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Dictionary definitions:

Word: glove
Phonetic: /ɡlʌv/

An item of clothing other than a mitten, covering all or part of the hand and fingers, but usually allowing independent movement of the fingers. Example: I wore gloves to keep my hands warm.
A baseball mitt.
The ability to catch a hit ball. Example: Frederico had a great glove, but he couldn't hit a curveball, so he never broke into the pros.
A condom.
(with definite article) A challenge from one to another. Example: to throw down the glove, i.e. to offer a challenge; to take up the glove, to accept it
To catch the ball in a baseball mitt. Example: He gloved the line drive for the third out.
To put a glove or gloves on. Example: Maxwell gloved his hand so that he wouldn't leave fingerprints, then pulled the trigger.
To touch a delivery with one's glove while the gloved hand is on the bat. Under the rules of cricket, the batsman is deemed to have hit the ball.

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