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Word: el
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(in the US) an elevated railway, especially that in Chicago.
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Antonias Line actress Dottermans
Big Easy golfer
ER city transit
The Big Easy of golf
The Big Easy of the P.G.A.
1994 Open golf champion
1994 U.S. Open champ
1994 U.S. Open champ Ernie
1994 U.S. Open golf champion
1994 U.S. Open winner Ernie
1994 US Open champion
1994 and 1997 U.S. Open winner
1996 and 1997 Buick Classic champion
1997 PGA Grand Slam of Golf winner
1997 U.S. Open champ
1997 U.S. Open champ Ernie
1997 U.S. Open winner
1997 U.S. Open winner Ernie
1997 US Open winner Ernie
1999 Nissan Open winner
1999 Nissan Open winner Ernie
2002 British Open champ
2002 British Open champ Ernie
2002 British Open champion
2002 British Open champion Ernie
2002 British Open winner
2002 British Open winner Ernie
2002 Genuity champ Ernie
2002 winner at Muirfield
2011 World Golf Hall of Fame inductee
2nd-place finisher at the 2000 Mercedes Championships
A guy on the green
A llama has two
Above-ground trains
Above-ground transit
Above-the-street trains
Aboveground trains
Aboveground transporters
Aerial RRs
African hero
African nicknamed The Big Easy
African star
Air trains?
All-time European Tour money winner
Athlete nicknamed The Big Easy
Athlete whose surname is correctly pronounced as if it had an e on the end of it
Ballad center?
Ballet center?
British Open champ the year after Duval
British Open winner Ernie
Bus alternatives
Bygone Manhattan sights
Bygone Manhattan trains
Bygone New York transports
Bygone trains
C.T.A. trains
CTA trains
Cab alternatives
Cars over the road
Cell wall half?
Center of Dallas?
Certain trains
Chi sights
Chi-Town rattlers
Chi-town rails
Chi-town trains
Chi. transportation
Chicago Loop group
Chicago Loop loopers
Chicago Loop trains
Chicago bearers?
Chicago carriers
Chicago commuter carriers
Chicago commuter options
Chicago loopers
Chicago rails
Chicago rumblers
Chicago runners
Chicago sights
Chicago trains
Chicago transp.
Chicago transports
Choices for Chicago commuters
Cid and Greco
City RRs
City lines
City railways
City rattlers
City trains
City transit
City transportation
City transports
Clattery overhead trains
Clattery trains
Clattery transports
Commuter carriers
Commuters get high on them
Commuters lines
Commuters ways
Commuting aids
Commuting choices
Commuting options
Cousins of monorails
Dallas center?
Dallas centers?
Designer of South Africas Oubaai Golf Course
Designer of the South African golf course Oubaai
Disappearing transports
Discontinued trains
Dull duo?
Duval rival
Eagle-eyed Ernie?
Eagling Ernie
Ems neighbors
Ernie known as The Big Easy
Ernie of golf
Ernie of golf fame
Ernie of links
Ernie of the P.G.A.
Ernie of the PGA
Ernie of the PGA Tour
Ernie of the links
Ernie on a green
Ernie on the fairway
Ernie on the links
Ernie the golfer
Ernie who cant play in a Solheim cup
Ernie who swings
Ernie who writes a column for Golf Digest
Ernie whos won the U.S. Open twice
Ernie with clubs
Evanstons transp.
Every ballad has two
Every lily has two
Famed African sportsman
Former Golf Digest columnist
Former Man. transit
Frequent #2 man of 2000
Frequent second-place finisher of 2000
Golf champ Ernie
Golf great from Johannesburg
Golf pro Ernie
Golf pro from South Africa
Golf star Ernie
Golf star who lives in the Bahamas
Golfs Big Easy
Golfs The Big Easy
Golfs Ernie
Golfer Ernie
Golfer Ernie ___
Golfer Ernie aka The Big Easy
Golfer Ernie with his own wine company
Golfer called The Big Easy
Golfer dubbed the Big Easy
Golfer dubbed Big Easy
Golfer from Johannesburg
Golfer from South Africa
Golfer known as The Big Easy
Golfer known as The Big Easy
Golfer nicknamed The Big Easy
Golfer who came in second in the 2000 Masters
Golfer who won 1997 US Open
Golfer who won the 94 U.S. Open
Golfer who won the 1991 Southern Africa Tour
Golfer who won the U.S. Open in 1994 and 1997
Golfer whose surname is often mispronounced
Golfing Ernie
Golfing great Ernie
Goosen rival
He tied for 3rd at the 2001 Mercedes Championships
He tied for sixth at the 2001 Masters
High RRs
High carriers
High lines
High rails
High railways
High rollers
High rollers?
High trains
High ways
High ways?
High-level transit
High-level vehicles?
High-riding rails
Higher form of transportation?
Higher forms of transportation
Higher forms of transportation?
Holland couple
Hollow center?
Johannesburg-born athlete
Johannesburg-born star
Kay followers
Kays followers
Last name in golf
Lateral extremes?
Lateral sides?
Legal extremes?
Letters after kays
Letters before ems
Level borders?
Level edges?
Level ends?
Lilly takes three
Lily pair
Lily uses two
Lines like the London Overground
Lines over the street
Lines up?
Links ace Ernie
Links legend Ernie
Links luminary Ernie
Links star Ernie
Linksman Ernie
Linksman called the Big Easy
Little League double header?
Little League starters?
Little couple
Lloyds of London beginners
Local borders?
Local pair?
Lofty rails
Lofty trains
Lofty transit
Lofty vehs.
Logical ends?
Logical tips?
Lollapalooza features?
Lolly has three
Loop circlers
Loop features
Loop group
Loop loopers
Loop movers
Loop runners
Loop sights
Loop trains
Loop trans. options
Loop transports
Mass transit choices
Masters regular Ernie
Mellow middle?
Miami sights
Mickelson rival
Monorail alternatives
Monorail kin
Monorail relatives
Most of all?
N.Y.C. sights beginning in the 1870s
Name engraved on the Claret Jug in 2002
New York and Chicago have the oldest ones in the Americas
Noisy city transports
Noisy rollers
Noisy trains
Noisy transit
Noisy transports
Noted African sportsman
Noted South African sportsman
Old N.Y.C. lines
Old N.Y.C. sights
Old city transports
Old trains
Overhead RRs
Overhead lines
Overhead rail lines
Overhead railroads
Overhead rails
Overhead railways
Overhead rollers
Overhead rumblers
Overhead rys.
Overhead tracks
Overhead trains
Overhead transports
P.G.A. Tour Rookie of the Year after Singh
P.G.A. Tour Rookie of the Year two years before Woods
P.G.A.s Ernie
Phila. trains
Phila. transit
Philly trains
Philly transit
Pillows center
Pro golfer Ernie
Professional golfer
Putting Ernie
Rail riders
Railroad structures
Railways over the street
Railways with a view
Raised RRs
Raised lines
Raised lines?
Raised railroad rollers
Raised railroads
Raised rails
Raised railways
Raised rumblers
Raised trains
Raised transports
Rare transports
Rattling trains
Right-angle shapes
Rival of Woods and Mickelson
Rival of Woods and Singh
Roll back?
Roll call half
Rumblers past tenements
Runner-up at the 2000 Masters
Runner-up at the 2004 Masters
Runner-up to Mickelson at the 2004 Masters
Runner-up to Singh at the 2000 Masters
Seven-time winner of the World Match Play Championship
Sextet in Little Nellie Kelly
Singh rival
Smelly pair?
Some Bklyn. trains
Some Bronx transports
Some Chicago trains
Some N.Y.C. trains
Some Scrabble tiles
Some city lines
Some city trains
Some commuter lines
Some commuter trains
Some overheads
Some rail lines
Some rail transit
Some railroads
Some rails
Some railways
Some rapid transits
Some rwys.
Some trains
Some trains over the street
Some transit lines
Some urban rails
Some urban railways
South African athlete
South African golf legend Ernie
South African golfer
South African golfer Ernie
South African golfing great
South African who twice won the U.S. Open
Spanish articles
Spelling center?
Staple of the Pilgrims diet
Subway alternatives
Subway cousins
Subway extensions
Subway kin
Subway relatives
Suspended transports
Tall golfer Ernie
Tennis champ Ernie
The Loop features
The Loop loopers
The PGA Tours 1994 Rookie of the Year
The PGAs Ernie
The loop the Loop
The six of Little Nellie Kelly
The word lullaby has three
The word lullaby has three of them
There are three in every lullaby
There are two in all
They can run over you harmlessly
They have cars that people drive under
They loop the Loop
They may run over you in Chicago
They overlook the Chicago River
They rumble by some apartments
Theyre caught in Chicago
Theyre in the Loop
Theyre on track
Theyre run by the CTA
Third Avenue rumblers
Three-time major bridesmaid of 2000
Tiger Woods rival
Tigers rival Ernie
Top golfer Ernie
Track transit
Train lines
Train types
Trains above streets
Trains above the road
Trains above the street
Trains in Chicago
Trains in cities
Trains in the Loop
Trains in the city
Trains like the one mentioned in 12 Angry Men
Trains near stairs
Trains on high
Trains on supports
Trains on trestles
Trains over streets
Trains over the city
Trains over the road
Trains over the st.
Trains over the street
Trains overhead
Trains that go clickety-clack
Trains to Wrigley
Trains up above
Trains you can look up to
Transportation options for Blackhawks fans
Transports near stairs
Trio in Valhalla?
Two in a billion?
Two in a million?
Two-time U.S. Open champ
Two-time U.S. Open winner
Two-time U.S. Open winner Ernie
Two-time runner-up at the Masters
U.S. Open 1994 and 1997 winner
U.S. Open champ Ernie
U.S. Open champ in 94 and 97
U.S. Open champ of 94 and 97
U.S. Open champ of 1994 and 1997
U.S. Open golf champion 1994
U.S. Open golf champion Ernie
U.S. Open golf champion of 1994
U.S. Open winner in 1997
U.S. Open winner of 1994
U.S. Open winner
US Open golf champion of 1994
Upraised railroads
Urban RRs
Urban carriers
Urban rails
Urban railways
Urban rollers
Urban rumblers
Urban trains
Urban transport
Urban transportation
Urban transports
Ways around Chi-town
Ways around the Windy City
Well-liked threesome?
What llamas must have
What loop the Loop
Windy City sights
Windy City trains
Windy City transports
Windy City wheels
Winner at Oakmont in 1994
Woods challenger
Woods rival
Woods rival
Woodss rival
World Match Play Championship champ a record seven times
Yellow center?
ays followers
Outmoded form of transportation.
Means of transportation.
Missing from Second and Sixth Avenues.
Disappearing railways in N. Y. C.
Railways on pillars.
Formerly on Sixth and Ninth Avenues.
Out-of-date railways.
Obsolescent carriers.
Vanishing means of transportation.
Transportation systems.
English letters
Old style means of transportation.
Distant relatives of the subway.
Obsolescent transportation.
Public transportation
Vanishing transportation.
Right angles
Certain types of trains.
Chicago conveyances.
Wheeled conveyances
Certain railways.
Disappearing railways.
Systems of transportation.
Passé carriers.
Disappearing railroads.
City railways: Colloq.
Urban railroads.
Vanishing N.Y.C. structures.
Old-time transportation
Pre-subway carriers.
Chicago feature.
Chicago transportation
Relatives of lambdas.
R. R.'s of a sort.
Old-time city transportation.
Former parts of 36 Down.
Chicago transport.
Trains of a sort.
Antiquated railroads.
Certain rys.
Railways of a sort.
Lamedh and lambda.
Outmoded transportation.
Obsolete conveyances.
Certain transit lines.
Certain transportations.
City transit lines
Loop travelers
Sights in the Bronx
Urban transit lines
Trains to the Loop
Transit lines
Letter-shaped joints
Vanishing street sights
City transits
Nostalgic railways
Centro et al.
Faded N.Y.C. lines
City ways
City railroads
Chi. railroads
Kays' followers
Followers of kays
Subway branches
Rumblers in the Bx.
These rumble over Chi.
Overhead transportation
Transit tracks
Greco and Cid
Some railroads, for short
City RR's
Overhead RR's
Urban sights, for short
City overheads
Bx rumblers
City transp.
Chi trains
Sextet in All's Well ...
Trains to look up to
Trio in Lilliput
Bx. trains
Alleluia trio
Urban RR's
Overhead trains, for short
Chi. Loop loopers
Overhead transp.
Chi. lines
These run high
Some RR's
Bx. transit lines
Chi. transports
High transportation
Raised RR's
Overhead rwys.
Quintet in La, La, Lucille
Sights in the Bx.
RR systems
Chi. transit systems
High rails, as in Chi.
Former Third Ave. trains
They're high in Chi.
High-rise trains
Some Bx. trains
Bx. transports
Chicago Loop carriers
See 17 Across.
Certain railroads
High-riding trains
Monorails' kin
Some Chi trains
Lofty subways?
Commuters' ways
U.S. Open champ in '94 and '97
Rare transports, nowadays
N.Y.C. sights beginning in the 1870's
Urban trains, for short
See 29-Down
2002 champion at 62-Across
See 52-Across
Ernie of the 24-Down
See 64-Across
P.G.A.'s Ernie
They're caught in Chicago
Golf's Big Easy
Player who followed in Player's footsteps
South African with two U.S. Open wins
Some Chi-town transportation
They have high stations
Johannesburg-born golf champion
Golf's Ernie
Lines to Wrigley Field
Loop takers
N.Y.C.'s Third and Ninth Avenue lines, e.g.
Legal borders?
Causes of street rumbles?
Most IRT lines in the Bronx, e.g.
Lines around Chicago
Chi-town circlers
What can take people for a loop?
Logical extremes?
Center of excellence?
1994 P.G.A. Tour Rookie of the Year
Some people movers
He won the 1994 U.S. Open in a 20-hole playoff
Ernie who won the 2012 British Open
Old Third Ave. trains in New York City
Lawful ends?
Ernie in the World Golf Hall of Fame
Swinging Ernie
C.T.A. transports
Trains to Chicago's Loop
Golf Hall of Fame inductee of 2011
Winner of four 1990s-2000s golf majors
Ernie of the World Golf Hall of Fame
Harlem sights
High trains in Chicago
Yellow belly?
Loopy cursive letters
Two-time U.S. Open champ of the 1990s
Volleyball quartet?
City railways not at street level
Certain public transports
Trains like Chicago's
Shapes made by thumbs and index fingers
Pair of overalls?
Railways not on street level
A couple of million?
Letters typed with the right ring finger
Local boundaries?
See 16
Golf Hall of Famer Ernie
Central Dallas?
2015 World Golf Award winner for Golf Course Designer of the Year
Golf great Ernie
Trains with a view of the street below
The Complete Short Game author
Trains over roads
Golfs Big Easy Ernie
Lolling trio?
Ernie with irons
2015 Payne Stewart Award honoree Ernie
Pair of allies?
Hallelujah trio?
Couple of million?
Little League leaders?
Golfer Ernie from South Africa
37-Downs Ernie
Yellow pair?
City trains above the street
Raised urban trains
Scullers pair?
They're high up in Chi-Town
Over-the-street transports
Lines in the second-busiest rail-transit system in the U.S.
2010 World Golf Hall of Fame electee Ernie
2011 inductee into the Golf Hall of Fame
Loop lines
Ernie with the Twitter handle @TheBig_Easy
Lines raised above a city
Dull finish
Half-rectangle shapes
Bracket shapes
Johannesburg-born golfer
Ernie of pro golf
Wall bracket shapes
Overall conclusion
OHare-bound trains
Well-loved trio
Outskirts of Liverpool
Parallelograms trio
Ernie who won the British Open in 2002 and 2012
spanType of cotton also known as Pima cotton whose fibers are greater than 1/spansup3/supspan//spansub8/subspan in/span
24 mile long river and tributary of the Streu in the Rhon Mountains, Bavaria
World number one ranked player of 1997, known in golfing circles as The Big Easy
Two-time U.S. Open champ Ernie
Dutch name thats short for Elisabeth
Legal limits?
Railways overhead
South African golf pro
Many characters in Kill Bill
A couple of dollars?
Local surroundings
Million-dollar pairings
Llama's head?
Mickelson beat him in the 2004 Masters
South African golf great
Golfer/activist Ernie
They can take you to OHare
Raised city trains
Raised city trains
Pair seen three times in All's Well That Ends Well
Both ends of Liverpool
They loop around the Loop
Pair of bellows?
Parallel lines
Subways kin
Subways cousins
Chicago railways
Paso and Alamein
End of all?
High tracks
Some urban trains
House wings
Building wings
High rollers?
Some railways, for short
___ City Rollers
High ways?
Llama heads?
Dull couple?
97 PGA champ Ernie
Scroll bars?
Pair of gallons?
Pair of gallons?
Champions Tour newcomer of 2020
Literal edges
Aboveground railroads
Monorails, often
Trains that rumble overhead
Trains that rumble overhead
Name on Big Easy wines
High rollers in Chicago?
Trains at a high level?
Doll parts?
High rollers, for short?
Shapes of wall brackets
Thrilling pair?
Middle of a valley?
Middle of a valley?
Overhead railroads initially from Chelseas centre
High rumblers
Lines on the iThe Bear/i
Tracks above?
Half full?
Trains that run to O'Hare airport
Half the characters in Kill Bill?
Lauryn Hill trio?
Above-the-street rumblers
Golfer Ernie known as The Big Easy
Lapel edges?
Unlikely duo?
Many monorails
What always ends well?
Pairs of jolly bells?
Chicago high rails
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Ozs. or lbs.
Poet who wrote "To err is human; to forgive, divine"
When doubled, dismiss
Steelmaking byproduct
"If you squint, maybe …"
Whiny comeback to a certain parent
Slam-dancing locales
Miniature electronic vehicle, for short
2016 Literature Nobelist who famously skipped the Stockholm ceremony
Prez in the '60s
Chinese garden features
Captures the moment, say
Something legally defined in the U.S. as affecting fewer than 200,000 people
2007 Michael Moore documentary with the tagline "This might hurt a little"
Code group
Javier who played Desi Arnaz in "Being the Ricardos"
Universal partner
Athos, Porthos et Aramis, par exemple
Much concert merch
Final Fantasy's original platform, for short
They can be hard to pick out
Awkward messages to receive in a public setting
"Don't things always turn out OK?"
One dealing with a certain absence
Member of the only N.F.C. team never to have made the Super Bowl
Saving oneself, in a way
Bit of investment intel
Where snowboard cross debuted as an Olympic event (2006)
Casualty of file corruption, maybe
Like some books and ads
Una hija de los abuelos
Elements of some still-life paintings
Texter's "Wow … just wow"
Long, curved bike features
It's a good vacation destination, you bet!
Best Picture winner that beat out "Boyhood" and "Selma"
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