To constrain by force; to overcome the limitations or resistance of.
To drive (something) by force, to propel (generally + prepositional phrase or adverb).
To cause to occur (despite inertia, resistance etc.); to produce through force. Example: The comedian's jokes weren't funny, but I forced a laugh now and then.
To forcibly open (a door, lock etc.). Example: To force a lock.
To obtain or win by strength; to take by violence or struggle; specifically, to capture by assault; to storm, as a fortress.
To create an out by touching a base in advance of a runner who has no base to return to while in possession of a ball which has already touched the ground. Example: Jones forced the runner at second by stepping on the bag.
(whist) To compel (an adversary or partner) to trump a trick by leading a suit that he/she does not hold.
To put in force; to cause to be executed; to make binding; to enforce.
To provide with forces; to reinforce; to strengthen by soldiers; to man; to garrison.
To allow the force of; to value; to care for.
To stuff; to lard; to farce.
Obtained forcefully, not naturally. Example: Her forced smile was harder and harder to keep as her critical father kept on complaining about her.
Opened or accessed using force.
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