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Dictionary definitions:

Word: house
Word origin: Old English hūs (noun), hūsian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch huis, German Haus (nouns), and Dutch huizen, German hausen (verbs).

a building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a ground floor and one or more upper storeys. Example: my wife and I are moving to a new house
a building in which people meet for a particular activity. Example: a house of prayer
a religious community that occupies a particular building. Example: the Cistercian house at Clairvaux
a legislative or deliberative assembly. Example: the sixty-member National Council, the country's upper house
a style of electronic dance music typically having sparse, repetitive vocals and a fast beat. Example: DJs specializing in techno, garage, and house
a twelfth division of the celestial sphere, based on the positions of the ascendant and midheaven at a given time and place, and determined by any of a number of methods.
old-fashioned term for bingo.
(of an animal or plant) kept in, frequenting, or infesting buildings.
relating to a firm, institution, or society. Example: a house journal
provide with shelter or accommodation. Example: they converted a disused cinema to house twelve employees
provide space for; contain or accommodate. Example: the museum houses a collection of Roman sculpture
eat the whole of (something), typically very quickly. Example: it could be that I just housed a massive burrito, but I don't feel good

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