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3 letter
Dictionary definitions:
Word: era
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A time period of indeterminate length, generally more than one year.
A unit of time, smaller than eons and greater than periods.
All clues having "ERA" for an answer:
You can find a list of possible crossword clues for ERA below.
Big Band
Common chapter of history
Golden time
Good Feeling time
Good Feelings time period
Its the end of an ___!
The Big Band
The ___ of Good Feelings
The ___ of big government is over (Bill Clinton)
___ Yes! (old political placard)
___ of Good Feelings
53 Pulitzer book
70s NOW cause
70s cause
70s-80s cause
70s-80s political cause
Its the end of an --
(missing clue)
1970s polit. cause
1970s-80s cause
1970s polit. cause
2.50 is a good one
2.87 is an excellent one
243 years
4.00 is an OK one
56 Gaslight ___
70s and 80s cause
70s-80s pol. cause
70s-80s political cause
A Triple Crown component
A balk might make it go up
A good one in the NL is low
A little bit of history
A no. thats good when under 3.00
A one-two-three inning makes it go down
A perfect game makes it go down
A pitcher likes a low one
A pitcher should have a low one
A pitcher should keep it low
A quality start can lower it
A revolution often ends it
A shutout lowers it
A time
A time to remember
A very long time
Abbr. on Topps cards
Abzug cause
Aces stat
Age of Aquarius
Alice Paul wrote it in 1923: Abbr.
All alternative
All and Tide competitor
All competitor
All or Gain competitor
All rival
Alternative to Tide
American Depression
An ace usually has a low one
An earlier one may be recalled
An objective of NOW
Antiochian or Augustan
Are you looking back in years?
Avg. used in Sabermetric
Avg. used in Sabermetrics
B. Ruths 1916 stat
B.C.E. concluder
BCE part
Babe Ruths league-leading stat in 1916
Ballpark fig.
Ballpark figure
Ballpark stat
Baroque or classical
Baseball card stat
Baseball card stat.
Baseball figure
Baseball number
Baseball stat
Baseball stat originally called Heydlers statistic
Baseball stat pitchers want low
Baseball stat that corrects for errors
Baseball stat that gets better when it shrinks
Baseball stat thats given to two decimal places
Baseball stat.
Baseball-card stat.
Be-bop and Swing
Beat or Jazz
Big Band --
Big Band ___
Big Band ___ (1930s-40s)
Big Band days
Big Band follower
Big Band follower?
Big Band or Christian
Big Band or Disco period
Big Band or Prohibition
Big block of time
Big issue for NOW
Big name in brokering
Big name in detergent
Big name in home selling
Big name in real estate
Big period
Big real estate firm
Big slice of history
Big stretch
Big stretch?
Big time
Big time?
Bit of history
Biz competitor
Block of time
Bob Gibsons was 1.12 in 1968
Bold shelfmate
Brand at the Laundromat
Brand in the laundry room
Brand of laundry detergent
Breakbeat ___ (former drumnbass group headed by Roni Size)
Bull pen stat
Bullpen stat
Bullpen stat (thats good when low)
Bush ___
Bush ___ tax cuts
Bygone cause
Bygone period
Bygone pol. cause
Bygone polit. cause
C. Schillings stat
Cam attachment
Category in pitchings Triple Crown
Cause for Steinem
Cause opposed by Schlafly
Cause that NOW championed
Cenozoic ___
Cenozoic is the current one
Cenozoic or Mesozoic
Cenozoic or Paleozoic
Century 21 alternative
Century 21 competitor
Certain period
Chapter in history
Chapter in music history
Chapter of Canadian history
Chapter of a sort
Chapter of history
Cheer alternative
Cheer competition
Cheer competitor
Christian ___
Christian or Cenozoic
Christian or Muslim
Christian or Reagan
Christian or Roman
Christian or Victorian
Christy Mathewsons was exactly 2 in 1907
Chronological division
Chronological stretch
Chronology component
Chronology section
Chronology segment
Chunk of history
Chunk of the past
Chunk of time
Clemens likes to keep his low
Clemens stat
Clemenss pride
Cliff Lee stat
Clinton ___
Clinton ___ (1993-2001)
Closers no.
Closers stat
Cold War ___
Coldwell Banker competitor
Colonial ___
Common ___
Common or Christian
Common or Christian follower
Common or Roman
Concern for Hershiser
Cone stat
Constitutional proposal first introduced in Cong. in 1923
Contreras stat
Cooperstown stat
Cousin of age
Curt Schillings stat
Cy Young Award consideration
Cy Young Award factor
Cy Young Award stat
Cy Young Award voters concern
Cy Young stat
Cy Youngs was 2.63
Cys stat.
D.C. human rights act not yet ratified by Congress
Dash competitor
Day and age
Dead ball ___
Dead-ball ___
Dead-ball ___ (1900-1919 during baseball)
Decade or so
Defunct bands heyday
Depression ___
Detergent brand
Detergent in a red bottle
Detergent name
Detergent that might be used to remove wine stains
Diamond stat
Diamond stat.
Dice-K stat
Disco ___
Disco or Clinton
Disco or Grunge
Disco or swing follower
Discrete time period
Dishwasher detergent brand
Distinct period
Distinct span
Distinctive period
Distinctive span
Distinctive span of history
Distinctive stretch
Distinctive time
Distinctive time period
Distinguishable period
Division of history
Division of time
Don Larsen stat
Dot-com ___ (late 90s)
Dreft alternative
Dubbed period
Ed Walsh has the lowest one
Edwardian or Victorian
Eisenhower years
Elizabethan ___
Elizabethan or Gaslight
Elizabethan or Victorian
End of an ___
End of an ___ (significant time)
Eon division
Eon fraction
Eon part
Eon segment
Eon subdivision
Eon subunit
Erstwhile Steinem issue
Eventful period
Eventful time
Eventful time period
Evolutionary time period
FDRs time in office
Fab alternative
Fab competitor
Fab rival
Fab shelfmate
Failed 70s-80s polit. cause
Failed NOW goal
Failed addition to the U.S. Constitution
Failed const. amendment
Fanning someone makes it go down
Fantasy baseball category
Fantasy baseball concern
Fantasy baseball stat
Fellers figure
Fem. cause
Feminist cause of the 70s
Feminist cause opposed by the LDS
Feminist measure
Feminist pitchers concern?
Feminists goal
Fig. thats good when low
Firemans stat
Flapper ___
Flingers fig.
Flingers stat
For a pitcher
Ford had the best one in 1958
Former NOW cause
Former NOW objective
Former polit. cause
Gain rival
Gaslight ___
Gay 90s
Gay 90s
Gay Nineties or Roaring Twenties
Gay Nineties
Generation or more
Geologic division
Geologic period
Geologic time
Geologic time division
Geologic time period
Geologic time unit
Geologic timespan
Geological period
Geological span
Geological time period
Geological time span
Geologists division
Geologists period
Geologists span
Geologists time
Geologists time division
Gilded Age
Giving up a homer increases it
Gloria Steinem cause
Goal for many feminists (abbr.)
Golden ___ (great time)
Golden age
Good Feeling
Good Feelings
Good feeling for one
Good feeling time?
Good fig. for Maddux or Martinez
Good pitchers keep it low
Good thing to keep low on a diamond
Goodens was 1.53 in 1985
Grand time
Grand time?
Great time
Greg Maddux stat
Greg Maddux stat.
Group of periods
Herstory topic
Hidden theme of the puzzle
Historians specialty
Historians study
Historians unit
Historic age
Historic block of time
Historic chapter
Historic interval
Historic period
Historic period of note
Historic span
Historic stretch of time
Historic time
Historic time in music
Historic time period
Historic time piece?
Historical age
Historical chapter
Historical classification
Historical division
Historical period
Historical period of time
Historical segment
Historical span
Historical stage
Historical stretch
Historical time
Historical time period
Historical time to remember
Historical timeline section
Historical topic
Historical unit
History book chapter
History book discussion
History chapter
History class syllabus division
History class topic
History division
History section
History segment
History text period
History text section
History text topic
History text unit
History topic
History unit
History-book period
Hoped-for low number: Abbr.
Horse and buggy ___
Horse-and-buggy ___
Horse-and-buggy ___ (period before the invention of the automobile)
Hunk of history
Hunk of time
Hurlers figure
Hurlers no.
Hurlers stat
Hurlers stat.
Hurling stat
Identifiable period
Iffy Const. amendment
Ill-fated amdt.
Important age
Important historic period
Important historical period
Important historical time
Important interval
Important period
Important span
Important stat for Roger Clemens
Important stat to a pitching coach
Important stretch
Important time
Important time in history
Important time period
Important time span
Important years
In baseball
Influential time
Influential time period
Internet ___
It contains periods
It goes down with a shutout
It goes up with a HR
It may be Golden
It may be modern or classical
It may contain periods
It may end in -zoic
It may have periods
It often ends in -zoic
It should be low on a diamond
It was defeated in 82
It was never ratified
It was supported by NOW
It was
It would
Its amazing if its under 2
Its full of periods
Its good to have a low one on the hill
Its higher in the A.L. due to the DH
Its low for a Cy Young winner
Its low for aces: Abbr.
Its urged by NOW
Its end is often observed
Its ratification was opposed by Concerned Women for America
Jacksonian ___
January 20
Jason Schmidts is low
Jazz ___
Jazz or Beat
Jazz or Big Band
Jazz or disco
Juan Marichals was 2.89
Ks lower it
Kind of sable
Koufax stat
Koufax stat.
Koufaxs was 2.76
Large time piece?
Laundry brand
Laundry day brand
Laundry detergent
Laundry detergent brand
Laundry room brand
Legis. introduced into every session of Congress from 1923 to 1970
Legis. proposed by Alice Paul
Legislation recently re-introduced by Edward Kennedy and Carolyn Maloney: Abbr.
Little bit of history
Live-ball ___
Long division?
Long reign
Long stretch
Long time
Long time span
Long-time NOW cause
Low fig. for Randy Johnson
Low no. for Roger Clemens
Low no. for an All-Star starter
MLB figure
MLB stat
MLB statistic
Maddux stat
Major division of geological time
Major time
Major time period
Mariano Rivera stat that is 0.71 for the post-season
Marked period
Mayan or Mundane
Mayan or Roman
Measure supported by feminists (abbr.)
Memorable age
Memorable date in history
Memorable period
Memorable stretch
Memorable time
Memorable time in history
Memorable time in music
Memorable time period
Mesozoic ___
Mesozoic or Cenozoic
Mesozoic or Paleozoic
Middle Ages
Middle relievers stat
Mike Mussina stat
Modern ___
Modern or computer
Momentous time
Momentous time period
Mound numbers: abbr.
Mound percentage
Mound stat
Mound stat.
Moundsmans no.
Much debated political inits.
Much-debated political inits.
Multiple periods
Musical generation
Musical period
Musical time period
Muslim or Christian
NL stat
NOW aim
NOW cause
NOW cause defeated in 1982
NOW cause of the 70s
NOW concern
NOW goal
NOW issue
NOW objective
NOW political cause
NOW supported it
NOWS political cause
NOWs cause
NOWs time frame?
NOW-supported proposal
Named period
Neolithic ___
Never-ratified women-related measure
New ___ (cap company)
Newsworthy period of history
Newsworthy time
Newsworthy time in history
No. for Maine
No. for Nomo
No. important to a pitcher
No. that should be as low as possible
Nolan Ryan stat
Nomo number
Nostalgia elicitor
Nostalgic period
Notable period
Notable period of time
Notable segment
Notable stretch
Notable time
Notable time in history
Notable time period
Notable timespan
Noted period
Noted time
Noteworthy period
Noteworthy time
Nuclear ___ (1945-present)
Number for Maddux
Number of Fingers?
Oft-named period
Oft-named time
Oft-nicknamed period
Old NOW cause
Old Testament scribe
Old polit. cause
One cause for Steinem
One for the history books
One of the history books
Onetime Alan Alda cause
Onetime NOW cause
Onetime feminist cause
Operate Central Time
Our times.
Ours is the Cenozoic
Oxydol competitor
P&G detergent name
P&G product
Page of history
Paige no.
Paige number
Paleontological period
Paleontology period
Paleozoic --
Paleozoic ___
Paleozoic or Cenozoic
Paleozoic or Mesozoic
Paleozoic or Precambrian
Papelbon stat
Part of B.C.E.
Part of BCE
Part of an eon
Particular period
Particular time
Past portion
Past time
Pedro Martinez stat
Pedro Martinez stat.
Pedro Martinezs pride
Period commonly named
Period for historians
Period in a historians book
Period in history
Period in time
Period marked by distinctive character
Period of distinction
Period of history
Period of note
Period of rule
Period of the past
Period of time
Period of years
Period piece
Period piece?
Period to remember
Picking someone off makes it go down
Piece of history
Piece of the past
Pitcher meas.
Pitchers no.
Pitchers number
Pitchers pride
Pitchers stat
Pitchers stat.
Pitchers try to keep it low
Pitchers want it low
Pitching no.
Pitching number with a decimal
Pitching stat
Pitching stat (the lower the better)
Pitching stat.
Popular laundry detergent
Portion of the past
Post-PC ___
Pre-Modern ___ (Hall of Fame division)
Precambrian --
Precambrian or Mesozoic
Presidential period
Pretty big stretch?
Procter & Gamble brand
Procter & Gamble detergent
Procter & Gamble detergent brand
Procter & Gamble laundry brand
Procter & Gamble product
Procter & Gambles first liquid laundry detergent
Proctor & Gamble detergent brand
Progressive ___
Progressive or Paleozoic
Prohibition ___
Prohibition ___ (1920-33)
Prohibition follower
Prominent span of years
Prominent time
Prop. originally called the Lucretia Mott Amendment
Proposal defeated in 1982
Proposal of 3/22/72
Proposal still not ratified in 1982
Proposed 27th amendment that would prohibit sexual discrimination: Abbr.
Proposed Const. amendment
Proposed Const. ammendment since 1923
Proposed const. revision defeated in 1982
Proposed legislation whose current lead sponsor in the Sen. is Ted Kennedy
Queens of the Stone Age: ___ Vulgaris
Quite some time
Quod ___ faciendum
RE/MAX competitor
Re/Max rival
Reagan or Christian
Reagan or Clinton
Real estate company
Reconstruction ___ (18651877)
Relief meas.
Relievers stat
Remarkable time
Retiring the side in order makes it go down
Revolutionary ___ (period in U.S. history)
Rival of Tide and All
Rival of Yes
Roaring 20s
Roaring 20
Roaring 20s
Roaring Twenties
Roger Clemens stat
Roger Clemens stat
Roman or Christian
Roman or Greek
Romantic and Rock
Romantic or Victorian
Roosevelt or Eisenhower
Roy Halladay stat
Ruths was 2.28
Ryan stat.
S. Sparks stat
Sandy Koufax stat
Schilling stat.
Seavers stat
Section of history
Segment of history
Set-up mans stat
Setting down the side in order makes it go down
Several periods
Shutouts make it go down
Significan period
Significant period
Significant period of time
Significant span
Significant stretch
Significant stretch of time
Significant time
Significant time period
Significant years
Silent ___
Silent ___ (time before talkies)
Silent ___ (time before the talkies)
Sizable duration
Slab stat
Slice of history
Slice of time
Slice of time in music
Source of bullpen bragging rights: Abbr.
Southpaws fig.
Southpaws stat
Soviet ___
Soviet or Weimar follower
Space in time
Span of history
Span of the past
Span of time
Special time
Specific period in history
Specific time span
Sports figure
Sports meas. of effectiveness
Sports stat thats best when low
Spring training stat
Stage goddess goes topless (3)
Stage of development
Stage of history
Standout years
Starters stat
Starters stat
Stat for Babe Ruth
Stat for Barry Zito
Stat for CC Sabathia
Stat for Christy Mathewson
Stat for Clemens
Stat for Clemens or Martinez
Stat for Cliff Lee
Stat for Cy Young
Stat for Derek Lowe
Stat for Dice-K
Stat for Drabek
Stat for Gooden
Stat for Gooden or Maddux
Stat for Greg Maddux
Stat for Halladay or Sabathia
Stat for Hammond
Stat for Hershiser
Stat for Irabu
Stat for Jack Morris
Stat for Jake Peavy
Stat for Johan Santana
Stat for Jonathan Papelbon
Stat for Koufax
Stat for Lackey
Stat for M. Mussina
Stat for Maddux
Stat for Mariano Rivera
Stat for Martinez
Stat for Mike Mussina
Stat for Pedro Martinez
Stat for Roger Clemens
Stat for Sabathia
Stat for Schilling
Stat for Scott Erickson
Stat for Seaver
Stat for Seaver or Santana
Stat for Stanton
Stat for Stottlemyre
Stat for Tim Lincecum
Stat for Warren Spahn: Abbr.
Stat for a certain Philly
Stat for a hurler
Stat for a pitcher
Stat for a pitcher thats better low than high
Stat for a reliever
Stat for a southpaw
Stat for hurlers
Stat next to WHIP and Ks
Stat that is better when lower
Stat that is generally lower in the NL
Stat that may be adjusted
Stat that pitchers are concerned about
Stat thats better if its lower
Stat thats better when its lower
Stat thats better when lower
Stat thats given to the hundredths place
Stat thats good when its low
Stat thats good when under 3.00
Stat. for Greg Maddux
Stat. for Johan Santana
Stat. for Pedro Martinez
Stat. for Roger McDowell
Stat. thats good when low
Statistic created by baseball writer Henry Chadwick
Steinem cause
Steinem issue
Steinem promoted it
Steinem supported it
Steroid or deadball follower
Storied age
Stretch of history
Stretch of time
Stretch to remember
String of periods
Subj. of a 1982 defeat
Subj. of baseball rule 10.22(b)
Surf alternative
Swing ___
Swing ___ (1920s-30s)
Swing ___ (time when big band music was popular)
Swing or Mesozoic
Swing or classical
Swing time
Temporal stretch
Tess chaser
The E in B.C.E.
The 60s
The 50s
The 70s
The 80s
The 90s
The Baroque or Classical
The Big Band ___
The Bird had the best one in 1976
The Braves pitching staffs was 3.65 for 1999
The Cenozoic is the current one
The Cenozoic
The Clinton Years
The Common ___
The Depression
The Eisenhower years
The Gay 90s
The Gay Nineties
The Golden Age of Television
The Great Depression
The Mesozoic
The Modern ___
The Modern
The Paleozoic
The Reagan years
The Renaissance
The Roaring Twenties
The Rock
The Roosevelt years
The Sixties or the Eighties
The Sixties
The Swing ___
The Swing
The Thatcher years
The Tiger Woods ___ (1997-?)
The Tiger Woods ___ (now
The Victorian ___
The Wild West was one
The Wild West
The ___ of Good Feeling
The ___ of Good Feelings (early 19th-century period)
The dot-com ___
The end of an ___
The formula for it has IP in the denominator
The horse-and-buggy
The lower it is the better for pitchers
The___of Good Feeling
Themed period
Throwing number
Tide alternative
Tide competitor
Tide rival
Tim Lincecum fig.
Time chunk
Time division
Time for the history books
Time frame
Time gone by
Time in history
Time in the past
Time line segment
Time line span
Time of dominance
Time of history
Time of importance
Time of note
Time of the past
Time often named
Time on earth
Time period
Time piece
Time piece?
Time remembered
Time scale section
Time slice
Time span
Time stretch
Time to remember
Time worth noting
Time worth remembering
Time worth studying
Time-line indication
Time-line segment
Time-line span
Timeline chunk
Timeline division
Timeline indication
Timeline period
Timeline portion
Timeline section
Timeline segment
Timeline stretch
Timeline time
Titled time
Titled years
Tom Seavers 2.86
Tom Seavers was 2.86
Triple Crown component
Triple Crown consideration
Tudor ___
Two or more periods
Ultra ___: detergent brand
Unforgettable time
Unforgettable time for historians
Unique stretch in time
Unit in history class
Unit of geologic time
Unratified amendment
Unratified proposal
Victorian --
Victorian ___
Victorian or Big Band
Victorian or Edwardian
Victorian or Napoleonic
Washday brand
When its low
Wild West ___
Wisk alternative
Wisk competitor
Wisk rival
Word after Big Band or Christian
Word after Big Band or Reagan
Word after Christian or Muslim
Word after Clinton or Kenton
Word after Reagan or Clinton
Word with Big Band
Worthy while
Yardstick for someone who works about 20 yards from home: Abbr.
Year-numbering system
Years of note
Young figure
Young number
___ of Good Feeling
___ of Good Feeling (Monroe years)
___ of Good Feelings (Monroe years)
Signal stage of history.
Signal period in history.
Significant age.
Our time.
Definitive period.
The Paleozoic or Mesozoic.
Period of significance.
Meaningful date.
Phase of history.
Point of time
Span of years.
Geological time
Many years ___
Paleozoic, for example.
Division of geologic time
Paleozoic, for one.
Years to remember.
Years of portent.
Significant date.
Stage of time.
Fixed point of time.
Noteworthy times
Christian ___, from 4 B. C.
Gay Nineties, for instance.
Important date.
Cycle of years.
___ date
The Gay Nineties, for one.
What an epoch begins.
Golden Age, for one.
Pitching record.
Historian's concern.
Age (Sp.)
Name meaning watchful.
Pitcher's record: Abbr.
Baseball abbreviation.
Elizabethan or Christian.
See 41 Down.
Pitching statistic: Abbr.
Baseball abbr.
Paleolithic, for one
Pitching statistics: abbr.
Pitching data: Abbr.
Pitcher's concern: Abbr.
Christian, for one
Baseball-scoring initials
Pitching stats
Pitching record: Abbr.
Baseball statistic: Abbr.
Renaissance, for one
Byzantine, for one
Pitching abbr.
Big-Band ___
Good Feeling, e.g.
Edwardian ___
Archeozoic, for one
Pitching-stat listing
Pitching guideline: Abbr.
Jazz or Bronze
Baseball statistic
Paleozoic, e.g.
Feminists' concern: Abbr.
Pitcher's stat
Eventful years
Victorian or Vulgar
Group of memorable yesterdays
Lib cause
Proposed amendment, for short
Letters for equality
Feminists' bill
Caesarean or Actian
Time interval.
Monroe's ___ of Good Feeling
Stat of interest to Catfish
Controversial issue's initials
Babylonian or Caesarean
Proposal before the states
Monroe enjoyed one
Proposal for the Const.
Proposed amendment: Abbr.
Roman or Persian
Concern of an A.L. or N.L. pitcher
Archeozoic or Proterozoic
Part of QED
Initials in the news.
Stat on a sports page
Proposed 27th Amendment
Levenson's In One ___ ...
Steinem or Seaver concern: Abbr.
Christian or Caesarean
Southpaw's stat
Stage in history
Time of Good Feeling
Stage of a sort
Feminist's cause, for short
Horse and buggy, e.g.
Stat for Nolan Ryan
Cause supported by Maureen Reagan
A goal for NOW
Feminist's concern, for short
Cenozoic, e.g.
Caesarean or Alexandrian
Stat for Guidry
Carlton's important stat.
NOW's concern
Day or many days
Stat for Gossage
Controversial amendment
Seaver's stat.
Julian, e.g.
Mayan, e.g.
Mesozoic, e.g.
Mundane or Macedonian
Controversial initials
Stat for Fingers
Rights proposal: Abbr.
What NOW wants now
Greek or Roman
Guidry stat.
Amendment backed by NOW
Stat for Doc Medich
Seaver stat.
Lost cause for NOW?
Paleozoic or Victorian
Stat. for Steve Carlton
A fixed point in time
A goal of NOW
Waylaid amendment
It's backed by NOW
Failed amendment
Darling stat.
Augustan, e.g.
Cenozoic or Archeozoic
Failed Const. addition
Mauve Decade, e.g.
Stat. for Dr. K
Point in time
Christian or Vulgar
Legislation backed by N.O.W.
Vulgar, e.g.
It's urged by NOW
Feminists' goal
NOW'S political cause
Feminist amdt.
Gaslight, e.g.
Actian or Augustan
Caesarean or Augustan
The Roaring Twenties, e.g.
NOW members' aim
Gooden stat
Issue for NOW
An interest of NOW
Low stat for Frank Viola
Defeated Amendment
Stat for Saberhagen
NOW's goal
Cenozoic is one
___ of Good Feeling: 1817-24
___ siècle.
Period or stat
The ___ of Wonderful Nonsense: Pegler
Stat for Viola
Feminist pitcher's concern?
The Jurassic, e.g.
Julian or Varro
NOW's legislation concern
Jazz, for one
Victorian, e.g.
Edwardian, e.g.
NOW's cause
NOW's time frame?
Reconstruction, for one
70's and 80's cause
Gay Nineties, e.g.
The 90's, e.g.
Gaslight, for one
Big Band, e.g.
Roman, for one.
Victorian, for one
70's-80's political cause
70's-80's pol. cause
Roman or Greek, e.g.
Stat. that's good when low
1970's-80's cause
Roaring Twenties, e.g.
The Thatcher years, e.g., in Britain
Koufax's was 2.76
Stat that's good when it's low
When it's low, it's good
Failed 70's-80's polit. cause
Stat that's good when under 3.00
Hurler's stat
Ruth's was 2.28
See 35-Across
Archeozoic, e.g.
1970's-80's cause, for short
Gay 90's, e.g.
The Roosevelt years, e.g.
Sports stat that's best when low
The Sixties, e.g.
The Clinton years, e.g.
Geologist's time
Reliever's stat
A no. that's good when under 3.00
Mesozoic, for one.
Eisenhower years, e.g.
The Eisenhower years, e.g.
Unratified proposal, briefly
The 50's, e.g.
The 80's, say
Tom Seaver's 2.86, e.g.
American Depression, e.g.
Stat that's better when lower
Reconstruction, e.g.
It's low for aces: Abbr.
Prohibition, e.g.
Long, long time.
___ of Good Feelings, 1817-25
Procter & Gamble's first liquid laundry detergent
Never-ratified women-related measure, for short
NOW political cause, once
The Depression, e.g.
Long reign, e.g.
Onetime feminist cause, for short
Ballpark fig.?
Big Band ___ (1930s-'40s)
A pitcher should have a low one, in brief
Long reign, say
Word after many presidents' names
Cy Young's was 2.63, in brief
Disco ___ (1970s)
A simpler one may be recalled
Span of a ruler, maybe
Unsuccessful '70s-'80s cause
Prohibition, for one
Time of one's life.
Ace's stat
Geology topic
Follower of Bush or Clinton
A low one is best, for short
Bush ___ (early 2000s)
Historical interval
Disco '70s, e.g.
Period sometimes named after a president
Long span
Long presidential term, perhaps
Reagan ___ (most of the 1980s)
Time past
Span of attention?
Follower of Johnson or Kennedy
Laundry detergent with Oxi Booster
Post-Civil War Reconstruction, e.g.
Steroid ___ (1990s-early 2000s, in baseball)
Alternative to Century 21
Big factor in the Cy Young Award
A good one is under 3.00, in brief
15-Across backward
Competitor of All
1970s political cause, for short
What a shutout lowers, for short
The George W. Bush years, e.g.
Measure opposed by Phyllis Schlafly, for short
New ___ (official cap maker of Major League Baseball)
Alternative to all
The Depression, for one
A low one is good in baseball, in brief
A retirement party might toast the end of one
Baseball's steroid ___
Political period
Reagan has one named for him
Monarch's reign, perhaps
A pitching ace has a low one, in brief
Stat for Jon Lester
Baseball's dead-ball ___
Competitor of Tide
Internet ___ (what we live in)
A pitcher wants a low one, for short
Time of one's life, maybe
One-third of pitching's Triple Crown, for short
Procter & Gamble cleaning brand
Geologist's division
A good one is under 3.00, for short
The Depression or the Cold War
The Renaissance, e.g.
Post-truth ___
Word after many a president's name
An ace has a low one
Setting for a period piece
Slice of a timeline
The Gay Nineties, e.g.
Follower of Kennedy or Clinton
Timeline part
Timeline swath
Stat for which lower is better
Consideration for a costume designer
1970s-'80s cause, for short
Reagan ___ (1981-89)
Alternative to Tide or Cheer
Alternative to Gain
It's a big stretch
Sister company of Century 21
Bill Clinton's was in the 1990s
Change to the Constitution first proposed in 1921, for short
Hoover has one named for him
See 23-Down
Baseball stat that's better when it's lower
Distinctive stretch of time
Presidential time
Noteworthy time period
Elizabethan, for one
Its end might be lamented
Series of ages
Many wages
Stat for a starter
Slice of life, maybe
Distinctive period in time
Long period
Distinctive period of time
Specific time
Major division of geological time
Age marked by a distinctive character
Age, epoch
Historical period; chapter in history
Geological subdivision of time
Time to get some therapy
Some of the better audio accessories for the period
Category in pitching's Triple Crown, in brief
Time for the Eastern sun
Time to bend an ear
Age plays a part in the race
A period of the English artist
Times are changing
Maybe many decades are viewed in retrospect
Age of girl not five
The old days are over
Jazz or swing
One may be named for a president
Stat for Clayton Kershaw
Stretch in history books
Stat for Aroldis Chapman
Period that may be named for a president
Period often named for a leader
Pitching stat with a decimal point
Word that may follow a presidents name
Diamond fig.
Nolan Ryans 1.69 in 1981: Abbr.
Mound meas.
New __: MLB baseball cap supplier
MLBs steroid __
The Obama years, e.g.
Stat for Chris Sale
Tennis Open __
Cy Young Award winners stat
Time to mark
See 21-Down
Noteworthy stretch
Stat for Jacob deGrom
Eventful chapter
Historic time span
Notable time span
Word often preceded by a leaders name
Swing, jazz or rock n roll
Significant time span
MLB pitchers stat
Relative of Downy and Tide
The Nixon years, e.g.
Time often named for a philosophy
Disco or jazz
Stretch often named for a music genre
Presidential period, say
Stat for Justin Verlander
Defining period
Historian's specialty, perhaps
Obama ___ (2009-17)
Start to act — about flipping time!
Her pa heads off for a time
Regularly in retreat? It's common now
Essentially miserable time?
Venerable in middle age
4-Down, e.g.
Named stretch
Temporal chunk
CEO stint, perhaps
Timeline slice
Period in geology.
Notable span
Named time period
Major stretch
Victorias reign, for example
Kings reign, for instance
Celebrated period
What a royal reign is often called
Period of importance
Piece of a timeline
Momentous period
Slice of movie history
Historic stretch
Presidency, often
Term applied to musical heydays
Costumiers evocation
Age with a name
Time given a name
Major period
Important timeline portion
Nostalgic division
What might be named for a king
VA ratified it last January
Memorable timespan
Something named for Victoria
Time for historians
Period often with a name
Proposed 1970s legislation with a recent attempt at revival
Proposed 1970s legislation revived in recent years
Babe Ruths was 0.87 in World Series play
Series of years
Significant time period in history
Bill reintroduced to Congress in 2017 by Utahs Sen. Hatch that would criminalize union threats and require secret ballots for union reps
2021 addition to the Russian segment of the ISS that will include two limbs, two grippers, two wrists and an elbow joint (abbr.)
___ of Good Feelings: phrase coined by Benjamin Russell newspaper Columbian Centinel in 1817
Time period thats often the savior of many crossword constructors (as in this instance)
Short form of bill S.1774 which, in part, would require secret ballot elections to determine union representation
Time period increasingly difficult for crossword creators to find new clues for
The Yankees Mariano Rivera has the lowest one of these (abbr.)
Proposed Constitutional change that remains unratified after more than 95 years
ISS attachment to be launched with the Russian Multipurpose Laboratory Module in summer next year
Pitchers like a low one
Constitutional initiative ratified by over 30 states, briefly
Word after Clinton or Obama
The Roaring Twenties, for one
Cold War or Roaring Twenties, for example
Period that may have several periods
Cold War, e.g.
Important stretch of time
Time in office, colloquially
Length of a history book chapter
1970s measure that fell three states short of passing, in brief
It was finally ratified by VA in 2020
Prohibition ___ (period in which Boardwalk Empire is set)
Period often named for a president
K's help it
Pitching Triple Crown stat, briefly
Timeline unit
Major pitching statistic
Time span sometimes named after a president
Important period in history
Long-proposed constitutional inits.
Reign of a queen, for instance
Constitutional proposal supported by the National Woman's Party, for short
Prominent period
Often eponymous period
The E of BCE
Named time span
A king or queen may have one named for them
New ___ (cap brand)
___ calendar
The 1960s, e.g.
Baseball's dead-ball ___ (around 1900-20)
The Renaissance, for one
Not quite an eon
Noted time period
Important reign, to historians
Legislation whose fight was depicted in the 2020 miniseries Mrs. America (abbr.)
What a coup could conclude
Stat for Shohei Ohtani
Notable slice of history
Often titled stretch
Flop ___ (unsuccessful period)
Stretch of years
Memorable span
Period with start and end dates
Focus of FXs Mrs. America
Constitutional measure passed in '72 but never ratified
Division of geological time
Issue for Steinem and Friedan
Baroque or Romantic
Victorian or Elizabethan
Most common answer in New York Times crosswords (more than 6% of all puzzles)
What a coup might complete
Detergent with Oxi Booster
Proposed 1970s legislation with a recent revival due in part to the Me Too Movement
Upset about advanced age
MLB hurlers stat
Dig up
Long seat
Hungarian stew
Surgical knife
Hawaiian garland
Loud noise
The human mind
Deep ditch
Unit of length
Moral doubt
Horse-and-buggy, e.g.
Horse-and-buggy, e.g.
Stop when lad with new stilts takes a tumble
Passes on changes to indoor toilet?
Family bonds at home in Cambodia's fashionable society
Plug ends up saving energy
(?) Clue Number 5 for 160306
(?) Clue Number 10 for 200126
Time fuse eventually found by soldiers
Last of The Arsenal Years?
Time zone trimmed after reflection
Part of another age?
Time the bitter saga ends
Time for Gunners to follow up Emirates' opener
Period Queen Anne initiated
Time and space mostly set up
Prime members of German generation
Muse has to leave for day
What follows a do, back in time
Time in therapy
RBIs kin
Geological division.
Historic timespan
Notable age
Distinct time
Elizabethan, e.g.
Historical epoch
Age of note
Historic division
Historic epoch
Related years
Precambrian, e.g.
Cones stat
History chapter, perhaps
Swing ___ (when big bands were big)
You might usher in a new one
Detergent in a red container
Some other age?
Period starts or ends in Europe, remember — also Asia or Africa
European artists time
A pitching ace has a low one
Constitutional change that has been debated for a century: Abbr.
Historical moment
Modern follower?
The-lower-the-better MLB stat
Time worth naming
Time worth naming
Live-ball __: baseball period
Live-ball __: baseball period
Swing ___ (1933-47)
Time capsule time
What a coup might end
Big band ___ (time span after the Jazz Age)
Time period often named for an art movement
Monarchs reign, e.g.
Phase of a career
Time period with a name
Jazz or Jurassic
One's time in office, maybe
Unfinished crusade of the 1970s, in brief
Well-documented part of history
Koufaxs stat
Constitutional initiative passed in 72 but never ratified
Part of 6 Down
Classic Vans sneaker model
Big time?
Civil Rights
Cenozoic, for one
Time for a geologist?
Baseball's so-called "steroid ___"
Noteworthy timespan
Goddess sacrificing hearts in time
Period often marked by a ruler
Age, eon
See 9-Across
Jazz Age, for one
Notable stretch of time
Notable stretch of time
Notable period of history
Flop ___ (period when one isnt doing so great)
Historians focus
It might be named for a reign
Mrs. America political cause, briefly
Presidents tenure, for example
Stretch often named for a leader
Muse wasting time with old age
Art Deco, e.g.
Red jug of laundry detergent
Cold War, for one
Noteworthy span
It's a stretch
Live backing group appearing in later audition — an historic time
Constitutional initiative approved by the Senate in 72 but never ratified
Epic ___
Remembered stretch
Celebrated time span
Celebrated time span
Memorable historical period
Memorable historical period
The Carter __
Low stat for a top pitcher
Notable slice of time
Legislation that would codify gender equity, for short
The Civil Rights ___
Civil War or Cold War, e.g.
English getting runs? One, for a long stretch
Sports stat that's best when it's below 2
The Mughal dynasty's reign, e.g.
Dana's reaction was the start of an ___ for Ava.
English getting runs? One, for a long stretch (3)
The Great Depression, for one
23-Down far shorter than a 16-Across
See 44-Across
Historical time span
MLB stat thats good when its low
Phase of an artists career
Bullpen fig.
Time period often named for a monarch
Stat lowered by a shutout (abbr.)
Block of history
Low stat for an ace: Abbr.
___ of Manifestations (period in Shaker history)
Remarkable stretch of history
Life phase, in modern parlance
Emblematic time
Life phase, nowadays
Major historical time
Stat for pitchers
The Silent ___ (early Hollywood)
Major time span
Major span
Stretch with a name
Landmark legislation of 1972, for short
Baroque ___ (1600-1750)
See 28 Down.
Ultimately score after extra time
Dates wild when stripping
The Cold War, e.g.
Time often named for a leader
A 19-Across might end one
Part of an artists career
Cause for the Women Hunger for Justice protest fast of 1982: Abbr.
Phase of personal evolution, perhaps
The Big Band ___ (1910s-40s)
The Big Band ___ (1930s-40s)
Time of ones life
Young fig.
Outfit inspiration for a Swiftie
Legislative subject of the 2020 miniseries "Mrs. America," for short
Constitutional change endorsed by NOW, for short
The Middle Ages or the Renaissance
A Swiftie might have a favorite one
History class section
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Site of an ancient Greek oracle
Theatrical costume custodian
Unintentional error revealing subconscious feelings
Aid to an infant’s dental development
Preliminary part
Relating to speech sounds
US five-cent coin
Substance for use on the bows of stringed instruments
Ancient dump for domestic waste
Flying son of Daedalus
Biblical large and mighty beast
Group working together rejected Everyman, tense, hiding hint of anger
Pole performs hiphop about box
Warning from German: sadly can’t hug
Dear Director, Rugby player Will will miss opening
Finally ants all got slaughtered
Hollywood funnyman seeing Scottish mountain, increasingly serene
Book large hotel suite? Give us an address
Assemblages in humorous burlesque, cycling
15 suppressing this impulse
Opportunity to hide ore, not refined
Busy type churning feta for hearty beverage
Somewhat froufrou top I antiqued, expecting impossibly good outcome?
Workshy mended rugs – gladly?
$500 girl loans foolishly
Pine feature of guitar
Got a merger in trouble? Borrow more
Abruptly: Run for it! A biting beastie!
Of value to protect company, that’s obvious early on
Communicative, as expected
As lunch, desultorily eaten, still keeping officebound, principally?
Swanky do took in virtuous knight
Son becoming cold, most pale and most painful
One in theatre’s rushin’ to be heard
Ha! Giants fan lost in the country
See darn rowers successfully diet
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