This is a 8 letter answer

Dictionary definitions:

Word: circular
Phonetic: /ˈsɜːk.jə.lə(ɹ)/

Short for circular letter.
A sleeveless cloak cut from a circular pattern.
A shuttle bus with a circular route.
To distribute circulars to or at.
To extend in a circular direction.
Of or relating to a circle.
In the shape of, or moving in a circle.
Circuitous or roundabout.
Referring back to itself, so as to prevent computation or comprehension; infinitely recursive. Example: Your dictionary defines "brave" as "courageous", and "courageous" as "brave". That's a circular definition.
Distributed to a large number of persons.
Perfect; complete.
Adhering to a fixed circle of legends; cyclic; hence, mean; inferior.
That which flies, as a bird or insect.
A machine that flies.
An airplane pilot.
A person who travels by airplane.
A leaflet, often for advertising.
The part of a spinning machine that twists the thread as it takes it to and winds it on the bobbin
An arch that connects a flying buttress into the structure it supports.
(acrobatics, cheerleading, synchronized swimming) The person who is lifted and/or thrown by another person or persons.
A stray shot away from the group on a target.
A standard rectangular step of a staircase (as opposed to a winder).
A female kangaroo; a roo; a doe; a jill.
A leap or jump.
A risky investment or other venture.

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