An event with a formal dress code. Example: Jenny took Sam to her Year 12 formal.
A formal parameter.
Being in accord with established forms. Example: She spoke formal English, without any dialect.
Official. Example: I'd like to make a formal complaint.
Relating to the form or structure of something. Example: Formal linguistics ignores the vocabulary of languages and focuses solely on their grammar.
Relating to formation. Example: The formal stage is a critical part of any child's development.
Ceremonial or traditional. Example: Formal wear must be worn at my wedding!
Proper, according to strict etiquette; not casual. Example: He's always very formal, and I wish he'd relax a bit.
Organized; well-structured and planned. Example: When they became a formal club the rowers built a small boathouse.
Relating to mere manipulation and construction of strings of symbols, without regard to their meaning. Example: Formal series are defined without any reference to convergence.
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