To gather together; amass. Example: Suzanne collected all the papers she had laid out.
To get; particularly, get from someone. Example: A bank collects a monthly payment on a client's new car loan. A mortgage company collects a monthly payment on a house.
To accumulate (a number of similar or related objects), particularly for a hobby or recreation. Example: I don't think he collects as much as hoards.
To form a conclusion; to deduce, infer. (Compare gather, get.)
(often with on or against) To collect payments. Example: He had a lot of trouble collecting on that bet he made.
To come together in a group or mass. Example: The rain collected in puddles.
To infer; to conclude.
(of a vehicle or driver) To collide with or crash into (another vehicle or obstacle). Example: The truck veered across the central reservation and collected a car that was travelling in the opposite direction.
Gathered together. Example: the collected works of Charles Dickens
Cool‐headed, emotionally stable, in focus. Example: He stayed collected throughout the ordeal.
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