from Shakespeare
Schemer who engineers Cassios demotion
Scheming ensign of drama
Shakespeare baddie
Shakespeare character who admits I am nothing
Shakespeare character who declares Honestys a fool
Shakespeare heavy
Shakespeare schemer
Shakespeare villain
Shakespeare villain who says I will wear my heart upon my sleeve
Shakespeares Spartan dog
Shakespeares ancient
Shakespeares consummate villain
Shakespeares duplicitous schemer
Shakespearean bad guy
Shakespearean baddie
Shakespearean betrayer
Shakespearean character
Shakespearean character whence heart on my sleeve
Shakespearean character who says I am not what I am
Shakespearean conspirator
Shakespearean ensign
Shakespearean manipulator
Shakespearean plotter
Shakespearean role
Shakespearean schemer
Shakespearean scoundrel
Shakespearean scumbag
Shakespearean soldier
Shakespearean traitor
Shakespearean troublemaker
Shakespearean villain
Shakespearian villain
Stage villain with a handkerchief
Storied traitor
Theater archvillain
Traitor at the Globe?
Treacherous ensign of drama
Treachorous lieutenant on stage
Tricker of Othello
Venetian of fiction
Venetian troublemaker
Venetian villain
Venice villain
Verdi baritone
Verdi villain
Verdi villain who sings Era la notte
Verdis Venetian villain
Villain in Othello
Villain in Othello
Villain in Shakespeares Othello
Villain of Othello
Villain who said I am not what I am
Villain who says For I am nothing
Villain who says I am not what I am
Villainous advisor of Venice
Villainous ensign
Whom Othello declares is most honest
José Ferrer once starred in this role.
He caused Othello's madness.
Desdemona's enemy.
Emilia's husband.
José Ferrer role, 1943.
Role in a Verdi opera.
But yet the pity of it, ___!
Symbol of false friendship.
Desdemona's slanderer.
Cause of Desdemona's woes.
Desdemona's detractor.
Villainous spouse of Emilia.
Verdi role.
Roderigo was his dupe.
Man of perfidy.
Villain in 1604 drama.
False friend
Cassio's slanderer.
Desdemona's disparager.
One of Ferrer's roles.
Emilia's spouse.
Othello's ensign.
Leonard Warren role at the Met.
Worker of treachery.
Prototype of a false friend.
Role for José Ferrer.
Othello's ancient.
Operatic villain.
Role in Verdi opera.
Villain of 1604 tragedy.
Troublemaker for the Moor.
Husband of Emilia.
Character in Verdi opera.
Shakespearean heavy.
Cassio's enemy.
Opera role
Villain of drama.
He called jealously the green-eyed monster.
Cassio's nemesis.
Role in classic drama.
Symbol of treachery
Murderer of Emilia.
Classical villain.
Operatic role.
Villain of classic drama.
Othello's friend.
Role in Othello.
Shakespeare character
Stage villain
Malicious ensign
False friend of drama
Dramatic villain
Villainous one
Villain of note
Ancient of Othello
Scoundrel of drama
Othello man
Evil ensign
He said: Who steals my purse steals trash
Othello's aide
Othello's villainous ensign
Desdemona's accuser
Role in an 1887 opera
He planted a handkerchief
He made the poor Moor sure his wife wasn't pure
Moor's deceiver
Sly one in Venice
Treacherous ensign
Operatic and dramatic villain
Roderigo's assassin
Villain ordered to be executed
Envious ensign
He duped Othello
Othello's consigliere
Role played by Jose Ferrer: 1943–45
Othello's deceiver
Role for Plummer
Milnes role in Otello
Othello's perfidious aide
Role for Ferrer or Plummer
Othello's nemesis
Othello's betrayer
Cassio's rival
He lied to Othello
His lies caused uxoricide
He caused Desdemona's demise
___ match (bad omen)
Desdemona's tormentor
Othello's antagonist
Drama villain
Othello's villainous aide
Uxoricide causer
Shakespeare's ancient
Honest ___,/My Desdemona must I leave to thee
Cassio's adversary
Othello's false friend
And what's he then, that says I play the villain? speaker
Othello's undoer
We cannot all be masters, nor all masters / Cannot be truly 'd speaker
O, beware, my lord, of Jealousy! speaker
A Spartan dog, according to Lodovico
Moor's betrayer
Emilia's husband, in Othello
Villain who says For I am nothing, if not critical
Some busy and insinuating rogue, in Shakespeare
Literary character who says O, beware, my lord, of jealousy
Literary character whose first word is 'Sblood
Were I the Moor, I would not be ___
Plotter against Cassio in Othello
Villain who says O, beware, my lord, of jealousy
Victimizer of Cassio
To whom Brabantio says Thou art a villain
Shakespeare character who says I hate the Moor
Plotter with Roderigo
I will wear my heart upon my sleeve speaker, in Shakespeare
Husband to Emilia in Othello
I hate the Moor speaker, in Shakespeare
Rival of Cassio, in Shakespeare
Literary character who says I will wear my heart upon my sleeve
Literary character who says Cassio's a proper man
Manipulator of Othello
Villain who says What you know, you know
Aladdin character named after a literary villain
Othello's nemesis
Turn on one, a villainous ensign
Villain! I take a turn
Ensign positioned east of Santiago
One by one by Shakespeare
Originator of intrigue in the past
I go after a truly evil character
One past villain
I have a shot at playing a villain
Manipulator of the Moor
Scheming Shakespearean soldier
The Moor already changes with my poison speaker
Othello deceiver
It is the green-eyed monster ... speaker
Othello flag-bearer
Inhabiting Transylvania, Gothic villain
Sinister character I back
One's taken over a board game -— Othello he couldn't stand
Tragic manipulator
Bards evil advisor
Exemplar of tragic treachery
Schemer since Elizabethan times
Otello evildoer
Othello villain who says What you know, you know.
Role in Othello and Aladdin
Shakespeare villain with more lines than the title character
Schemer against Othello
Othello backstabber
Jafar's parrot in Aladdin
Shakespeare character who inquires Are your doors lock'd?
Shakespearean standard-bearer
Othello turncoat
Shakespeare villain who says Virtue? A fig!
False friend in Shakespeare
Shakespeare villain whose last words are Demand me nothing; what you know, you know. / From this time forth I never will speak word.
Jafars parrot in Aladdin
Bards false friend
Italian maestro getting back of old car entangled with front of supermarket
Joke about bygone English period before everything went to pot
Fie! I intend to be devious and vague
Agent prioritising quiet, marvellous home
Villainous ensign in Shakespeares Othello
McKellen's first to abandon perfect stage role in Othello
Villain, one that's gone
Restrained by Portia: gold-digging Shakespearean villain
Independents gone for antagonist of Shakespeare
Oddly, I sang for villain
DiMaggio periodically visited a villain
Father Christmas almost thrown out of capital as a villain
One back for sinister villain
Villainous ensign in Shakespeare's Othello
Classic stage betrayer
Classic stage betrayer
The bad guy in Othello
The Bards being next to Devil, per Coleridge
Shakespeare villain who says "I am not what I am"
Villain called a Spartan dog by Lodovico
Villain who tricked Othello into murdering Desdemona
Rival to Othello?
Villain who hates Othello
Villain in 47 down
"Othello" villain
Parrot in Disneys Aladdin
Parrot in Disneys Aladdin
Review of excellent board game for one who dislikes Othello
Aladdin character who calls Jafar Your Rottenness
Aladdin character who calls Jafar Your Rottenness
Othellos main antagonist?
Othello advisor
Otello antagonist
Who Othello declares is most honest
Jafars avian sidekick in Aladdin
Othello's treacherous "friend"
Othello manipulator
Yoga instructor bends over backwards to accommodate Shakespearean
Antagonist in a 1604 play … or a 1992 animated movie
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The word "aquarium" has one
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Defined set of points
Product of hardened lava
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Onetime queen of Jordan
Upholsterers' samples
Hard worker to a degree?
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Tips back and forth
Former world capital that's an anagram of its country's current capital
Urban area associated with gaming
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Alma mater of Ian Fleming (as well as James Bond)
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Something that may be drawn at night
Alternative to mushrooms, maybe
Worker in a Washington office
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Green-skinned Marvel hero
Cars whose logo represents the Pleiades star cluster
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