This is a 7 letter answer

Dictionary definitions:

Word: corrupt
Phonetic: /kəˈɹʌpt/

To make corrupt; to change from good to bad; to draw away from the right path; to deprave; to pervert.
To become putrid, tainted, or otherwise impure; to putrefy; to rot.
To debase or make impure by alterations or additions; to falsify. Example: to corrupt a book
To waste, spoil, or consume; to make worthless.
In a depraved state; debased; perverted; morally degenerate; weak in morals. Example: The government here is corrupt, so we'll emigrate to escape them.
Abounding in errors; not genuine or correct; in an invalid state. Example: It turned out that the program was corrupt - that's why it wouldn't open.
In a putrid state; spoiled; tainted; vitiated; unsound.

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