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Dictionary definitions:

Word: fit
Phonetic: /fɪt/

The degree to which something fits. Example: Since he put on weight, his jeans have been a tight fit.
Conformity of elements one to another. Example: It's hard to get a good fit using second-hand parts.
The part of an object upon which anything fits tightly.
Measure of how well a particular commercial execution captures the character or values of a brand. Example: The Wonder Bread advertising research results showed the “White Picket Fence” commercial had strong fit ratings.
Goodness of fit.
The quality of a partnership's combined holding of cards in a suit, particularly of trump. Example: During the auction, it is often a partnership's goal to find an eight-card major suit fit.
To be suitable for. Example: It fits the purpose.
To conform to in size and shape. Example: If I lose a few kilos, the gorgeous wedding dress might fit me.
To be of the right size and shape Example: I wanted to borrow my little sister's jeans, but they didn't fit.
(with to) To make conform in size and shape. Example: I want to fit the drapes to the windows.
To be in agreement with. Example: These definitions fit most of the usage.
To adjust. Example: The regression program fit a line to the data.
To attach, especially when requiring exact positioning or sizing.
To equip or supply. Example: The chandler will fit us with provisions for a month.
To make ready. Example: I'm fitting the ship for a summer sail home.
To be seemly.
To be proper or becoming.
To be in harmony. Example: The paint, the fabrics, the rugs all fit.
Suitable, proper. Example: You have nothing to say about it. I'll do exactly as I see fit.
Adapted to a purpose or environment. Example: survival of the fittest
In good shape; physically well. Example: You don't have to be a good climber for Kilimanjaro, but you do have to be fit.
Sexually attractive; good-looking; fanciable. Example: I think the girl working in the office is fit.
Prepared; ready.

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