This is a 3 letter answer

Dictionary definitions:

Word: gem
Phonetic: /d͡ʒɛm/

A precious stone, usually of substantial monetary value or prized for its beauty or shine.
Any precious or highly valued thing or person. Example: She's an absolute gem.
Anything of small size, or expressed within brief limits, which is regarded as a gem on account of its beauty or value, such as a small picture, a verse of poetry, or an epigram. Example: a gem of wit
A gemma or leaf-bud.
A type of geometrid moth, Orthonama obstipata.
A package containing programs or libraries for the Ruby programming language.
A size of type between brilliant (4-point) and diamond (4½-point), running 222 lines to the foot.
To adorn with, or as if with, gems.

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