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Ace ___ and Rodger of the Skies (1973 film)
Americas Got Talent season 3 runner-up Mattson
Bingo ___ Yale (Cole Polter tune)
Bingo ___ Yale (Porter song)
Bingo ___ Yale (Porter tune)
Bingo___Yale (Porter song)
Boola Boola belter
Boola Boola collegian
Boola Boola singer
Boola boola cheerer
Down the Field singer
Elm City student
Hostel director Roth
Hostel director ___ Roth
Inglourious Basterds actor Roth
L.A. Law lawyer
My God!
My God
NASCAR Live host Gold
Once and Again son
Out director Hollander
Splat Pack director Roth
The Book of ---
The Book of ___
The Book of ___ (2010 Denzel Washington film)
The Book of ___ (2010 Denzel Washington picture)
The Book of ___ (2010 film)
The Book of ___ (Denzel Washington film)
The Book of ___: 2010 Denzel Washington film
The Book of ___: 2010 film
The Whiffenpoof Song singer
Then ___ answered and said
Tough Guys actor Wallach
Whiffenpoof warbler
Y sporter
Y wearer
Y-sporting collegian
You cant spell elite without ___ (Super Bowl XLVI aphorism)
___ Stone
___ Stone (ABC cancellation of 2008)
___ Stone (ABC dramedy)
___ Stone (ABC show with Jonny Lee Miller)
___ Stone (short-lived ABC series)
___ Stone: ABC dramedy
___ and the Thirteenth Confession (Laura Nyro album)
___s Coming (Three Dog Night tune)
Boola Boola singer
Boola Boola-belting alum
Nuts actor Wallach
Y student
Y-sporting collegian
Y-wearing collegian
-- Lilly
-- Lilly (Prozac producer)
-- Lilly and Company
1794 patent awardee Whitney
1950 Nelly Sachs play
1951 play by Literature Nobelist Nelly Sachs
2008 Super Bowl M.V.P. Manning
2008 Super Bowl MVP Manning
2010 Denzel Washington title role
2010 title role for Denzel
2010 title role for Denzel Washington
2010 titular role for Denzel
A brother of Peyton
A descendant of Aaron
A high priest of Israel
A judge of Israel
ABC dramedy ___ Stone
AEI man Lehrer
Actor Marienthal
Actor Roth
Actor Wallach
Actor Wallach of The Magnificent Seven
Actor Wallach of The Two Jakes
An Ivy Leaguer
An NFL Manning
Archie Mannings youngest son
Arlo Guthrie song about enjoying life
Art collector/philanthropist ___ Broad
Athlete whos earned a Y
Biblical Judge
Biblical Samuels mentor
Biblical high priest
Biblical judge and priest
Biblical priest
Biblical priest at Shiloh
Big Green opponent
Big Red opponent
Big Red rival
Big name in New Haven
Bill Clinton
Billionaire Broad
Billionaire ___ Broad
Billionaire philanthropist Broad
Blue-eyed soul singer ___ Paperboy Reed
Book of Samuel character
Book of Samuel figure
Book of Samuel judge
Boola Boola boy
Boola-boola boy
Booster of the Bulldogs
Braves outfielder Marrero
Broad of the Broad Foundations
Brother of Peyton
Buckley or Bush
Bulldog Days participant
Bulldog backer
Bulldog booster
Bulldog of Connecticut
Bulldogs booster
Bulldogs fan
Bush 41 at 21
Bush or Clinton
Bush or Clinton at 20
Bush or Kerry
Bush or Taft
Bush was one in 48
California multibillionaire ___ Broad
Canadian poet Mandel
Cantab rival
Cantabs rival
Cantabrigians rival
Cardinals catcher Marrero
Cards catcher Marrero
Carmaker Oldss middle name
Carmaker Ransom ___ Olds
Catcher Marrero
Certain Ivy League student
Certain Ivy Leaguer
Certain New England collegian
Certain New Havener
Certain bulldog
Civil War colonel/pharmacist Lilly
Clints ugly co-star
Clinton or Bush
Clockmaker Terry
Clockmaker ___ Terry
Co-star with Clint and Lee in The Good
Cohen or Wallach
Cole Porter song Bingo___Yale
Cole Porter was one
Cole Porters Bingo ___ Yale
Cole Porters Bingo Yale
Cole Porter
Collegiate Bulldog
Colonel Lilly
Common Hebrew name
Competitor Balas*
Conn. collegian
Connecticut Bulldog
Connecticut Ivy Leaguer
Connecticut collegian
Constitution State student
Cotton gin inventor Whitney
Cotton gin inventor ___ Whitney
Cotton gin maker Whitney
Cotton gin pioneer Whitney
Cotton-gin inventor Whitney
Cotton-pickin guy
Country musics ___ Young Band
Crimson foe
Crimson opponent
Crimson rival
Crimsons rival
David Duchovny or Jodie Foster
Denzel Washington film: The Book of ___
Denzel Washingtons The Book of ___
Descendant of Aaron
Deseeders prename
Director Roth
Drug company founder Lilly
Drug giant Lilly
Drug magnate Lilly
Drug manufacturer ___ Lilly
Drug mogul Lilly
Druggist Lily
Drugmaker Lilly
Drugmaker Lilly who have spent over $100 million marketing Cialis
Dubya classmate
Dweller in Shiloh
Early American Whitney who invented the cotton gin
Eero Saarinen
Either 2004 candidate
Either Clinton
Either George Bush
Elm City collegian
Father of Hophni and Phinehas in the Bible
Father of Hophni and Phinehas
Father of Phineas
Father of Phinehas
Fellow in Celias heart
Film director Roth
Film star Wallach
First name among The Magnificent Seven
First name among NFL quarterbacks
First name in gin
First name in gin-making
First name in gins
First name in gins?
First name in pharmaceutical giants
First name in pharmaceuticals
First name of a farm-machine inventor
First name of the MVP of Super Bowl XLII
First over-all NFL draft pick between Carson and Alex
Football player Manning
Footballs Manning
Footballer Manning
Ford or Bush
Former Yankee Grba
Fucile of The Incredibles
George Bush was one
George Bush
George W. Bush or George H.W. Bush
George W. Bush
Giant Manning
Giant first name
Giants QB Manning
Giants quarterback Manning
Giants teammate of Tiki
Gin inventor Whitney
Gin maker
Gin maker Whitney
Gin maker?
Gin name?
Gin-maker Whitney
Gin-makers first name
Gin-touting Whitney
Gridder Manning
Harvard hater
Harvard hater?
Harvard mans rival
Harvard students rival
Harvarders rival
Harvardites rival
He beat Tom in Super Bowl XLII
He followed Peyton as Super Bowl MVP
He followed his brother Peyton as Super Bowl MVP
He may get citation
He played Calvera in The Magnificent Seven
He ruined Toms perfect season in Super Bowl XLII
He threw the game-winning pass in Super Bowl XLII to Plaxico
He was the Ugly opposite Clints Good and Lees Bad
Hes coming
Hebrew high priest
Hebrew judge
Hebrew name meaning height
Hebrew priest
High Priest of Shiloh
High priest at Shiloh
High priest of Israel
Hirer of the stunt man in The Stunt Man
Hollywoods Wallach
Horologist Terry
Horror director Roth
Horror film director Roth
Horror filmmaker Roth
Horror-film director Roth
Hughs companion?
Indianas Colonel ___ Lilly Civil War Museum
Industrialist Lilly
Ingenious Whitney
Inventive Whitney
Inventor Terry
Inventor Whitney
Inventor Whitney or actor Wallach
Inventor ___ Whitney
Inventors first name
Israeli spy Cohen
Israelite judge
Ivy League alum
Ivy League athlete
Ivy League bulldog
Ivy League nickname
Ivy Leaguer
Ivy Leaguer in New Haven
John Kerry or George Bush
John Kerry
Judge in 1 Samuel
Judge in I Samuel
Judge in Samuel
Judge in the Old Testament
Judge of Israel
Judge of Israel (1 Sam 4:18 )
Judge served by Samuel
Judge-priest in Samuel
Klezmer master Mellul
Laura Nyro saw him comin
Laura Nyros ___s Coming
Lawyer in both Civil Wars and L.A. Law
Lawyer on TVs Civil Wars
Left fielder Marrero
Letter Y wearer
Letter Y sporter
Lie told at Yale
Lilly in pharmaceuticals
Lilly native to Maryland
Lilly of Lilly Pharmaceutical
Lilly of insulin fame
Lilly of pharmaceu-ticals
Lilly of pharmaceutical fame
Lilly of pharmaceuticals
Lilly or Manning
Lilly or Mintz
Lilly or Terry
Lilly or Wallach
Lilly or Whitney
Lilly the pill pusher
Mans name that becomes another mans name when you put an F and X on its ends
Manning at quarterback
Manning in the Meadowlands
Manning manning the offense
Manning of an offensive line
Manning of the Giants
Manning of the N.F.L.
Manning of the NFL
Manning of the gridiron
Manning or Wallach
Manning or Whitney
Manning the quarterback
Manning up on the JumboTron
Manning who has won multiple Super Bowl M.V.P. awards
Manning whose team missed the playoffs in 2010
Manning with a Super Bowl ring
Manning with a ring
Manning with two Super Bowl rings
Marienthal in Tucker
Marrero of the Mets
Marrero of the St. Louis Cardinals
Member of the Whiffenpoofs
Michael Costa oratorio
Michigans ___ Broad College of Business
Mintz or Whitney
Mossad spy Cohen
Mr. Lilly
Mr. Manning
Mr. Wallach
Mr. Whitney
Musician/record producer Bobby
N.F.L. star ___ Manning Manning
NFL notable Manning
NFL star Manning
NFL-er Manning
NFLer Manning
Name in a Laura Nyro album title
Name of Oral Roberts Universitys eagle mascot
Name that comes from the Hebrew word for height
Nelly Sachs play
New England collegian
New England student
New Haven Bulldog
New Haven Ivy Leaguer
New Haven alum
New Haven college student
New Haven collegian
New Haven collegian hidden in this puzzles longest entries
New Haven collegiate
New Haven grad
New Haven nickname
New Haven scholar
New Haven student
New Haven
New Havener
New Havenite
New York Giants quarterback Manning
Nickname for a Yale student
Noah Webster
Noted gin-maker
Nutmeg State Ivy Leaguer
Nutmeg State collegian
Old Testament high priest
Old Testament judge
Old Testament priest
Old Testament priest who taught Samuel
Old ___ (Yale)
One attending Yale
One of Archies three sons
One of certain Bulldogs
One of footballs Manning brothers
One of footballs Mannings
One of the Manning brothers
One of the Manning quarterbacks
One of the Mannings
One of the NFL Mannings
One of the Whitneys
One of two NFL brothers
One of two sibling quarterbacks
One sporting a blue cap with a white Y
Outfielder Marrero
Part of R.E.O.
Part of REO
Passing Manning
Peabody Museum patron
Person singing Boola Boola perhaps
Peter OTooles maniacal film-director character in The Stunt Man
Peyton Mannings bro
Peyton Mannings brother
Peyton Mannings brother/rival
Peyton Mannings younger brother
Peytons QB brother
Peytons brother
Peytons brother on the gridiron
Peytons quarterback brother
Peytons successor as Super Bowl MVP
Peytons younger brother
Pharamaceutical giant ___ Lilly
Pharma giant ___ Lilly
Pharmaceutical chemist ___ Lilly
Pharmaceutical company ___ Lilly
Pharmaceutical founder Lilly
Pharmaceutical giant Lilly
Pharmaceutical giant ___ Lilly
Pharmaceutical giant ___ Lilly & Co.
Pharmaceutical giant___Lilly
Pharmaceutical mogul Lilly
Pharmaceutical pioneer Lilly
Pharmaceuticals giant ___ Lilly
Pharmaceutic~al tycoon Lilly
Philanthropist Broad
Philanthropist Lilly
Philanthropist billionaire Broad
Philanthropist/art collector ___ Broad
Philip Roths ___
Pill purveyor Lilly
Pioneering pharmaceutical chemist Colonel Lilly
Poker player Elezra
Popular Amish name for boys
President Bush was one
Priest at Shiloh
Priest in 1 Samuel
Priest in I Samuel
Priest in Shiloh
Priest of I Samuel
Priest of Israel who cared after Samuel
Priest of Shiloh
Priest who raised Samuel
Princetonians rival
Pro quarterback Manning
Prozacs Lilly
QB Manning
Quarterback Manning
Quarterback Manning... or Nashville lawyer Richardson
REO Speedwagons E
REO part
Ransom -- Olds
Ransom Olds middle name
Ransom Olds middle name
Ransom Oldss middle name
Ransom ___ Olds
Resident of New Havens ES Harkness Hall
Restaurateur Zabar
Rookie quarterback Manning
Roth of Inglourious Basterds
Roth who directed the 2005 horror flick Hostel
Samuel figure
Samuels caretaker
Samuels guardian
Samuels judge
Samuels mentor
Samuels predecessor
Samuels teacher
Samuels tutor
Saybrook College resident
Shiloh high priest
Shiloh priest
Shiloh resident
Short-lived series --- Stone
Singer of The Whiffenpoof Song
Skull and Bones meeting attendee
Skull and Bones member
Son of Archie Manning
Student inside ivied walls
Student of Yale
Student of Yale University
Student who might sing Boola Boola
Student whose school motto is Lux et veritas
Super Bowl MVP after Peyton
Super Bowl MVP between Peyton and Santonio
Super Bowl XLII M.V.P. Manning
Super Bowl XLII MVP Manning
Super Bowl XLVI MVP Manning
Super Bowl-winning Manning
Swedish economist Heckscher
TV lawyer Stone
TV title lawyer Stone
Taste restaurateur Zabar
Teacher of Samuel
Teammate of Osi
Teammate of Tiki and Plaxico
The E of R.E.O. Speedwagon
The E of REO
The ugly to Clints good and Lees bad
The Decemberists ___
The E in REO
The E of REO Speedwagon
The Manning with the most Super Bowl wins
The younger Manning brother
Thespian Wallach
Three Dog Night hit ___s Coming
Toms QB opponent
Toms outgunner in two Super Bowls
Tony winner Wallach
Top 10 hit for Three Dog Night ___s Coming
Tournament expert Balas*
Wallach in Lord Jim
Wallach in Night and the City
Wallach in Sams Son
Wallach in The Associate
Wallach in The Godfather
Wallach in The Magnificent Seven
Wallach in The Two Jakes
Wallach in Tough Guys
Wallach in The Misfits
Wallach of Baby Doll
Wallach of Cinderella Liberty
Wallach of Lord Jim
Wallach of The Associate
Wallach of The Good
Wallach of The Magnificent Seven
Wallach of The Misfits
Wallach of The Tiger Makes Out
Wallach of The Two Jakes
Wallach of Tough Guys
Wallach of Winter Kills
Wallach of The Deep
Wallach of The Good
Wallach of 2010s Wall Street
Wallach of film
Wallach of films
Wallach of movies
Wallach of the screen
Wallach of the silver screen
Wallach or Lilly
Wallach or Manning
Wallach or Whitney
Wallach who wrote The Good
Whitney after whom Whitneyville
Whitney known for his gin
Whitney of cotton gin fame
Whitney of gin fame
Whitney of inventing
Whitney of the gin
Whitney or Lilly
Whitney or Manning
Whitney or Terry
Whitney or Wallach
Whitney or Yale
Whitney who invented the cotton gin
Whitney with a gin
William F. Buckley was one
William F. Buckley
With Marilyn and Clark
Word repeated before lama sabachthani by Jesus on the cross
Yale Blue wearer
Yale Bowl cheerer
Yale Bowl fan
Yale Bowl player
Yale Bowl rooter
Yale Bowl yeller
Yale Bulldog
Yale Daily News reader
Yale Daily News staffer
Yale alum
Yale alumnus
Yale booster
Yale collegian
Yale fan
Yale grad
Yale grad Whitney
Yale graduate
Yale graduate Whitney
Yale man
Yale name
Yale partisan
Yale player
Yale rooter
Yale student
Yale supporter
Yeller in the Yale Bowl
Younger quarterbacking son of Archie Manning
___ Broad College of Business
___ Dunbar (nom de puzzle/anagram of Patrick Blindauer)
___ Lilly
___ Lilly & Co.
___ Lilly (Fortune 500 company)
___ Lilly (big name in pharmaceuticals)
___ Lilly (maker of Prozac)
___ Lilly and Co.
___ Lilly and Company
___ Lilly and Company (pharmaceutical giant)
___ Lilly pharmaceuticals
___ Long
___ Yale (pet macaw of Theodore Roosevelt)
A university: Colloq.
David ___ Lilienthal.
Boola Boola
Popular Colonial name.
Name meaning high.
Mr. Yale
Man's name.
Acheson's alma mater.
Bulldog man.
New Haven man.
David Lilienthal's middle name.
Man's name meaning height.
Boola-boola singer.
Alma mater of 22 Across.
Taft's alma mater.
Winner of the crew race.
Swimmer Wayne Moore's alma mater.
Man's name meaning high.
His president is Griswold.
Biblical name
Ivy League player.
Eastern college man.
A Blue.
Collegian: Colloq.
Samuel's teacher.
Student on High Street.
Byword at New Haven.
Ivy League man.
Familiar name at Yale.
Whiffenpoof singer
The Blue and White.
Blue cheerer.
Harvard's friendly enemy.
High priest
Athlete in blue.
Certain college man.
New Haven tributary.
Father of Hophni.
Bowl contestant.
Hophni's father.
Samuel's mentor.
High: Heb.
Ivy League name.
Yale Bowler.
Crimson's foe.
Boola Boola player.
Blue rooter.
Man's name meaning the highest.
Lord of the Hebrews.
First name on Broadway
Name meaning the highest.
Samuel's tutor.
Crimson's rival.
Hebrew word for Lord
Eastern student
O. T. teacher
Eastern collegian
College man.
Ivy man
Bulldog player
Larry Kelly was one
Double this for a Hebrew hymn
See 1 Across.
Inventor-clockmaker Terry
Biblical prophet
High, to a Hebrew
Wallach from Brooklyn
Yale or Whitney
He judged Israel 40 years
He schooled Samuel
Double this for a Hebrew song
David ___ Lilienthal of A.E.C. fame
Certain New Havenite
R.E.O. middle
Yale athlete
Cantab's rival
Gin inventor's first name
___ Wallach, actor from Brooklyn
Cantabrigian's rival
A first name in gin lore
Cole Porter's Bingo ___ Yale
High, in Hebrew
Bush, once
Heisman winner Kelley, e.g.
Bush was one in '48
G. Bush in '48
Ransom Olds's middle name
Samuel's predecessor
Cole Porter, collegiately
Harvardite's rival
Bush, for one
My God, in the Scriptures
William F. Buckley, notably
Lilly, the drug maker
Clinton or Bush, once
George W. Bush, as a collegian
Philip Roth's ___, the Fanatic
Dubya, as a collegian
Cole Porter, schoolwise
43-Down student
Lawyer on TV's Civil Wars
Descendant of Aaron, in the Bible
Down the Field singer, at a football game
Samuel's teacher, in the Bible
Athlete who's earned a Y
Bingo, ___ Yale (fight song)
Nickname for a 59-Down student
Skull and Bones member, e.g.
One of football's Manning brothers
Dubya, once
N.F.L.'er Manning
Michigan's ___ Broad College of Business
Bush or Kerry, collegiately
Bill Clinton, collegiately
With 10-Down, ABC series starring Jonny Lee Miller
Whitney after whom Whitneyville, Conn., is named
Student at 41-Down
My God!, as cried by King David
The E in 68-Across
Peyton Manning's brother
___ Long, Union general in the Civil War
Wallach of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Football's Manning
Peabody Museum patron, perhaps
Peyton's brother on the gridiron
Art philanthropist Broad
Country music's ___ Young Band
Biblical name meaning high
Clint : the Good :: ___ : the Ugly
Thornton Wilder, while earning his B.A.
One coming in a Three Dog Night hit
41-Across athlete
Biblical priest of Shiloh
New Haven reuner
Peyton's QB brother
Laura Nyro album ___ and the Thirteenth Confession
Late actor Wallach
Whitney who went to Yale, appropriately
Old ___ (Yale, affectionately)
Reuner in New Haven
The E of the REO Speed Wagon
One adopting the motto Lux et veritas
The Book of ___ (Denzel Washington movie)
Typical Bulldogs fan
Man's name that's Hebrew for my God
Country's ___ Young Band
Peyton's gridiron brother
Man's name that's an anagram of 63-Across
The E of 14-Across
Manning who was twice Super Bowl M.V.P.
My God!, as cried by Jesus
Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas or Sonia Sotomayor, schoolwise
Name that's Hebrew for my God
Bush or Clinton, collegiately
Skull and Bones collegian
___ Gold, chief of staff on The Good Wife
Man's name meaning my God
Yale student, informally
Country music's Mike ___
Old ___ (Yale nickname)
Actor Wallach of stage and screen
Automotive pioneer Ransom ___ Olds
Manning with the second-longest QB starting streak in N.F.L. history
Pastor role in There Will Be Blood
When repeated, cry in Matthew 27
Manning manning the Giants' backfield
Manning with two Super Bowl M.V.P. awards
Priest in the Books of Samuel
Peter's chief of staff on The Good Wife
Roth of cinematic gore
Manning with a good throwing arm
Noah Webster, collegiately
Another name for a 5-Down
2010's The Book of ___
Man's name that means my God
Whitney in the National Inventors Hall of Fame
The E of Ransom E. Olds
My God!, in Hebrew
___ Lilly (pharmaceutical giant)
Two-time Super Bowl M.V.P. Manning
Common man's name from Hebrew
___ Long, Union general at the Battle of Selma
Old Testament priest, the prophet Samuel's teacher
Priest has every little item initially
Priest in the limelight repeatedly
The man from whom Samuel imbibed wisdom
2010 role for Denzel
Manning of the NFLs Giants
Rooter for the Bulldogs
Wearer of a Y sweatshirt
Collegian who roots for the Bulldogs
Fan of the Bulldogs
Manning of football
Yale figure
__ Gold, Alan Cummings The Good Wife role
The House With a Clock in Its Walls director Roth
Not a Crimson fan
Lilly of drugs
Singer in the Whiffenpoofs, e.g.
Priest who reared Samuel
Manning who announced his retirement in 2020
Either Bush, in school
Hebrew name meaning ascent
Declaim regularly, being a priest
Priest's among non-believers
Priest often in the limelight, delighting believers
Wallach who played the Ugly in iThe Good, the Bad, and the Ugly/i
Broad with an L.A. museum named after him
Member of Grace Hopper College, say
Jodie Foster or Jennifer Beals
Manning in a huddle
Student wearing a Y
__ Bucks (Ivy Leaguers dining certificates)
Gerald Ford, circa 1940
European nickname for Helena
Nutmeg State student
New England Ivy Leaguer
One of two quarterback brothers
Anderson Cooper, at 20
Bulldog supporter
Inventor Whitney, as an undergrad (!)
The __ (New Haven apartment building)
__ blue (Ivy League hue)
Steeliest center
Disbeliever, at heart
Lupita Nyongo, in 2012
Fellow from Wheeling
Henry Louis Gates, circa 1971
Giants great Manning
___ Cohen (Mossad agent played by Sacha Baron Cohen in Netflixs 2019 series The Spy)
Roth who is directing an adaptation of the Borderlands video game series
Retired Manning
Manning with two Super Bowl victories
2019 horror film shot in New Orleans and released October 18 by Netflix
Manning of the New York Giants
Other name of Ransom Olds, after whom the Oldsmobile was named
Bush who co-produced the Golden Globe-winning Lady Bird (2017)
One of the Broads behind downtown LAs contemporary art museum called The Broad
Wallach who famously portrayed The Ugly
Roth, director of 2018s Death Wish
Princeton, Tiger: Yale, ___
Prozac maker ___ Lilly
Real-life Israeli agent Cohen, portrayed by Sacha Baron Cohen in a Netflix miniseries
Wallach who was the Ugly in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Industrial Revolution inventor Whitney
The Book of ___ (2010 neo-western)
Skull and Bones member, for one
The Book of ___ (2010 Denzel Washington movie)
44 Across student
Whitney for whom a Connecticut museum is named
Paul Sundays twin in iThere Will Be Blood/i
Retired quarterback Manning
Younger brother of Peyton
Manning who retired in January 2020
Ex-Giants QB Manning
Ivy League student
Judge of the Bible
Director Roth of cinema's Splat Pack
Crasswords constructor Dunbar
Knock Knock director Roth
Cornerback Apple
Throwing Manning
Yale Bowl athlete
Collegian posting to the Bullblog
Man's name hidden in reliableness
Manning or Roth
___ Broad (California billionaire and philanthropist who passed away last month at the age of 87)
One Night in Miami ... co-star Goree
Two-time Super Bowl QB Manning
___ Lilly (pharmaceutical company)
Manning of football fame
NFL brother of Peyton
Hes coming, in a Laura Nyro song
One wearing a Y
Jodie Foster, in college
Late philanthropist Broad
One of football's Mannings
Student on the winning side of The Game 68 out of 136 times
Anderson Cooper, as a collegian
Footballs Apple or Manning
Bengals cornerback Apple
Hebrew name meaning my God
Brown of Gossip Girl
Place where beer is made
Animal with others, those commonly happy hamsters, say?
Smile brings some light
Old cases international court read out
1978 Blondie album containing the songs Heart of Glass, Hanging on the Telephone, Sunday Girl and One Way or Another
Priest the typical rabbi backs
Folk above ground in Wells disowning old priest
High priest in the limelight once and again
In the Old Testament, the highest priest at Shiloh and teacher of Samuel
Yale nickname
Mintz or Wallach
Name that drops -jah
Goree who played Cassius Clay in One Night in Miami...
__ blue (Ivy hue)
Brown of HBO Max's "Gossip Girl" reboot
Composer Keszler
55 Across student
Apple or Manning of football
Ivy attendee
Ivy attendee
Wallach of How the West Was Won
Riverdale actor Goree
Brother of Peyton Manning
Country quartet __ Young Band
One attending 52 Across
Wallach in many westerns
Pauls twin brother in iThere Will Be Blood/i
Former quarterback Manning
Former quarterback Manning
First name in gin production?
Pauls twin in There Will Be Blood
Roth or Manning
One half of Monday Night Footballs Manningcast
One Night in Miami actor Goree
In the Old Testament, a priest of Shiloh who taught Samuel
___ Lilly (drug company whose stock took a hit due to fake tweets)
Whitney who patented the cotton gin
Name in price lists?
"Cabin Fever" director Roth
Countrys ___ Young Band
___ Cohen (Sacha Baron Cohen played him in The Spy)
Former Giants QB Manning
Two-time Super Bowl winner Manning
Wallach of "Baby Doll"
Name in "one liners"
Big farm giant ___ Lilly
Biblical mentor of Samuel
Biblical figure who raised Samuel in the tabernacle
Israelite priests relief, released from judges clutches
Daniels nemesis in iThere Will Be Blood/i
Priest in some religion
The Book of ___ (Denzel Washington drama)
Roth who directed the forthcoming slasher pic Thanksgiving
__ Bucks (Ivy League dining dollar credits)
Football analyst Manning
Cook or Roth
Roth or Wallach
Priest that is ringing bells heartily from below
Figure in the Book of Samuel
Who's "Comin'," in a Laura Nyro tune
One of the Manningcast brothers
N.F.L. cornerback Apple
Manning of ESPN's "ManningCast"
"Monday Night Football With Peyton & ___"
Ex-Giant Manning
Wallach of The Holiday
Younger "ManningCast" host
Nickname for a Yale grad
Director Roth or singer Cook
Roth in Inglourious Basterds
___ Sunday (Paul Danos role in There Will Be Blood)
Thanksgiving director Roth
Thornton Wilder, as a collegian
Goodnight, Harvard singer/taunter
Wallach who played the Ugly in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Paul Danos Oscar-nominated role in There Will Be Blood
Figure in I Samuel
39-Down alum
Knock Knock filmmaker Roth
Name that means my God in Hebrew
Regular servings of eclair for Biblical priest
Roth of filmdoms Splat Pack
Cook, Roth, or Manning
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Site of an ancient Greek oracle
Theatrical costume custodian
Unintentional error revealing subconscious feelings
Aid to an infant’s dental development
Preliminary part
Relating to speech sounds
US five-cent coin
Substance for use on the bows of stringed instruments
Ancient dump for domestic waste
Flying son of Daedalus
Biblical large and mighty beast
Group working together rejected Everyman, tense, hiding hint of anger
Pole performs hiphop about box
Warning from German: sadly can’t hug
Dear Director, Rugby player Will will miss opening
Finally ants all got slaughtered
Hollywood funnyman seeing Scottish mountain, increasingly serene
Book large hotel suite? Give us an address
Assemblages in humorous burlesque, cycling
15 suppressing this impulse
Opportunity to hide ore, not refined
Busy type churning feta for hearty beverage
Somewhat froufrou top I antiqued, expecting impossibly good outcome?
Workshy mended rugs – gladly?
$500 girl loans foolishly
Pine feature of guitar
Got a merger in trouble? Borrow more
Abruptly: Run for it! A biting beastie!
Of value to protect company, that’s obvious early on
Communicative, as expected
As lunch, desultorily eaten, still keeping officebound, principally?
Swanky do took in virtuous knight
Son becoming cold, most pale and most painful
One in theatre’s rushin’ to be heard
Ha! Giants fan lost in the country
See darn rowers successfully diet
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