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Dictionary definitions:

Word: dialogue
Phonetic: /ˈdaɪəlɑɡ/

A conversation or other form of discourse between two or more individuals. Example: Bill and Melinda maintained a dialogue via email over the course of their long-distance relationship.
(authorship) In a dramatic or literary presentation, the verbal parts of the script or text; the verbalizations of the actors or characters. Example: The movie had great special effects, but the dialogue was lackluster.
A literary form, where the presentation resembles a conversation. Example: A literary historian, she specialized in the dialogues of ancient Greek philosophers.
A dialogue box. Example: Once the My Computer dialogue opens, select Local Disk (C:), then right click and scroll down.
To discuss or negotiate so that all parties can reach an understanding. Example: Pearson wanted to dialogue with his overseas counterparts about the new reporting requirements.
To put into dialogue form.
To take part in a dialogue; to dialogize.

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