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2008 award for Kelloggs All-Bran
Ad agency award
Ad agency reward
Ad agencys reward
Ad award
Ad biz award
Ad writers award
Ad writers honor
Ads award
Ad-writing award
Admans award
Advertisers award
Advertising accolade
Advertising award
Advertising statue
Annual award named for a Muse
Award coveted in Mad Men
Award for Agency of the Year
Award for Saatchi & Saatchi
Award for an ad
Award for television commercials
Award given to the creators of Dos Equis The Most Interesting Man ad
Award in the ad biz
Award in the ad business
Award named for a Muse
Award that Don Draper won on TVs Mad Men
Award with a Billboard category
Award won by Don Draper
Billboard award
Bruce Cations Muse
Campaign award
Commercial award
Durants Muse
Eratos sister
Goddess pictured with an open papyrus
Greek muse of history
Herodotuss Muse
Historians Muse
Historians inspirer
History Muse
It goes to the best spot
Madison Avenue award
Madison Avenue honor
Main character in the musical Xanadu
Mother of Hyacinth
Muse 150 + 10
Muse for Herodotus
Muse of history
Muse of history (4)
Muse with a scroll
Mythical mother of Hyacinth
One of nine sisters in myth
One of the Muses
Pitchers award?
Pitchers prize?
Pitching award?
Prize for the top spot
Prize in the ad biz
Saatchi & Saatchi award
Sister in myth
Sister of Erato
Sister of Euterpe
Sister of Terpsichore
Sister of Thalia
Sister of Urania
Stephen E. Ambroses muse
TV ad award
TV advertisers award
TV advertising award
TV commercial award
TV commercials award
TV-radio award
Television advertising award
Television commercial award
Thalias sister
The muse of history
Top spot honor
Muse who presides over history.
Addison's pseudonym.
Muse of history and epics.
Polyhymnia's sister.
Addison's pen name.
Her symbol is a scroll.
Calliope's sister.
History's muse.
Thalia's sister.
Addison's signature in the Spectator.
A Muse
One of the Nine
Sister of 37 Across.
Sister of 22 Across.
Award for a TV commercial
Muse for Thucydides
One of Calliope's sisters.
Inspiration for Thucydides
TV-commercial award
Award for a TV ad
Award for TV commercials
Giraudoux's Adorable ___
Auden's Homage to ___
Bruce Catton's Muse
TV adman's award
Commercial Muse?
Adman's award
Emmy's commercial cousin
Gibbon's Muse
Herodotus's Muse
Ad writer's honor
Ad writer's award
Advertiser's award
Pitcher's prize?
Mother of Hyacinth, in myth
Historian's Muse
Mythical figure represented in Vermeer's The Art of Painting
Renault model with a mythological name
Mad Men award
One of its categories is Agency of the Year
Muse sometimes pictured with a book or scroll
Award coveted on Mad Men
Oscar : films :: ___ : ads
Award for Agency of the Year, e.g.
1 across's Muse - from Renault?
Muse of history - car
Short cut taken by Oscar and one of nine sisters
Primarily, clever lyrist inhabiting Olympus?
Greek Muse: sister to Erato, Terpsichore, etc
The muse of history - or a type of Renault
Conservative painting revolutionary for muse
Cracked peal from Calliope leaves her sister standing
Call in on the odd characters who inspired Macaulay?
Award named for a goddess
French model Nicole stripped for casting?
25 not pale, somehow
Inspiration taken from heraldic lion
She inspired historians starting to chart life in Oxford
The Whopper Detour got one for 2019
Award that Burger King won in 2019 for its The Whopper Detour promotion
Sister of Calliope
The muse of history - or a Renault brand
Well-known seduction poem by John Donne
City and state capital of New York, situated on the Hudson river
The Muse of history in Greek mythology
Painting turned up after century, source of inspiration for historian
Advertiser of the Year award, e.g.
Award for commercial writers
Mythical figure often pictured holding a book
Honor in the advertising world
Award for advertisements
Advertising award named for one of the Muses
Promotional presentation
Advertisers honor
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Site of an ancient Greek oracle
Theatrical costume custodian
Unintentional error revealing subconscious feelings
Aid to an infant’s dental development
Preliminary part
Relating to speech sounds
US five-cent coin
Substance for use on the bows of stringed instruments
Ancient dump for domestic waste
Flying son of Daedalus
Biblical large and mighty beast
Group working together rejected Everyman, tense, hiding hint of anger
Pole performs hiphop about box
Warning from German: sadly can’t hug
Dear Director, Rugby player Will will miss opening
Finally ants all got slaughtered
Hollywood funnyman seeing Scottish mountain, increasingly serene
Book large hotel suite? Give us an address
Assemblages in humorous burlesque, cycling
15 suppressing this impulse
Opportunity to hide ore, not refined
Busy type churning feta for hearty beverage
Somewhat froufrou top I antiqued, expecting impossibly good outcome?
Workshy mended rugs – gladly?
$500 girl loans foolishly
Pine feature of guitar
Got a merger in trouble? Borrow more
Abruptly: Run for it! A biting beastie!
Of value to protect company, that’s obvious early on
Communicative, as expected
As lunch, desultorily eaten, still keeping officebound, principally?
Swanky do took in virtuous knight
Son becoming cold, most pale and most painful
One in theatre’s rushin’ to be heard
Ha! Giants fan lost in the country
See darn rowers successfully diet
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