To obtain, to purchase (as in drugs), to get hold of, to take.
To (be forced to) take; to receive; to shoulder; to bear, especially blame or punishment for a particular instance of wrongdoing. Example: When caught, he would often cop a vicious blow from his father
(trainspotting) To see and record a railway locomotive for the first time.
To steal.
To adopt.
To earn by bad behavior.
(usually with “to”) to admit, especially to a crime. Example: Harold copped to being known as "Dirty Harry".
For a pimp to recruit a prostitute into the stable.
(law enforcement) A police officer or prison guard.
(crafts) The ball of thread wound on to the spindle in a spinning machine.
The top, summit, especially of a hill.
The crown (of the head); also the head itself. Example: The stature is bowed down in age, the cop is depressed.
A tube or quill upon which silk is wound.
A merlon.
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