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Dictionary definitions:

Word: fills
Phonetic: /fɪlz/

To occupy fully, to take up all of.
To add contents to (a container, cavity or the like) so that it is full.
To enter (something), making it full.
To become full. Example: the bucket filled with rain;  the sails fill with wind
To become pervaded with something. Example: My heart filled with joy.
To satisfy or obey (an order, request or requirement). Example: The pharmacist filled my prescription for penicillin.
To install someone, or be installed, in (a position or office), eliminating a vacancy. Example: Sorry, no more applicants. The position has been filled.
To treat (a tooth) by adding a dental filling to it. Example: Dr. Smith filled Jim's cavity with silver amalgam.
To fill or supply fully with food; to feed; to satisfy.
To trim (a yard) so that the wind blows on the after side of the sails.
(of a male) To have sexual intercourse with (a female). Example: Did you fill that girl last night?
(after a possessive) A sufficient or more than sufficient amount. Example: Don't feed him any more: he's had his fill.
An amount that fills a container. Example: The mixer returned to the plant for another fill.
The filling of a container or area. Example: That machine can do 20 fills a minute.
Inexpensive material used to occupy empty spaces, especially in construction. Example: The ruins of earlier buildings were used as fill for more recent construction.
Soil and/or human-created debris discovered within a cavity or cut in the layers and exposed by excavation; fill soil.
An embankment, as in railroad construction, to fill a hollow or ravine; also, the place which is to be filled.
A short passage, riff, or rhythmic sound that helps to keep the listener's attention during a break between the phrases of a melody. Example: bass fill
One of the thills or shafts of a carriage.

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