Word: dolphin
A carnivorous aquatic mammal in one of several families of order Cetacea, famed for its intelligence and occasional willingness to approach humans.
A fish, the mahi-mahi or dorado, Coryphaena hippurus, with a dorsal fin that runs the length of the body, also known for iridescent coloration.
A depiction of a fish, with a broad indented fin, usually embowed.
The dauphin, eldest son of the kings of France.
(history) A mass of iron or lead hung from the yardarm, in readiness to be dropped through the deck and the hull of an enemy's vessel to sink it.
A kind of wreath or strap of plaited cordage.
A spar or buoy held by an anchor and furnished with a ring to which ships may fasten their cables.
A mooring post on a wharf or beach.
A permanent fender around a heavy boat just below the gunwale.
One of the handles above the trunnions by which a gun was lifted.
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